Paranormal Bigfoot | Supernatural Phenomenon Documentary | Full Movie

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Paranormal Bigfoot is an investigation into a segment of the Sasquatch community that believes there is more to this enigmatic creature than a simple animal.

Stars: Russell Acord, Stan Gordon, Bob Gimlin, Christopher Noël
Directed by Bill Lancaster, Amy Lancaster

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I had My First sasquatch experience while camping in Ontario Canada in 2012. From my experiences thus far sasquatch have a language but can also speak telepathically. They can also effect your dreams, give you visions (project images), remote view, astral project and cloak. Pretty wild, I know


I don't believe that people see these creatures because of sleep deprivation or being tired. We're tired every day and don't see them.


It's possible to imagine that, as a being living in harmony with nature, it may have developed a deep connection with the natural world and its rhythms. As a being with a deep connection to nature, it may have developed extraordinary abilities that could be similar to yogi siddhis.

Yogi siddhis are spiritual powers that require intense spiritual practices and dedication, and it's essential to approach these concepts with respect and understanding. The use of meditation, in this context, could be a natural extension of the sasquatch's instinctual connection to the environment.

Some possible yogi siddhis that Sasquatch might possess, could include:

- Telepathy or intuition, allowing it to communicate by words, pictures or emotions at a distance
- Enhanced strength, agility, or endurance, enabling it to navigate its forest habitat with ease, potentially also needing less food or sleep
- Camouflage or invisibility, helping it to blend in with its surroundings and avoid detection
- Healing abilities, allowing it to recover from injuries or illnesses
- Pranayama-like abilities, allowing it to control its breath and survive in harsh environments (Tumo meditation)
- Enhanced senses, such as night vision, acute hearing, or a heightened sense of smell. Also including remote viewing and clairaudence abilities
- Ability to astral project, either in orb form or in full
- Power to control the forces of nature, such as summoning wind or conjuring fire
- Ability to enter a state of deep meditation or hibernation, allowing it to conserve energy and survive during harsh winters
- Possession of ancient knowledge and wisdom, passed down through generations of Sasquatch
- Capacity to see into other realms or dimensions, allowing it to perceive its surroundings in a unique way

Many indigenous cultures and folklore traditions indeed describe Sasquatch as spiritual beings, often associated with wisdom, protection, and a deep connection to nature. These ideas suggest that Sasquatch embody a strong sense of ethics and integrity. It's likely that they would be revered as guardians of the forest and role models for humans seeking to live in harmony with nature and each other.

If Sasquatch is telepathic, which i believe they are, it could potentially explain why they have been so elusive and difficult to track or study. The potential implications of telepathic Sasquatch would be enormous, ranging from breakthroughs in fields like cognition, neuroscience, and psychology to potential national security and strategic interests.

If we were to imagine a scenario where Sasquatch possess such abilities, it's possible that their presence could have a profound impact on human consciousness and our relationship with the natural world. This could represent a shift in human awareness and a deeper connection with the natural world. It's a thought-provoking concept that inspires us to consider our place within the ecosystem and the potential for spiritual and scientific growth and transformation.


The reported glowing eyes of Sasquatch are a common feature of many eyewitness accounts. There are several theories that could explain the glowing eyes phenomenon:

1. Reflection: In low-light conditions, the eyes of many animals, including primates, can reflect light due to the reflective layer in the back of the eye called the tapetum lucidum. This layer helps animals see better in the dark by reflecting any available light back onto the retina.

2. Eyeshine: Another possibility is that the eyes of Sasquatch appear to glow due to a phenomenon called "eyeshine." This occurs when the eyes are illuminated by a light source, such as a flashlight or moonlight, and the light is reflected back, giving the appearance of glowing eyes.

3. Misidentification: It's also possible that the glowing eyes reported in Sasquatch sightings are simply a result of misidentification of a known animal, such as a raccoon or opossum, which can have eyes that appear to glow in the dark.

4. Bioluminescence: Some researchers have suggested that Sasquatch could have bioluminescent eyes, meaning they produce their own light.

Although this is seemingly the least likely explanation, I would like to note that research suggests that visualizing white light can increase biophoton emission from the eyes. Biophotons are tiny particles of light that are emitted by living cells, including those in the human body.

Studies have shown that when the brain is engaged in visual imagery, including visualizing white light, the eyes emit more biophotons. This is because the brain's visual cortex is activated, and this activity is associated with increased biophoton emission.

One study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology found that biophoton emission from the eyes increased significantly when participants visualized white light compared to when they were in a state of relaxation.

If we assume that Sasquatch have the capacity for meditation and visualization, it's possible that their eyes could appear to glow due to increased biophoton emission. This could be especially true if they have a more developed visual cortex or a unique physiological response to meditation and visualization.

All I can say is, after visualizing white light in meditation my eyes seem to glow with a noticeable luminosity for a short time afterward. I believe sasquatch meditate, utilize visualization techniques and subsequently emit more biophotons from their ocular verve, that's why their eyes glow.


Russell is a materialist, so he thinks science, as we know it, has the answers. But science is a method, not an encompassing body of knowledge. Telepathy is a fact. I have done it.


Very good video. Ron Morehead had some very interesting points, as did some of the others. Not sure why Russell Acord was part of this presentation - it could have done without him. He was the most negative, yet he was on the idiot show bigfoot expedition. What a joke.


They have their own language, seem to understand the language of the local tribe, and have been reported doing 'mind speak' in English when circumstances dictate....which is a cunning move because the words can be guided into the mind of a certain witness without any others hearing the communication. If language is one of the features that make humans human then by what measure do we use for these humans?


I’ve never heard Ron say where the springs are. I think that’s very important. I think natural springs are very powerful. May attract or even power portals.


Haumitakuyapay, hello my relative. All that you said in your comment regarding Chiye Tanka / Big Brother Elder is true. They are highly intelligent beings. If they reveal themselves to you then take it as a compliment for they do not reveal themselves to everyone. They know sense if you fall under the heading good or bad just by the energy your body exudes. Me and my people, the Lakota of So. Dakota would show them respect and reverence for they are the guardians and protectors of motherearth. They are angered of those attempting to destroy the earth and those attempting to hunt them down. They enjoy the varieties of food in our world. Man will never find their remains in our world, in our realm. They come from their own dimension, realm, world. They have been interacting with my oyahtay / people peacefully for generations. They know us, we know them. Just like man that has a moral code to live by that dictates and drives our behavior and conduct Chiye Tanka also has a code that they live by. Their code dictates they can enter and visit our realm to feed and interact with man if they choose to, but their code dictates to them as beings that if and when they cease to exist or die off that they will do so in their world and not ours! Hence, as i already said before we, that is man, will never find or locate Chiye Tanka, Big Brother Elder's remains bcus the place they go to die is their world! Chiye Tanka, Big Brother Elder, Haumitakuyapy/ hello my relatives. Mitakuye Oyasin, we are related in that we were created by the same Creator of All Life! No matter what we may personally believe, the fact is that man has come to a greater understanding of Chiye Tanka/ Big Brother Elder and what and who they are, and that is a goid thing! Wakan Tanka wastay kici un. Godbless all of you!


I am High functioning Autistic, and with that comes synesthesia... so I do see hear smell and taste things differently. Ya, Maybe sasquatch do to.


Why make a video where it is hard to hear what is being said because of the MUSIC in the Video.


So you say that people who have good experiences and try to habituate with them need to be careful because you feel that they may be something else that’s highly intelligent and deceiving us with the positive encounters? How can your next line of rationale be that it’s too dangerous then for any people that move to the area and don’t know to feed the bigfeet? You’ve made the first part of your point based on them being highly intelligent and deceptive beings who are coaxing us into something dark, and your closing point contrasts the first by ascribing the behavior of human-fed BEARS who will attack people who don’t have food to give. You can’t give such a dark and foreboding warning to people on a spiritual level about habituating with Sasquatch and then have the reason for the warning be because they will act like animals with a fraction of the intelligence you’ve assigned to Sasquatch.


I have never seen Bigfoot, but I have encountered a Wendigo. A Wendigo is unbelievably telepathic. In the presence of a Wendigo, an ordinary human can communicate telepathically ( _with_ a Wendigo.)


Those was really enjoyable thank you 🙏🏻


When a documentary starts out saying it’s an “undiscovered primate” makes me tune out. You don’t get the time of day when you continue to chase your tales on the subject.


I think maybe there's a bigfoot in all of us that were looking for ya know.


what i want to know is; if the 'fallen angels found the daughters of men beautiful' and mated with them...what does it say about the characterists and look of these so called paternal - angels? not exactly fair with gossamer wings now are they?


this one of the best big foot educational talks ❤ Word


Liked the video but hated the background music. Amateur productions think it somehow enhances the video experience, it’s just so annoying.


Here’s the problem with the Nephilim theory-

If you are going to claim that the answers to life’s mysteries are to be found in the Old Testament, both canonical and non-canonical scripture because it’s literal gospel of recorded reality, and therefore should be taken literally, then you should be compelled to accept that the flood cleansed the earth of all beings and creatures not aboard the Arc. You can’t say that early genesis is recorded reality and later genesis is metaphorical or just inaccurate. How would you go about supporting the distinctions you’ve concluded between the different parts of the book? That’s a rhetorical question. It can’t be done.
