When Does Human LIFE Begin?

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Mr. B responds to the claim that "life begins at conception" is only a religious belief.

#RedPenLogic #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ProLife #UnbornLivesMatter #Science

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I wonder how she would respond to all pro lifers that aren’t religious…


Even when I wasn't a Christian, it just made sense to me that the moment an egg was fertilised by sperm that there was the potential for life and to interfere with that process was causing the death of that potential person.
I don't understand how others see it differently


"But some religions don't see that as a life."
Yeah, and some religions practice virgin sacrifice. Your point, AOC?


Even if it were theocratic, that alone doesn’t make it wrong.


Remember, as Christians, keeping silent on these matters is a big no no. Stop avoiding "political correctness" brothers and sisters. Give credit and glory to the lord when you speak out on these matters.
Also, I kinda laughed when AOC called Jewish people brothers and sisters when she herself is not even "religious".


My mother had the opportunity to abort me because she could die during childbirth. She never considered it for a second because she loved me and wanted me to live so much. Hearing people talk like this about CHILDREN in the womb is horrifying and dehumanizing. They have no love and live for their self-serving delusions. I never wanted to be killed in the womb, and those still in the womb don't want to be, either!


Fun story: I presented a case against abortion to the head pastor of the church I attend after he finished his sermon on a Bible-based case for pro-life ethics. I used my own mental common sense and the things you taught - he loved it so much he shared it with the congregation. I always try to make a "pagan" or "secular" cases for some of the things I believe in because of the pathetic argument "it's just an old, dusty book." The pastor really did love what I had to say, so thank you for being an amazing teacher!


AOC: *"What about their right to exercise their faith?”*

AOC slips from "Judaism permits abortion" (no, it doesn’t) to getting an abortion is an exercise of religious faith. This woman made it through college?


It makes me even more sick that Singer can believe an embryo is a human and still support abortion. At least most pro-choicers try to deceive themselves that embryos are not yet human. Killing something you recognise as a human is vile.


You're always putting out so much content. God willing, people will listen to reason!


Pro-choice people: "The Bible never says abortion is a sin!"

Also pro-choice people: "All pro-life arguments are religious!"

You can't have it both ways. Pick one. Either the pro-life position is inherently Christian or it isn't.


*What's incredibly upsetting is that I VERY carefully formed a nonreligious argument, BASED on Embryology (including pro-choice scientist's and doctors) BUT now the YouTube overlords will automatically delete it if I post it* 😠 This includes fetus's/babies feeling pain, neurological facts and its implications BY EXPERTS in their field, and intellectually honest, highly regarded institutions..I also point out that doctors up until the mid 1980's performed procedures on babies up to 15months old WITHOUT anesthesia..they were deemed as beings that couldn't feel pain..we now know that is beyond ridiculous! But if pro-choicers decide to declare that the unborn feel pain at ANY time within the 9months, ESPECIALLY the last 2 trimester's, it would be acknowledging them as an individual that feels pain..look into the torturous method (and I do VERY MUCH mean torturous) that takes days to dryout a baby slowly and painfully til organs shutdown and a dead fetus is delivered..I go into adoption facts, foster care facts, and Eugenic facts..Eugenics was supported by Aristotle, Hitler and even Epstein, who spoke at conferences supporting it..BUT facts are not allowed on this social platform??? The key to ultimately fighting abortion is a NON-RELIGIOUS argument..and it's infuriating that ONLY ignorant opinions, VOID of facts and attacking Christianity, are acceptable now! I would be pro-life even if I was an Atheist but that's not allowed..now opinion is fact AND fact is opinion..AOC offers nothing but opinion..I'm tired of of politicians of EVERY political party being praised for ridiculous opinions..if you think 1 single political party is 100% right, you're delusional..NO MORE choosing the lesser of 2 evils..evil is evil so do NOT continue to settle..if God's not okay with it THEN a Christian shouldn't be okay with it..anything less is intellectually dishonest and Biblically dishonest..sadly some people want to make sure they get that prepaid ticket to Hell..in saying ALL that, I REALLY hope this comment sticks 😬


The question up for debate should not be, “When does life begin?” but rather, “When does *personhood* begin?” Although science has valuable contributions to make to this conversation, ultimately this is a philosophical debate, and not one likely to be resolved anytime soon.


Ms. Ocasio-Cortez seems to be angling to have people think of laws or proposed laws based on religion-derived beliefs or claims as being invalid.
In addressing that, I would ask her to take religion out of the equation completely and establish, apart from a mere appeal to law, that she is a person with a right to life.


I once had a professor say that the abortion debate isn’t a moral issue. But it literally is a moral issue


1:56 Absolutely the point. It terrifies me that one wall moves to another so quickly.

"Thank God for abortion"

"God killed His son, why can't I"

Those are slogans from two recent pro-choice rallies I've seen. We've moved on from the argument of conception straight into the trenches of human value.

God help us all.


Weren't we all that embryo once? Didn't all humans that have ever been grow exactly that way?
Shouldn't that mean that it is simply a stage in human growth?

So many Pro-choice arguments sound like an unwillingness to own up to responsibility


remember guys: follow the science except when its not convenient for us politically


The reason why Christians get so heavily involved is because we are to speak for those who don't have a voice and we should value all life. I don't speak against abortion because i am a Christian, i speak against it cause its proven that its a life and my Christian belief teaches me to value this life and protect it.

But then again i lead my life based on Gods word and that same word is clear how those who dont believe will reject it. So i really dont expect much from AOC or any other non-believer.


I'm SO GLAD I clicked to watch this video!!! Wow, couldn't agree more. So thankful there's brothers like you who are responding to ignorant videos like O.A.C's. Thank you!<><
