What If Japan Was Never Hit By Nuclear Bombs

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It's no secret the devastation and destruction caused by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan put an end to their efforts during World War II, but what if those bombs were never dropped? Check out today's new video that imagines a different outcome to WW2, without the use of nuclear bombs and Japan's ultimate surrender, but would it have been a better outcome? Find out right here!



All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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There was one guy who was in Hiroshima, survived, went to Nagasaki, got nuked again, and survived that. Oh, and it gets better: he was in the middle of explaining why he was covered in bandages when the bomb went off.


Next what if episode: *What if art schools in the 1900s were more forgiving?*


To be fair, some Japanese officers already saw the futility of the war and wanted to surrender much earlier than the dropping of the nukes, but because of how strong japanese spirit was, those officers couldn’t actually do much.


I always thought my grandfather was just a few years too young for WW2. But a couple of years ago after he passed away, in possession, we found some letters he had written to his uncle in Oregon.
I knew he was in the army and served in Korea but it turns out as a 17 year old in 1945 he had been stationed on a battleship in the San Fransisco bay waiting, along with many other new recruits, to serve in the invasion of Japan.

Of course we know how that turned out…


Moral of the story is that once you get into a in war, there are no good options. There are only the ones that seem the least terrible at the time.


It's amazing how changing just one tiny thing in history can completely alter the future drastically.


The bombings over Tokyo went up to 400, 000, vs the nukes at 255, 000, yes singularly the nukes did more damage but the first bombing talked about did a lot more and nobody talks about that. Or the fact it had to have been a lot slower than a nuke


Soldiers at the Philippines meanwhile:

"Hey, they're not leaving"
"Isn't your president gonna drop a bomb in Japan?"
"He cancelled it"


Sometimes in life, you don't have good options. In a world where Operation Downfall happened, people would criticize Truman for the massive loss of both American and Japanese lives.


As we know, history is ‘tweaked’ in the favor of the winners, good or bad. Imagine what there is in history that we don’t know about that has changed how we live every day.


Imagine how much ancient japanese cultural artifacts were wiped out because of this. Of course the loss of lives is tragic... but as someone who studied art, history and archeology i can tell you this is tragic on a different sphere. Not just japan...it happens and happened all around the globe because of war.


I love your channel keep up the great stuff!


"Fat Man" and "Little Boy" were not cynical nicknames...The nicknames were given by members of the Manhattan Project in reference to General Groves (Fat Man) and Robert Oppenheimmer (Little Boy)...In addition to DOWNFALL an operation named STARVATION was being conducted...Smaller warships were clearing the Sea of Japan of all fishing boats and food coming from mainland Asia...Also herbicides were being dropped on rice paddies and grain fields of people already operating on starvation rations...When Americans began occupying Japan thousand of tons of food were rushed monthly to feed civilians every month...Had DOWNFALL gone forward, it is likely over 20 million Japanese would have died before surrender...Even after the surrender the Japanese would be in the midst of terrible famine likely causing another 5-10 million deaths until enough food aid could be delivered...


For starters, we wouldn't have Japan's amazing Anime "Plot."


It was 100% the right decision. The U.S gave Japan ample opportunities to surrender without getting nuked, and they responded by stating they’d sacrifice their entire population fighting the U.S off. We saved millions of lives by dropping the nukes and forcing Japan to the table, while also giving the world a lesson to the capabilities of such a bomb, which is why none have been used since.


Ok I would just like to note that at this point in time most japanese civilians where gearing up with make shift weapons and a land invasion would have been devestating for all sides. And they didn't surrender because of the bombs. The surrinderd because of the Russians. They thought that if they didn't surrender to amarica the Russians would come in and crush them. In their minds they were choosing the lesser of two evils.


Something that was ironic was that a US Priest blessed the atom bombs with Holy Water and one of them destroyed a Convent.


To really understand this you can just start watching before the 9 minute mark. The atom bombs were dropped on Japan but primarily aimed at Stalin; the USA wanted to the USSR to know we wouldn't allow them to spread communism around the world. American leaders also weren't willing to allow Stalin to occupy or partition Japan.


Amazing to see such an unbiased and accurate take from a giant YouTube channel. Never thought I’d see anyone touch this topic due to how upset people get when you point out the realities of the bombs.


only 1 in 9 kamikaze pilots ever reach their target. while they were very destructive they were losing a lot of pilots further losing air power after those suicide attacks.
