Dr. Gilbert Hosts: Genetic Testing for Parkinson's Disease

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Whether you have Parkinson’s disease or have a family member who does, you may have thought about genetic testing. Understandably, many people wonder “if my parent/sibling has PD, will I get it also?” and “was I genetically predisposed to get PD?” But what exactly is genetic testing and what can (or can’t) it tell you? Dr. Gilbert spoke with PD Genetics expert, Dr. Roy Alcalay, to help answer a myriad of questions about this complex topic, including:

• Who should get genetic testing?
• Is all genetic testing the same? If not, what type should I get?
• How do I get genetic testing?
• Does insurance pay for genetic testing?
• What will I do with the results of genetic testing?
• And more!

1:56 Dr. Alcalay’s presentation

23:15 I am the first person in my family to be diagnosed with PD, are my children at risk of developing PD? Is it worthwhile to get genetic testing?

24:41 Can a person have PD and not carry a genetic mutation linked to PD?

25:44 I have multiple half-siblings. Four of them have PD. Could a researcher use my family to find another PD gene?

27:17 I have a family history of PD and have developed REM behavior sleep disorder which makes me concerned about the possibility of PD in my future. Should I get genetic testing?

29:29 My Dad has PD and I don’t. Should he get genetic testing or should I?

30:11 How can I advocate for myself to get my doctor to order genetic testing? My doctor is not familiar with the options - what should I ask for?

32:07 I had genetic testing in the past and it was negative. Should I get retested with a different lab that tests for more genes?

33:56 Do the results of my genetic testing become a part of my medical record that could have an impact in the future - such as getting health insurance?

35:58 What is the connection between environmental and genetic risk factors for PD?

38:45 My mother had essential tremor and I have PD. Is there a genetic relationship between these two conditions?

39:30 Are people with young onset PD more likely to have a genetic mutation than the general PD population?

41:25 Is there a difference in whether I should consider genetic testing if I have a first degree relative with PD or if I have a second degree relative with PD?

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