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I’m back from Poland, and how great it is to be back with a new series!

In this series I’ll be discussing the importance of your CHART RULER (which is the planet that rules your rising sign) & the role that it plays in your life!

In this introduction video I explain what the chart ruler is followed by my own personal analysis into how I view the zodiac signs in terms of their YIN/YANG energy!

If you know your chart ruler then please be sure to tell us all in the comment section what it is!

PS, the WINNER of the birth chart giveaway is going to be announced soon, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you lovelies and I hope you enjoy the series!



Thanks for watching!



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📚 Books, websites and sources used:
🔗 Astrology: A Cosmic Science by Isabel M Hickey (1992)
🔗 Choice a entered Astrology: The Basics by Gail Fairfield (1990)
🔗 The Twelves Houses by Howard Sasportas (1985)
🔗 Zodiac Types by Collins Gem (1993)




My name is Hannah! I'm Northern Irish and I make videos about Astrology. I want to use astrology as a practical tool, as a way to help others understand it, whilst also demonstrating how others can apply it to their everyday lives. If you want to stay up to date with my content then please be sure to click the SUBSCRIBE button! That way we can learn together!

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This is my birth chart
Ascendant: Libra ♎
Sun: Aquarius♒
Moon: Scorpio♏️
Mercury: Capricorn♑
Venus: Sagittarius ♐️
Mars:Sagittarius ♐️
Jupiter: Leo♌️
Saturn: Gemini♊️
Uranus: Aquarius ♒️
Neptune: Aquarius♒️
Pluto: Sagittarius♐

Dominant planets are: Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune

Dominant elements: Air, Fire, Water

Dominant signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius

Dominant houses: 3rd, 5th, 4th

Edit: Sorry for the mishap with my chart! Turns out I put the wrong birth info in the calculator, oops! Blame by Sagittarius energy for missing that detail!


Yeah a new series ! 🎉
I'm a Virgo rising with Mercury in the 12th in Leo ♌️🌞


Can you explain what it means to have planets conjunct the chart ruler more? My chart ruler Saturn is conjunct my moon.


Thanks Hannah I didnt know about chart rulers until this video!!! My chart ruler is Venus. I am a Libra rising. Going to watch that video now.


I'm a libra rising with
Scorpio sun- 1st house
Scorpio Venus- 1st house
Scorpio Mercury- 1st house
virgo moon- 10th house
Aquarius mars- 4th house
Aquarius Uranus- 4th house
Aquarius Neptune- 4th house
Sagittarius pluto- 2nd house
cancer Jupiter- 9th house

great video btw 💕💫


Virgo Rising. Mercury in my 12th house.
Sun in my 12th house.


Libra rising with Venus in Virgo in 12th house.


aw man i have to wait till the end >.<


Libra Rising, air, cardinal, Venus is the chart ruler, yang energy, all about love, value and being valued, idealistic love.


I can't wait for aquarius rising video, but I'll try to be patient, I know it'll be worth it. :D


Ok, so I was born in October the 16th meaning my journey is to become a Libra. But my moon is in the 1st house (ascendant) and squares the sun in 5 degrees. What does it mean?


Capricorn rising 
Saturn in my 1st house Aquarius 
Scorpio sun


Hi Hannah, I really like how you will be presenting this series! My chart ruler is Mercury (Virgo Rising) and my chart dominating planet is Jupiter due to my Sag Stellium (Mercury, Venus and Neptune)


Cancer Rising here!!
Moon in Leo in the 2nd house, with Mars and Jupiter conjunction. :)


If my rising sign is Scorpio, & Pluto is in 16 degrees Scorpio, does that mean my ruling planet is indeed Pluto?

(Sun is Libra. Moon is Taurus. Mercury is in Libra if that's relevant)


But what is your sun, rising, mercury AND venus are in Libra?!?


Cancer Asc - Moon in Capricorn conjunct NN & Jupiter in 6th house. Moon is also ruler of SN in 12th hse!


Does this mean then we aren't our SUN sign yet? or our SIGN yet? My Sun is in Scorpio, Cancer in Rising - am I Cancer riding into my Scorpio?


Cancer rising, so the moon is my ruler. I really like it! And it also means that my video is coming soon yay


I don't know, I don't feel like venus (I have a libra-ascendant) rules my chart...I feel like saturn rules my life. I have a whooping 24% of capricornian energy in my chart. So saturn takes up quite a lot. Hannah, did you see my musings on what the 8th house means in the birth-chart? The post where I wrote about the 4th house being our foundation and the emotional body which requires unconditional love which whe should ideally get from our parents. The 8th house from what I see correlates to the 4th house in that it is about the problems that manifest in the human psyche when whe didn't get love at home. The areas in which whe feel empowered are the ones were whe recieved nurturing and love and those where whe feel disempowered are the ones where whe didn't recieve love and where whe weren't nurtured. So empowerment in the 8th house would come through finding the love and nourrishment whe would have needed in the 4th house. I do see the correlation between empowerment and feeling loved and disempowerment and feeling unloved very clearly within myself.

Yesterday I asked my "mother" wether she loves me and she told me to get lost. She told me she doesn't love me as she already has enough problems on her own. I have moon in 8th house^^ I expected this kind of response but I needed to hear it from her so that I can be sure she doesn't love me and the way she treated me wasn't my fault. It is soo deeply ingraned in our psyche to believe that our parents must love us because they are our parents. Therefore if they hurt us it must be our fault as they do have our best intentions at heart. My parents love me and want what is best for me. But they hurt me terribly and if they love me then it must be my fault. I want to break this paradigm and realise that I was never loved by my mother which is the reason why she treated me so harshly and unlovingly and that it therefore wasn't my fault. I mean it is really really hard to process through that but I rather accept that I was never loved than to believe she had my best intentions at heart and that her behaviour towards me somehow was my fault.

As I come to think of it venus is in leo in my 10th house. I deeply desire creativity and I want to be able to express myself creatively and find my joy and passion. I want to be known for my creativity. But I feel unloved and like I don't get to express myself as it doesn't matter. So my journey clearly is about finding self-love and resolving the heavy wounding-signature around cancer and 4th house in my chart to then be able to access my creativity and finally live a life out of joy as my north-node is in 5th house and my chart-ruler is in leo in 10th. So yeah, I can see my journey reflected in my chart the way you described it!
