Watch a wrongfully convicted man go free after 28 years in prison

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A judge has exonerated a Missouri man who's spent nearly 28 years in prison for murder. CNN video. MW-010TU
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I did 4 years for something I didn't do and was acquitted for twice before being convicted and being sentenced to 4 years. So I know a little bit of what he is feeling. They need to hold people accountable for what they do . He lost 28 years. Where is his Justice . That State Attorney General need to resign . He is biased and does not have the capability to do his job . This man had overwhelming evidence day he was innocent and the Attorney General opposed him getting released .The problem, he knew he was innocent but still what'd for him to be incarcerated . The state attorney did the same thing on my case and when I proved my self innocent they just change the facts and take me to a other trial. What a lot of people don't understand is they will not allow you to bring up evidence in your favor if they don't want you to at trial. In my case they said they identified me after my co-defendant return stolen property to a store with her ID and I lived at the same address as her. She was given 3 years but her case was reverse due to misidentification as she was at the hospital giving birth during the crime and they didn't provide any evidence that she did anything. They changed my case to a nabbor ID me. I was acquitted. At my second trial for the same exact crime they said they were able to identify me because I return a can of paint on a different date from the crime and was not what was allegedly stolen . I was acquitted . After my second trial the judge told the state attorney that the officer could not identify me because he never meet me but if he remembered he was a witness he could identify me in court. On my 3rd trial the officer now remembered he followed me from the theft to my house 3 different times over a 100 miles, but never called police or took any video or filed a police report for 6 months. I was not allowed to bring up that my co-defendant was Missed identification or I have been acquitted. I also had a affidavit from the from the officer stating that a other office Id me as I buying a generator a month before the crime and was able to take photos of my car and the tag which he used to ID me and my co-defendant . I don't understand why we even have a legal system anymore, they don't care if you are innocent. I spent 3 years trying to go to trial for shoplifting. I even heard the state attorney say she new I was innocent but I did other things and this was Karma . That not how are system is supposed to work . Our legal system is a third world countries and you never understand it if you never experienced it. Alexander Hamilton once wrote that would be better to let 10 guilty people go then lock up one innocent person and if we didn't do so it would take away the Integrity of our country . Now they would lock up 10 innocent people then let 1 guilty person go . And they have no repercussions .
