10 Brutally Honest Opinions Of The INFJ From Other People

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10 Brutally Honest Opinions Of The INFJ From Other People | Is the infj likeable? Do they have that spark that makes people feel comfortable or does the INFJ personality type tend to come across as rather aloof? When it comes to opinions of the infj, it's never easy to tell how they're perceived.

So, what do people think of infjs and are people's general assumptions fairly accurate or way off course? Well, we deep dive into just that question in today's video!

#infj #INFJpersonalitytype #infjpersonality


👉 10 Things INFJs Say & What They Actually Mean

👉 15 Signs You Have The World’s Rarest Personality Type - INFJ

👉 8 Honest Reasons INFJs Attract The 'Broken'







00:00 - INTRO
00:40 - Number 1: Reserved
02:00 - Number 2: Pensive
02:56 - Number 3: Graceful
03:52 - Number 4: Weird
04:41 - Number 5: Informed
05:32 - Number 6: Old Souls
06:21 - Number 7: Sensitive
07:09 - Number 8: Hard to satisfy
08:04 - Number 9: Altruistic
09:02 - Number 10: They can get along with just about anyone
09:46 - Comment Question!


All Audio & Video Production by PSYCH-O

Disclaimer: PSYCH-O is a theory channel. The contents of this video are based on theory research and was NOT created using professional advice. The contents in this video and all of PSYCH-O videos are under United States state law for Fair Use. The video is edited for entertainment and informative purposes.

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Hey PSYCH-Os!👋
*So, do you think the opinions portrayed in this video were accurate? *
Comment down below 👇


Most people think that I am shy, stuck up, and weird. I think most people are too loud, self centered, and boring


My favorite part is where you talk about human decency being as a natural trait and the confusion that comes when other people lack it. There's been so many times when I do what I consider to be a little thing just to help out an individual or collective, then somebody asked me why I did it and I responded with something along the lines of it's just the right thing to do. Then they give ME a confused, or even disgusted, look before walking off shaking their heads. If everyone did these little things, such as pick up trash when they see it, how much better of a world would this be?


I had a coworker who liked to describe me as an onion - lots of layers. INFJs have layers like onions. 😂


People have been scared of me my whole life and I'm not scary! However, being a INFJ has saved me from being physically attacked because I was able to psycho analyze my attacker and scared him away with words! Watch IF YOU piss off INFJ!! 😂 I think the Incredible Hulk is an INFJ


As an INFJ, we really don’t care what people think.


Too busy criticizing myself to even remotely know what people think of me.


#11 - Snowflake - for years the INFJ has been classed as a Snowflake because they are highly sensitive, but when the push comes to shove, the INFJ can take on the leadership persona and/or bodyguard for others that need the back-up or start to lose hope. The INFJ has a secret hidden strength that they can bring to the fore when needed.


when I first meet some one they think I am quiet and a good girl but really I'm a rebel for no good reason.


I think INFJ's have very little control over emotions but it's not for lack of trying. I struggle with empathy and they struggle with apathy. We all have our struggles.


I hate when people try to win me over... it feels manipulative, just be yourself if some don't like you for you then they are not worth you time. Equality between other is the goal.


Hey my fellow weirdos 💞🌻 I understand you!!! 🌻 And I know it's hard sometimes. But let's be honest we wouldn't want to be anybody else. Once you've seen behind the curtain you can't really go back 🤷🌻


It used to hurt when people called me weird,
Now idgaf lol


I am a lot of this. Definitely introverted but I connect with other people easily. I do care for other people and they generally open up to me. I get exhausted in crowds. I have been a front man of bands all my life but I am more comfortable when I am being the side man. I like attention but it burns me out quickly. I hate empty conversations and am frustrated by people who don't listen to me as carefully as I listen to them. I need a lot of time alone but also tend to be extremely lonely.


When I was in my 20s people always used to say I look conceited and felt that was better than everybody else. And this is just because I am serious and I was observing everything around me. But that has changed with the years, since now I hang out with older people.


I wish you guys would do a comparison with gifted adults and INFJs. You´d find a lot of similarities. For example, I´ve never seen a comment section with such well written comments, and even using correct punctuation! Just saying.


I've been unknown all my life. I feel like I've come home, that I have a place. I always thought I did what I did because I was "broken".


Before I was introduced to MBTI, I spent some time in a hospital. 1 of the other patients told me that she could tell that I was a deep person. I think I was almost in constant reflection at the time. My aunt describes me as introspective and my professors at SDSU describe me as insightful. My parents, who are both sensor types, say I think too much.


As an ENFP, I dearly love the INFJ personality. In fact, I hope to marry an INFJ one day. You're so caring, so kind and know just how to care for another person. INFJs are so wise and insightful...I'm constantly learning new things when I am with them. In the video, something really stood out that I wanted to share...So if you combine old soul with hard to please, if you're hurting or having a really hard time, that combination could cause you to come across as parental to those who you are close to. Depending on the other person's personality or attachment style, some may try - albeit futily - to please you and then you will lose respect for that person or others may just walk out on you. I wish you all the happiness, joy and peace in the world. I only share this to give you an outside perspective.


I am an INFJ-A what I show people of myself is what I am. No need to ask what I mean about anything; what I mean is what I said. simple. I don't understand people's confusion with that concept. 🙃 Just listen is all I can say
