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Рекомендации по теме

Planetary Chart Ruler in:

1st House 10:32
2nd House 13:13
3rd House 15:33
4th House 17:51
5th House 20:34
6th House 21:37
7th House 23:37
8th House 26:10
9th House 27:54
10th House 29:21
11th House 31:19
12th House 34:06


My son is Scorpio ASC mars in Sagittarius 2nd house and Pluto in the 3rd, he is a brilliant kid, never stops talking, learning or moving.


Every single planet and house in my chart point to my first house in Scorpio so I am a physical manifestation of Pluto and Mars. The current 0° Pluto transit is officially activating me. It's going down 🔥


Sag rising with chart ruler in 8th house - this is so accurate!! Thank you🩷🩷


4th and 9th. Mother is my soulmate and best friend and this framed my whole personality. I am a huge dreamer with beliefs and lifestyle in appreciation for different cultures/spirituality. Spot on


Pisces rising with Jupiter in the 12th and Neptune in the 11th. Holy cow Meredith. on point!!! I had a friend seriously drill in my head that not everyone is nice with good intentions and it was a big pill to swallow. Thank you!!


Wow! I am a cancer rising on the Ascendant and related both to the fifth house (my moon), but very deeply to the 12th house (my sun on the ascendant). I literally again am brought to tears in one of your videos lol! Because it is so so true which is why I think I just feel lost and defeated on a regular basis. Constantly trying to make big changes and feeling everybody’s hurt and pain and the terrible mess in the world. I’m such a happy person, but my heart gets sad and heavy, very easily just by the energy in a room even.


My Rising sign is in Gemini ♊ by 1 degree
Mercury is the house ruler .
Mercury in Aquarius ♒ in the 9th house. 0 degrees
Sun in Aquarius ♒ 3 degrees in the 9th house
Jupiter in Capricorn 23 degrees in the 9th house

I am very blunt, straight forward, no nonsense, and not easy to along with especially working around people .I do not mix business with pleasures. Not even with my own family . I am a different person when i am not working . More relaxed.

The only time i was happy when i was in my twenties . Best shape of my life . I was learning Wing Chung Kung Fu .

Horse stance will give you strong thighs like roots of a tree .You will become grounded to the Earth .

I change my beliefs about 5 to 6 years ago learning Vedic and Spiritualty. In which got me through the virus better than most people .


1st house and 12th house. :) 1st house chart ruler is Saturn, so no, I didn't have those benefits that were mentioned unfortunately hehe. 12th house however, was spot on. I deal with people now in a very "no expectations means no disappointments" way. I know a lot of people come to me to heal and feel better and then ghost me/ not care enough in my bad times. It hurt initially but now I know this is how it is and just roll with it. I love the wisdom and intuition I am gifted with and I think it is a small price to pay for a world of magic and alchemy. :)


I never understood the chart ruler. Thx for this video, Meredith!


Chart ruler in the 12th - quite accurate!


Scorpio rising:
Jupiter 1st house, Pluto 2nd house, Mars 7th house


Cancer Rising- Gemini Moon in 12th. Absolutely an Empath from birth which was extremely difficult because it was not acceptable. I always felt that something was wrong with me because I just didn’t fit my environment. I finally learned that I was an empath around my Saturn Return which was such a blessing. All the sudden everything started to make sense. 🎉
I just needed to accept it as a gift and not a curse


i just say one thing out of many I could say: Moon chart ruler in 3rd and my younger sister called me mum before the actual mum. I felt the duty of "raising" her at least till her 18 years old. This year she turned 17 and I cried so much 😂😂😂😂


I’m an Aquarius rising and my planetary rulers ( Uranus, Saturn) are in the 11th and 12th house. I’ve watched both of these time stamps like 5 times and it absolutely blows my mind how divinely accurate this is. It resonates SO much i can’t even express. Like it give me chills and brings tears to my eyes.


Mer thank you. This is so valuable. Moon is my chart ruler in the 8th house. That outline was fascinating and spot on. You are a blessing my dear.


I am a Capricorn Rising - Saturn chart ruler which is in Cancer in the 6th house. Your description was absolutely true! I am all about self mastery, health and wellness and fitness has always been very important to me, getting stuff done, me all day!

My boyfriend is Aquarius rising - Uranus chart ruler which is in Scorpio 9th house and Saturn chart ruler in Libra in 7th house. Your description for him again, spot on! He is very well liked, fun, dreamer, visionary, great communicator, very athletic, strong belief system. The "foreigner in their own life", very true for him too. He was born out of wedlock, has two half brothers on his mother side and two half sisters on his biological fathers' side and he always has been treated as the "black sheep" because of it. Wow.

I am learning so much from your videos and have became a super supporter so that I can dive more in my learning about my chart. Thank you so much for all you have done and what you will do in the future!


Thank you so much <3 Great video. Im Cancer rising. Im studying astrology myself, and recently in one of our lessons, we were correcting my birth time, so my Moon ended up being in my first house. Watching this video finally makes some sense out of why I have always felt this strong Aries/Mars energy, even though I'm also very Cancerian. I have always had a clear sense that I wanted to become a leader in some way, that's true, and I truly recognize the struggle of sometimes, honestly, me being egocentric! It also explains why I'm identifying more with my Cancer Ascendant than my Libra Sun. Thank you so much🙏🏼


Leo rising with Sun (in Libra) in the 3rd. You described me to a T. I am constantly learning new things and I'm the person with the most random knowledge. I also have Chiron exactly 7 deg off my Asc from the 12th house. I was very shy, bullied at school nearly every day, home life was also tumoltuous. I coped by retreating into my room to daydream, read, write poems etc. It was my only safe place, a sanctuary, as you say. To this day, I still need alone time. When Saturn passed over my Asc, that's when I gained more confidence and started to feel more like a Leo Asc.


Scorpio rising, Pluto 1st house, Mars in 9th. This is the most accurate description of myself I've ever heard 😅
