How a Pro Soccer Player Cured His Patellar Tendinitis

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Below is MY rehab regimen, I am not saying this is how you should recover from your patellar tendinitis as everyone recovers at different speeds. I was always listening to my body, tracking how I felt, and making the next day's workout dependent on that.

My Rehab Regimen:

Day 1-10: Stopped all weightlifting, soccer, and running activities, rested as much as possible, iced 3-5x a day for 20 minutes. My goal was to rest until
Day 11-18: Introduced static stretching and light bodyweight exercises as long as it didn't hurt my knee and make it worse the next day. If knee felt better than the day before, I progressively made each workout harder than the previous by adding more sets, reps, or time.
Day 19-28: Started to introduce biking to the workout regimen. Progressively making each biking session harder than the previous if knee allowed so. Continued to stretch and preform bodyweight workouts.
Day 29-40: Started to introduce light jogging and running workouts. Stopped biking, but continued to stretch. Again, made each workout harder than the last as long as knee responded well and felt stronger. Started to also add weight to all exercises and progressively added more and more weight with each workout.
Day 41-48: Started to add soccer training sessions to the workout regimen. Continued to stretch, perform exercises with increasingly heavier weights, and continued to make each running workout harder than the last. Made each soccer training session slightly more rigorous than the last.
Day 49+: Started Preseason with Saint Louis FC. Stopped personal soccer training and running sessions, but continued to stretch and perform exercises with added weight.

Essentially we are following Matt Sheldon's daily schedule. Showing you his exact soccer training sessions, his workouts, his weight lifting/weight training programs, his diet/nutrition, and mentality as he progresses through his first professional offseason. We want you guys, to be able to learn, be inspired by these videos, to gather information from quality professional level training sessions and to apply this knowledge to your own life.

We want to help you become elite level soccer players!


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Instagram: @Become_Elite
Instagram: @MattSheldon23
Рекомендации по теме

This video has literally saved my soccer career


I haven't played soccer in 3 years due to several big injuries. You guys are so lucky to be able to run onto the field and kick a ball, never forget that.


2022 and you literally made me believe in my own rehab programm. Rested it for 4 weeks and now I am in the second week of my rehab programm. Doing eccentric body weight squats, wall sits, and eccentric step downs on training days, stretches on off training days and mobility exercises almost everyday. My goal is to be way stronger than i used to be. Thank you for this video!!


You know he’s a pro when he keeps a journal for reflection and insight. Great knowledge. Thank you


Thanks Matt, this video is really helpful as it shows the approach one should take for any injury, not just patellar tendonitis. Its great to see how you document your progress day to day. I've had an injury for a year and a half now and sometimes it is hard to stay positive and patient so vids like this are a great encouragement.


really helpful! brought a lot of clarity to my rehab program, i've been struggling with this injury for a year now and have become extremely frustrated with the little progress i made, but journaling your pain and doing a gradual increase makes absolute sense


Thanks Matt. Your video helped me so much. I had watched another helpful video, but while I stopped running and playing tennis, I started in on the rehab 100%. I needed your advice to stop everything until my knee discomfort is completely gone doing everyday activities. Anyways, my son played soccer. I appreciate you reaching out to help other people, whether aspiring soccer players or people dealing with patellar tendonitis. Thank you. I’m a new fan.


This is the most accurate video on yt for this. Bravo. Load and pain management


Thank you so much posting this video. I’m an avid trail/marathon runner and have had to stop running due to my knee pain. You have given me so much hope that I will eventually get back to doing what I love most!


This video is very encouraging. His regime and advice can help anyone suffering from ANY sports injury. 👍👍


Hey Matt i know you probably wont read this comment, but i started working out recently after watching all your videos, you gave me motivation to get off my ass and work hard in the gym, I just play regular sunday league but im tired of being the out of shape centerback, been hitting the gym hard this week cant wait to keep it up and for the snow to melt to do soccer training also. You're the reason for all this, youre a great role model, keep it up man you deserve everything coming to you and more


Good information in this video. The patellar tendonitis has completely stopped my trucking and thanks to videos like this, I'm almost able to get back on the road.


I'm a 16 year old goalkeeper and your videos are my daily motivation! Keep it up!


You see when you have strict football coaches in high school, it’s hard to just “pull away” from the workout. They’re like drill instructors. Very frustrating and hard to get rid of.


Great video - I can see how seeing your journey is likely to be really important for people that suffer from overuse injuries, as they can see that time and a gradual approach to healing is required. This has helped me see the process that others take and the gentler approach needed. Many times I have rushed back from injuries because I just loved playing and missed the social aspect of the game, but this resulted in a early retirement, a part from the odd 6 a-side game. Maybe there is still time for me to rehabilitate my injuries with a more measured approach. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!


this is the best video out of all on YouTube about patellar tendonitis recovery, thank you bro 🙏, I'm a teacher, standing, stairs had become so much troublesome, and regular yoga helped me alot alot 🙏


I’m not an athlete, but this is so helpful. I used to be really strong and endurance capable in terms of the physicality that I use to have. I’ve been really sick these last couple years and the strength of my body has weakened tremendously.

I think it’s good to remember that patience is key. Even with our own bodies. Especially our health.


I have ignored and played through tendinitis on both my knees for well over 5 years. it got to the point where the next day I could barely walk, after seeing a specialist and watching this video i decided to give it one more shot before I hung up the boots. I have been sticking to your regime, but in my own format. So far i've been away from the pitch for about 3 months but my day to day activity is back to normal and my resistance is significantly improving. I just began biking and will work till I get to that 30 min goal. It has been a frustrating time being away from the game but the progress has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for sharing this with us.


This is such a good video for anybody who has had to come back from injury. Rehab it basically tissue rebuilding by finding exercises that isolate the damaged tissues, exercising the damaged tissues within their ability, and slowly rebuilding the damaged tissues by stimulating growth by increasing the exercise load within what they will tolerate.


Very informative, thx for chronicling your recovery, very helpful to us!
