A Quiet Place - Review!

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Dan Murrell and Roth Cornet give their review of the John Krasinski directed "A Quiet Place"

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Lol that pun was awful but the delivery made it great lol


Roth's laugh after her pun melted my heart😊❤😂


just watched the start, but "quiet good" sounds good enough for me. there are too few good horror movies


I've been hearing so much about how thoughtful and well-made this movie is- as you said, a "character-driven horror movie", that I was intrigued. You guys' review is just icing on the cake- I've gotta see it now


This movie sets up so well for a Cloverfield-like connected world. The stories can be set in the same world, but have absolutely nothing to do with eachother other than the overall premise.

I'd be very interested in seeing another move with another set of survivors with another story. This was about an isolated family, the next could be about a group of survivors banded together that have to deal with living with a mixed group of personalities. So many possibilities.


1. Jim will always be endeared to my heart.
2. John Krasinski can grow a heck of a beard.
3. The sacrifice 😭
4. *Ch-Ch*


Love the point about runtime vs. pacing. I don't mind watching a three-hour movie if it needs it. A movie like A Quiet Place definitely doesn't, and I felt that it went on exactly as long as it needed to.


Good review Dan and Roth! I'm even more excited to see it now. I'm not a horror fan but the trailers have sold me on the film.


I was fortunate enough to see this film two days ago and I have to agree with Dan and Roth: it's great! In fact, it blew my mind. It's well-directed and well-acted, but its biggest selling point for me was the writing. The story is set up beautifully with a very strong opening sequence and features some really terrifying set pieces. It's a bit jumpy, sure, but I didn't mind that at all.

I'd definitely recommend this film, just make sure that you don't bring too many noisy snacks! The more quiet the audience you're seeing it with, the more intense your viewing experience will be.


jump scares don't really scare people. they startle people. big difference between being scared and startled.


A quite good genre filmmaking which roots it's existence in better horror/monster films that came before it, but A Quiet Place stands it's own ground because of the premise alone. Yet, at times it relies on dumb decision making or unnecessary jump scares just a little too much, film overlays it's flaws with great cast (yes, the kids too) and it's sustained tension that kept my knuckles white for the entirety of the film. And at the end of the day, my criteria for a horror movie is real simple - did it scare me? A Quiet Place did. It fucking did.


Just saw it tonight. Loved it. There weren't very many jump scares, maybe 3. It felt totally right. Dan, you're silly.


Dan is complaining about being scared in a horror movie. LOL


I'm NOT a horror person at all but I made it through the film last night and after I stopped stress-crying during the credits (yup, that happened) I was really into it. I loved the kids and the focus on the family. I also appreciated its ending


I think the jump scares they're talking about were necessary because it's how the characters felt in that moment. It's how they reacted to that particular situation. If this stuff were real I too would be easily freaked out by like anything! Including racoons. Any little sound could mean INSTANT DEATH. So yes, I would be a bit jumpy. lol Great review though. 😁👍 Best intro ever.


Just saw this movie yesterday. Best horror film I've seen in a long time! The atmosphere was so immersive that the audience was dead quiet until there was a safe scene where there was noise. They were so immersed they felt it was safe to talk when the characters could! Great review guys!


It was actually a thrill ride to say the least. I think Dan might be very picky when he said there was too many unnecessary jump scares because I didn't find it bothering at the slightest, it is a horror film afterall so saying there's too many of them just seems too much of a perfectionist. Overall a very good film with great sound design.


I had already planned to see this...
Now it's screen junkie approved
I am now completely sold


I am seeing it tomorrow and really excited.
