The truth about gender-fluidity

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#shorts #anthonypadilla #genderfluid
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I didn't understand genderfluid but then i realised i don't have to because it literally doesn't affect my life whatsoever and it's the barest level of respect i can give to not invalidate a total stranger's identity i know nothing about


so what i'm hearing is that there are two wolves inside you


Idk I never really understood this kind of thing, but if it makes them happy that’s all that matters, and it doesn’t affect me in the slightest so ok


I’m gender-fluid and never thought of it that way! I love hearing other genderfluid people say what it is to them because a lot of the time it’s different. It’s just really cool to hear others views


I have NEVER felt more aligned with a lable for my gender than with gender-fluid. It feels so right. It’s who I am and no other way feels right. I hope more people can learn about it because we don’t get talked about often. I finally feel comfortable in my identity after struggling so long.


As someone who is genderfluid and who also knows different people who are, many of us don’t describe it this way lol
No hate to the person in the video

For me it was that my gender identity would feel like it was shifting. Sometimes it was more masculine and I would have heavy dysphoria, other times it was feminine, other times it was non-binary and often times it was a mix.

Since I had surgery the shifting is less prominent and I mostly just vibe as non-binary, but I still feel a shift at times. Many people I know who identified as genderfluid have settled on a more ambiguous non-binary label as well.


Genderfluid doesnt means only two Genders, there are also people that can feel also sometimes neither or both


ayo anthony can we get rid of these losers in the comments who are hating for no reason


I'm agender. I have nothing inside me by this logic lol

This comment section is already cancerous.

Okay, for the people who want to cry about someone's internal sense of self, here are some things:

Masculine and Feminine are concepts of what a man or woman should be. It's not some gotcha, you're just being intentionally obtuse.

There are folks who fall under the nonbinary umbrella who rejected both and prefer androgyny. There are folks who identify as they/them and still present as masculine or feminine, just as there are folks who are naturally more androgynous and are cis gendered. Presentation is not the same as identity.

The thing about there not being masculinity or femininity as you claim is about rejecting the binary. Males aren't obligated to masculinity and females aren't obligated to femininity. The concepts exist, and they're a good frame of reference when you're trying to describe something. The point is that they are concepts, not rules, and no one should be forced to present and conduct themself based on their sex if it does not align with being their truest self.

People are complex beings. We do not fully adhere to a single concept rigidly. The fact that there are actually problems in the world, and you're wasting your energy on someone's internal sense of self when there are tangible, horrible issues in the real world, like police brutality, and maybe you've heard of this one, but children getting shot just trying to go to school.


Watching Nimona is the best way of understanding what gender fluidity means for most people (minus the animal stuff lmao)


the way ive started explaining my experience with genderfluidity is with a map of the US.
Consider for a moment— let's assume New York is the state of hyper-masculinity and California is hyper-feminine. On a given day, I might be closer to California than I am to New York, like Oregon. Somedays I might be in Maine. Some days I'm in the middle of the Midwest, and some days I'm in Alaska, barely associated with the states. And then there are the days I'm in Europe.
That's just my experience, of course, but know you've learned something new :^)


TFW when everyone accuses someone of being schizophrenic when doing so clearly demonstrates that they don't know what schizophrenia actually is 😑


The way I describe gender fluid is more that gender a spectrum from like hyper masculine hyper feminine and people will fall in between those two options and gender fluidity means that you don’t stay in one spot on that spectrum so someday you may feel ultra masculine any of the days you may feel feminine, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter to anyone else, other than the way that you use words to describe yourself


I'm gender fluid, and for me it's more like I'm both, but at different times, or very rarely at the same time. So basically I could be a girl one day and then the next day I could be the most masculine person in a 50 mile radius and the next day I could be somewhere in between


As a gender fluid person I appreciate how based and respectful this comment section is. I personally couldn’t fathom forever being locked into one identity but that’s how most people are! Your don’t have to full understand someone to be kind ❤


None of my gender fluid or non binary peeps have ever described it this way. I usually just hear that they don’t strongly identify one way or another, or that gender is a construct and that they are masculine and feminine so whatever.


As A genderfluid person, I can relate to this so much, but I think for me the masculine part of me kinda leads a little more than the feminine.


That was so poetic... I'm nonbinary because girl go brr and boy go brr...


honestly, you don’t really need to understand it. you just have to respect it and be kind.


that more so just sounds like the concept of Bigender and how I am lol
