Sony Pro CRT Sales Skyrocket! How much is a PVM now? | Market Watch Summer - 2020

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Welcome to CRT Market Watch episode 7. A program completely dedicated to talking about the Cathode Ray Tube sales market. In today's episode I will be taking a closer look at premium CRT sales for July 1 to September 9 of 2020. I'll cover Sony PVM and Sony BVM monitors that where sold in North America on eBay. Retro Tech is the best place to discuss CRT Sales and Repairs.

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We appreciate your hard work and expertise, Steve! You're keeping the community informed and helping it grow.


I love these episodes, thank you Steve. I enjoy adding my own commentary as Im listening and yelling at the screen “100 thousand hours????!”. Ahh good times


4:00 Hey I'm the crazy lunatic that purchased the sony bvm-a24e1wu there. Small world we live in. Also for the small price of 600 I also grabbed the bkm-61d board because of course the bkm-68x is literally not gonna happen. Spent more money trying to get signals that go over sdi now than I thought I would lol.

Picture is extremely gorgeous, money absolutely well spent.

Before I forget, the total price with frieght and tax (thank you Michigan at .06) came to ~3500.


I was the guy who bought the 14M2U for $99.95, and yes, I think the sale completed in well under an hour after listing. I ended up driving 400 miles (SF to LA) to pick it up and letting the seller (nice guy) just keep the $50 shipping fee out of goodwill because of how cheap it was. Works well.

I was *also* the guy who bought the $260 pickup one, only that one I actually didn’t pick up. Seller was so astonished that I’d drive from SF to Arizona that he volunteered to ship it anyway. Which was a big mistake: it was double boxed but neither of us knew to ship it glass-side down, and when it arrived, one of the mounts had snapped, and the picture’s now got permanent discoloration at the top. It also — something you don’t think to ask about on eBay but is worth knowing — had a smoker as a previous owner, and as it warms up, you really know it. Hence I was soon shopping for a replacement that I wouldn’t have to trust to a shipping service.

So... yeah, I got lucky with the $99 one, but in total, more like $400 and a day’s worth of driving, for one good monitor. You live and learn...


It's incredible just how much BVMs and PVMs are shooting up in price, but also easy to see why. People are really opening their eyes to CRTs now. I'm happy to own a 20L5, but also kind of wish I was wise enough to look back on these professional monitors 10 years ago.

Love your work Steve!


It has been INSANE Steve! Cannot believe it honestly. Very happy I have most of the PVM's I want already...


love watching you on a crt, it makes it that much better


Crazy prices. These are amazing monitors and it seems they are being rescued. That’s a good thing


Unbelievable prices. $3000? Insane! Great info here Steve. Thanks!


One of those sellers faced the PVM up in one of the photos, but a couple other photos showed the monitor facing towards the floor.


12:40 I was the guy that got the 14m2u for 177 shipped. I took a gamble and it got here in one piece. The funny part was it has a color issue where the RGB is messed up and it has to be hooked up GBR. That being said it’s a great monitor and I can certainly use it for parts for my other 14m2u. eBay alerts are the way to go if you want to snag them cheap.


Man, I really hope whoever paid $2999 for that 100k hour A24 understands what they're getting. Sheesh that's a lot of money for that


I can sell my 1953MD for $1000? Holly s.... I thought $200 was a bit pricey when I bought last year.


This is such a fun series. Thanks for doing this. FYI, I just bought a Olympus oev203 for 300 today


I'm the buyer of the 20M4U at 25:00. Unfortunately, despite excessive packaging strapped tightly on a wooden skid it still got tossed during handling which snapped off the rack handles, caused some enclosure scratches, and worse: badly screwed up the purity in the bottom right corner. There were also minor but noticeable focus and convergence issues, but those may have been existing issues prior to shipment. Having absolutely zero experience working on CRTs, I watched your videos, built up courage, and spent some serious time with a 240p SNES test suite doing extensive adjustments on the yoke, rings, etc. It was like playing an endless game of whack a mole chasing issues popping up all over the screen.

I discovered that the original factory magnets on the back of the tube were causing most of the "whack a mole" issues. The eventual solution was to completely rip off the original factory magnets and replace them with new ones (Michael's 10579102) in slightly different positions along with adjusting the YCH/YBH/TLV, focus pots, and the convergence rings. I had to adjust basically everything. Many times, over and over and over again until I got it exactly where I wanted it. I used the GC Electronics degaussing coil between major adjustments for a clean slate. Once in place, I replaced the factory anti-tamper paste with new Viz-Torque Tamper Detection Marker white paint, which ended up being a flawless match and may actually be an equivalent alternate to what they used at the factory.

But even after all this, I still had unsolvable convergence issues down the entire far left hand side of the screen, something that convergence strips and magnets on the tube were too localized to solve. Eventually, and honestly completely accidentally, I noticed a plastic "bow tie" for lack of a better word sticking out of the sides of the convergence ring region with a pull tab inserted on the right hand side slot. The tab itself is a magnet which slides in and out. The left hand side had a slot, but no tab. I cut a piece of magnetic strip (Michael's 10579557) and inserted it into the slot, moved it around until I got the left hand side convergence set, anti-tamper paste it in place, and that seemed to solve it.

Doing all of this messed up the geometry, so I spent more time in the service menu correcting it. It's still not perfect, but I'm proud to say it's pretty damn close. You can cut your finger on the razor sharp focus, and I no longer notice any purity or convergence issues except for a brief couple of seconds when it first powers on.

I'm still pursuing a shipping damage claim.


Man, there is a 13" PVM on FB market near me I am so tempted to get for $175, but after getting my 20m2mdu and PC crt, I had to promise my wife I would not get anymore CRT's lol


This was a fun video. Interesting to see how interest is growing.

I think you should include the Trinitron-based Olympus monitors though. Like the OEV 203 is a straight copy of the 20M2MDU


You made a (kind of) serious error.
A PVM 8041 is a 250 line RGBs monitor (most of them do component as well, and the newer ones offer an anamorphic 16:9 mode).
...this means that the step up to RGBs was $125.
...less market hype for them means better priced RGBs monitors for myself. ;)


I know at least one of your current patreon members got a couple 20L5s within this same time frame for much cheaper than the lowest listed. not on ebay though, local find. dreams do come true folks.


$3000?!!! I might as well buy a Sony OLED TV for the same price.
