The Morbid Reasons Why the Republic Fell LONG Before the Battle of Coruscant

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The Republic turned to the Empire a looooong time before Palpy made his epic senate speech. In this episode, we delve further into the topic.

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Star Wars fans: “Wait, it’s all the Empire?”

Maul: “it aways has been”


"The Jedi fell long before the purge."


Last time I was this early Palpatine wasn’t the senate


Suggestion for future: What if both sides of the Clone Wars were using conscript armies instead of clones and droids?


They fell because they didnt have the high ground early on.


Ezra : Commander what were the seperatists fighting for?

DC : According to my programming - freedom from the tyranny of the republic

Ezra : Hmm fighting tyranny...sounds like the empire has always been your enemy


Something I’ve only realized as I’ve gotten older is how unpopular the political sentiment found during episodes II & III was in 2001-2005 America.
Like we joke about how cheesy some of the dramatic lines are, or Anakin quoting George W Bush, but that was borderline subversive for the time.
Whether you agreed with him or not, you have to respect the stones on George Lucas that during a time when Americans were out for blood, the PATRIOT ACT, and certain Toby Keith songs on the radio, Lucas used the series that he will be remembered for to say something he believed (even if it was very unpopular at the time.)


Something to note as well, many characters in-universe will frequently talk about democracy when referring to the Republic. Meaning that few really understood the government of the Republic beyond a broad understanding. Which is basically a death sentence for Republics when their founding policies are forgotten by both its politicians and populace.


“I was very interested in the fall of the republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire. When Palpatine, supreme commander and the Republic’s highest executive authority tore off the visage of democracy to reveal his true desire for power, I knew that it was all finished. I thought the republic should’ve been providing for citizens’ welfare, but they oppress the lower class, political dissidents, and the non-humans. Heavy nationalization of industry, police-state legislation, and strengthening the executive branch and weakening the two other branches. Also, I can’t imagine Palpatine didn’t bribe so many people in the government to his advantage.” -CS/CT-8711-12 “Cheng”, Captain and Scout of the 442nd Siege Battalion


One need only look at history to see that Empire's are born and die, not in days, or years, but decades, the cracks form long in advance, not inevitably fatal, almost all can be fixed, but when enough get missed, exploited, or bungled by a succession of bad luck, bad rule, or bad intent, the right or wrong move can bring it all down. Things were already shaping up before Palpy was even born, but he played it beautifully, don't let the first sentence take anything away from him, whatever flaws the Republic had weren't necessarily fatal until Palpy made them so .


The Republic died when they decided to effectively make the Palpatine the senate at the start of the war. Along with their decision to abuse child/man soldiers and force them to fight as a slave army. Seriously though, that’s one of the reasons I love the Clone Wars because there isn’t a morally justified or good side. Both sides are very gray leaning towards evil. But at least the vast majority of Clones were shown to be nice and very empathetic guys. Maybe that’s why Palpatine had them replaced


When he says 'Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act' I hear 'Emergency Decree for the Protection of People and State', better known as Reichstag Fire Decree. Say what you will of the Prequels and TCW, but what it did in portraying the death of liberty was superb storytelling.


2:38 "The Republic will fall as it always has, a fall that will take a millennia."


In one of the movie novelizations, the opening narration downright states that the Republic was like a tree and that that tree while seeming strong on the outside, was rotten at it's core.


Huh anyone notice how much the Republic is like the Roman Republic/Empire


Maul: There are three walls
Ahsoka: There are four, actually.
Maul: For now. I must tell you how the republic fell already.


When the Prequel Era inevitably gets a gritty reboot (hopefully several decades from now), I’d love to see a political thriller take place from at/around the beginning of Palpatine’s Chancellorship, thru the establishment of the New Order.

The naive protagonist would see the thunderous Senate applause on the holonet and lament “So this is how the Republic dies...” to which the jaded deuteragonist would snap back “ ‘This’?? _This?!_ This is simply the last gasps of an already-dying government! The Republic died a long time ago, when our beloved -Emperor- Chancellor passed the Security Act (way back in the Pilot episode) !! We were just too blind to notice it back then...”


When palpatine was granted emergency powers with no sunset provision the republic was over. He already won. He was just trying to be as artful about it as possible so the transition was clean with the right scapegoats


???: Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


One of the most shocking revelations is the fact that Moffs were already in place even before the declaration of the new order
