Dr. Phil full Shelley Duval interview

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Who else is here bc of Trixie clowning on Katya?


Who's here because of Trixie Mattel's video?


Retired psych nurse here. She wasnt clanging, which is a type of rambling rhyming. More like loose associations and psychotic delusions.
Why they think dragging her on 2 car rides, and a plane ride, mostly at night, is a good idea, is beyond me. Of course thats going to worsen her paranoia.

Phil came across more like a police interrogater than a therapist. No wonder she asked if he was a cop.


She was not of right mind to consent to have this aired. This is private medical information. He violated HIPAA


Who’s here because they saw that Shelley died, read her Wikipedia page and is now down the same rabbit hole as me🙋‍♀️


I saw this before a long time ago, I'm watching it again because of Trixie Mattel


The interview has barely started, he knows she's paranoid and obviously anxious to be there, being filmed, and he starts it by asking "where do you live?". Couldn't he be any more sensible? At times, I think he's a doctor solely molded for reality tv with not much regard for his patients


She's doing much better now! She's back to acting, and speaking coherently. Not sure what was happening in her life at the time of this interview, but it never should have aired. Dr. Phil exploited a sick woman. Shame on him!


*Phil:* "I'm a doctor."
*Shelley (dryly):* "...with his own tv show..."
LMFAO. You go, girl! 👏👏👏


They couldn’t even give her hair and makeup… she walked in embarrassed she hadn’t combed her hair. She’s an actress they should of treated her with more dignity and respect. Putting her on camera in this state is just beyond sad.


Dr. Phil is a piece of shit for - among other things - exploiting a sick woman like this. If he really wanted to help her he would’ve done it without cameras.


“Dr” Phil who hasn’t been licensed for about 20 years should be held accountable by the justice system for this cruel exploitation. Even no longer a legit doctor - he full well knows this is very unethical - and did it anyway, cuz he’s a bottom feeder for ratings, desperate way to remain “relevant”. RIP Shelley 🌈🙏🏽 you had a wonderful career and I’m happy you’re free now of all these earthly troubles 🙏🏽


Reminder that Shelley Duvall passed from diabetic complications. Cirrhosis of the liver and a build up of proteins and ammonia in the body cause this type of disoriented thinking and can mimic the memory loss and disorientation symptoms of dimentia.
I dont see dimentia, she doesnt look lost despite it all. She looks scarily aware. People with dimentia or Alzheimer's look very lost, almost similar to a Thousand Yard Stare.

Rest in peace Shelley. You were an icon to many.


Dr. Phil and The Spears family tried to do this to Britney and even got him to come to her house to which she asked and demanded Dr. Phil to leave. Glad that Britney was smart enough to make sure he never got to do this to her. Talk about exploitation. This is sick. This should have never aired on television. How cruel.


Bless her sweet heart. I Hope she rests well. What a sweet woman we were blessed to see shine.


“Doctor” Phil studied at the university of Crass Exploitation


While at first it may look like schizophrenia, diabetes can sometimes cause irrational behavior and mental confusion. She did pass away from complications due to diabetes. This would also explain the sores on her legs. I've even seen UTI's cause extreme confusion expressed as paranoia. Combine that with someone who's experienced abuse/trauma and it may look like mental illness even though there's a physiological explanation.

Btw, this interview was done in 2016. She passed away in July 2024. In between, her mental health improved dramatically as seen on the Grimmlifecollective YouTube channel's lengthy interview which was filmed a year ago. Mrs. Duvall was coherent, interesting, and gracious during that interview.


I really appreciate that when she recently passed away no one mentioned this interview, everyone just remembered her modeling and acting and how beautiful she was it's unfortunate to see her like this


I don't understand how more people don't understand how he's exploiting his guests for his own monetary gain under the guise of "helping" them. My mom watches the show and so many times I've pointed out to her that his guest clearly is mentally ill and what he just said to them can only hurt them in the long run. He says stuff to get the audience to react or sensationalize the moment for commercials etc. He doesn't truly give a damn about anyone but himself.


One thing I absolutely hate is exploitation, especially when mental illness is involved. All I see here is some "doctor" who's desperate for ratings and doesn't give one damn about the person he's "interviewing". He pulled out all the stops to showcase her mental illness and that is unforgivable. Go back to Texas, Phil, and leave decent folk be. This is embarrassing for him and him alone.
