Why didn't the Republic Clone JEDI? (...Instead of Jango Fett)

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Instead of using an army of Clones based on Jango Fett... why didn't the Republic instead Clone a Jedi? We'll cover that and more on today's video!

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That was a fan theory originally. Back when "The Clone Wars" was just something Luke had heard of in A New Hope. "Obi-Wan" was actually OB-1, a designation of some sort he had been given as a clone.


Like the writing in TFU says, "No one can clone Jedi!" "They are memories of a dead man!" Perhaps cloning a Force Sensitive might confuse the clone with the thoughts and feelings of other clones and original template.


i like the theory that midi chlorians just mess up the cloning process, like you said an army of jedi clones would be unstoppable. Thanks for content, Stay safe and keep up the great work.


Whether it would work or no, I don't see Palpatine letting an army of force sensitive clones be active. Backup bodies in storage or small numbers of active pawns? Yes. Entire battalions? No way. The clone army was part of his plot, and he couldn't let it be THAT powerful. Also, he wouldn't want to risk the competition in the dark side.


I've seen this idea that the Sith limited their numbers in order to concentrate their power, but I've noticed that this doesn't seem to apply to the Light Side of the Force. Do you think that the inherently corrupt nature of the Dark Side might be why it gets less powerful the more spread out it is?


Karen Traviss, in her Republic Commando books, retroactively says that Jango Fett agreed to be cloned bc it would mean that the Mandalorian army would finally defeat the Jedi.
This isn't really in the movies at all but I like it because it provides Jango a motive beyond a desire for a child.


SMH, everyone forgets about my boys X2 and Fallon Grey, the former being a successful Clone of the latter Jedi.


When I first heard Episode 9 was going to include "Sith Troopers, " my prediction was that Palpatine's new secret army would have been Sith clones. Specifically, they would have been Vader clones so that Hayden Christensen could come back and do something different.

I even had this idea that Snoke would have been transferred into one of these cloned bodies, and that he would also be revealed as Darth Plagueis. I think that would have been interesting.


Because Palpatine didn't want to deal with a clone rebellion of Jedi, whose genes were corrupted to rise against him.


There's a novel where the Emperor has a cloning facility that was experimenting with creating younger clones of himself.
It was stated in this book that each successive round of clones became more unstable mentally, being progressively removed from the original DNA template.
As far as abilities, he actually seemed to have little trouble with replicating the Force in his clones.


“You can’t clone a Jedi, it’s never been done!” General Rahm Kota


Now let's not forget the fact that high force sensitive clones may be able to resist the chips and that the army was made to earn the Jedi's trust then turn on them.


I'm surprised there was no mention of X2 and X1 from Battlefront Elite Squadron. They where actually the first ones that came to my mind when I though of force sensitive clones and not Starkiller.


Actually there’s a book “ galaxy of fear “ where darth vader goes to old republic jedi temple on dantooine and surprisingly he found a cloning facility, it’s an old book btw.


I imagine the reason Palpatine never cloned force sensitives is because, like everything else, He's really paranoid about forces sensitive people. I mean look at the lengths he when to to get rid of every single Jedi and how tightly he controlled the sith. I imagine he would have seen how dumb of an idea it would have been to make a army of Clone Force sensitives, no matter how loyal.


Palpatine: Execute Order 66

Jedi Clone: Yes, my lord *takes out his blaster and shoots himself*


I wonder if the issues with C'baoth and the various failed Starkiller clones were due to the cloning process used. The 2 main reasons I think that are because there didn't seem to be issues with X1 and X2 (ironically cloned from Kota's padawan), and in the comic version of TFU2, it's mentioned that the clones of Boba Fett suffer from less extreme versions of what the Starkiller clones had, with both sets of clones primarily being trained through memory flashes and becoming fully developed within weeks.
Another idea I've heard about is that some of the failed Aberrant Clones were turned into the Sith Acolyte and Saber Guard enemies from the game (presumably after being reduced to force sensitive husks like the Jedi who were turned into Shadow Guard members). Admittedly this only started because they have similar voice lines to the Aberrant Clones Vader sends against Starkiller during the boss fight but there is more evidence than just that. All 3 projects were started on Kamino (with the Saber Guard only being encountered during the Assault on Kamino), both enemy types line up with one of the versions of Aberrant Clone (Saber exclusive and Force exclusive) and one of the only force powers that works on Saber Guards when they aren't stunned is Mind Trick.


My personal favourite force-sensitive clones are X1 and X2 from Battlefront: Elite Squadron, who were both successful clones of the Jedi master Falon Gray and fought in the clone army during the clone wars. I'm not really sure why they worked so well or why there were only two of them though


To quote Rahm Kota, no-one can clone a Jedi


I always went with the rule involving Dorsk 81 and 82 which was that the Force tended to pick and choose who it inhabited. I remember a passage about how no Dorsk before 81 was Force sensitive, he was an aberration in the line. A sport of nature up to that point, and it was not unheard of Force sensitives randomly appearing in cloning, but it was rare.

It seemed to fit in well with the rest of legends canon, Palpatine's clones inherited the Force because they were vessels for his spirit. But when an outside party attempted to control the Force and make it inhabit a clone body of a Force sensitive, it would drive the clone insane.
