Kristan Hawkins: Science Proves Life Begins At Conception

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Do you know that life begins at conception? Then you are pro-science!

Students for Life of America (SFLA) is one of the nation's most active pro-life organizations and the largest youth pro-life organization. We are the only national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping college, high school, medical, and law school students. Our approach is uniquely effective, and the methods we have developed are a combination of time-tested techniques and cutting-edge technology.
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Women don’t need abortion, they are deceive into thinking so. The world only wants money, no matter the cost. I pray that they may realize that lives of women and children are sacred and they may never abuse of this sanctity. 🙏


She is preaching the truth. May God The Almighty guide her further.


I’m not a fan of eliminating someone for the convenience of selfish pleasures.


Love the fact that your educating everyone on this necessary subject which is life itself, may God bless you and your family.


If those girls standing to the side holding up clothes hangers think they are protesting thats just pure silliness. You have no personality behind your argument just slovenly standing there giving yourselves a tired arm and possible pinched nerves.


( That Fetus is a Baby ) Luke 1:39 - 42 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, 40. where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, THE CHILD LEAPED IN HER WOMB. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit 42. and exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.


This women is simply telling the truth without weird poses, screams and logical fallacies.


My wife is 15 weeks pregnant! In the ultrasound We saw the heart beating hands arms feet teeth head!! That’s 100% a baby!!


Its abiut time the world knew that the woman's body tries to kill the new fetus because it is a foreign body in the mother. In other words a seperate identity, not the woman's body whuch she can do with as she pleases. The amazing thing is that the embryo is protected from the mother by a fluid until it is accepted. Another interesting fact is that the baby does not get a direct flow of blood from the mother. If it did it would die but by an amazing created exchange unit the baby is fed and at the same time kept safe


While this is much deeper than money, the financial windfall to providers is undeniable, from its very beginning.


"What did you do today"

- I stood on a stage holding a coat hanger in the air like a hero


Woman are told they are FREE if they abort. Cane was told he would be FREE if he kills Able. Same tactic used.


I was finally able to heal from the abortion I had almost 2 decades ago.
I couldn’t even think about it without having an emotional day.
It was through Christ, my conversion to the Catholic faith, confession, confirmation, baptism and a method called Emotional Freedom techniques (EFT) that I am finally free. I am forgiven in the name of Jesus Christ and he is the path towards healing.
I can now “think” about abortion, my unborn child and the situation without going into anxiety or panic. My husband coerced me into having it done. I did not want it but I was pro choice at the time. He ended up divorcing me shortly afterwards. My life was nearly ruined. I went into debt. I self sabotaged and I suffered tremendously and so did my young daughter at the time. She missed out on the opportunity to have a sibling. My family was homeless for a while as I went into deep depression.
People lie and say that abortion is no big deal especially the doctors and nurses who work there.
Well, it is a big deal. I can say that my wish is to help women get to a place where I am now. A place of forgiveness and peace. It seemed like an impossible thing. But it’s possible to heal. If more women healed they would be less likely to defend the act and promote it so much is what I believe. I am not a licensed professional but I just know from my own experience that is how I used to cope with the guilt.
To anyone reading this Have a Blessed Day and know that God sees you as worthy of Love and forgiveness.


Absolutely scientifically true!!! We are all made in the image of God:) and we are all entitled to the same rights whether inside or outside the womb!


Praise God for this sister. Praying for her


We need more of this, truth will overcome them all


Thank you for standing up for Truth! You ROCK!


My husband is a medical doctor. He says that A person is dead when their heart stops beating. He said if there is a heartbeat that there is a life.


Who are the two people on the right side of the screen holding up potential murder weapons?


Wow, awesome. Keep up the Great work.
