Let's talk about a new way of looking at small actions....

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I was at a city council meeting today, to talk to a vote about housing in our city. I'll spare you the gruesome details, you're not going to want to sit through a seminar about housing regulations in the UK. Short version is, as a guest speaker, I arrived, was sat next to this lovely elderly lady who was here to talk about swan conservation. We introduced ourselves to each other while we waited for the meeting to begin, and partway through the conversation, her face dropped.

"I rather feel like what you're doing is more important than what I do, " she said.

What I'm doing is advocating for vulnerable and desperate families in one of our city's most deprived areas. She's raising awareness about the swans that live on our city's river.

For a split second, I felt really bad for her. Then I pointed out that no, what she does is important too. Not everybody has to be fighting the same battle, and not every battle has to be world-changing - but if all we can do is a little, we should do what little we can. Swan conservation is another brick in the same wall that I'm building, and you're building, and we're all building. And the last thing anybody needs to do is to downplay their contribution because it's small.


This is why we plant trees we may never see full grown.


In 1969, I was part of creating one of the first crisis hotlines in the country. We begged, borrowed and pleaded for our scant funding, constantly, and faced police harassment.We were in the YWCA janitor closet, a handicap workshop garage and a couple of basements.
Last year, a national suicide number came into existence for anyone to call. National!!
You can make the baby step.


“It’s not the strongest species that survives. Nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin


Over 50 years ago I heard a little old lady talking on the radio. She said there wasn't a senior's center in the area and she needed help in getting one started. At the time I was "23." I met with her, we established a board of directors, and got to work. Today there is a building, several buses and hundreds of members and volunteers. They are still using the name I gave it, "People Helping People." Now that makes my heart smile. Thank you, Beau, for this beautiful message. I'm sure many people will be touched by your words and be moved to plant some positive seeds.


About a year ago I went to a town meeting and gave a speech along with others in favor of a proposal to use town money to purchase land for conservation purposes. The proposal was adopted and turned into a ballot question and was later approved by popular vote. Everyone that day did something small. They showed up to a town meeting, and many gave speeches for and voted on this issue. Little things added up to a big change for our town. It won’t be enough to stop climate change on its own, but I’m happy to know that in thirty years time, those forests and wetlands will still be there thanks to what we all did that day.


Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke


My favorite is "You don't have to do everything but you must do something.".


Thanks for the chuckle. “What do we want? Time travel. When do we want it? It doesn’t matter.” 😂 That was fun!


“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of it's members.” Coretta Scott King


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."


Attributed to Oscar Wilde: "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."


Hope all our fellow Beau Peeps around the world are doing good today/tonight! ❤🌍🌎🌏


That is potentially and probably the most powerful message Beau has ever sent out.
Even when you smile at a stranger in passing, that smile can pass along from person to person, become magnified, and possibly even save a life.


Every small act of resistance builds up to a great and grand orchestra of revolution.


Here is an example. I was work traffic control on a very busy street. We where going to be there for quite some time, the project was scheduled to last for three weeks. When we first setup, people were very unhappy about it. My practice at that time (and for most of my life), I would smile and wave as the people came past me. Most people just scowled at me as they went by. By the end of the first week the some of the people that were scowling started smiling and waving back. By the end of the second week, almost everyone was smiling and waving. I didn't do anything more then smile and wave to bring about that change.


Someone out there remembers an act of kindness you gave them.


To make this even more powerful, reflect on the fact that there are relationships we're not even aware of all around us, just waiting to be discovered. I live in the Missouri Ozarks, about 40 miles from Springfield. The other day I was at the Costco in Springfield, getting some groceries and other household supplies. I had on a knit beanie in rainbow colors. One of the two employees at the checkout stand said he liked my beanie, and asked where I got it. I said it came from a headshop in Westport in Kansas City. The customer in front of me asked which headshop it was. I had to think a minute, and answered it came from Aquarius. He said, "Hey, man, I spent a bunch of my time there years ago!" Turned out that he was visiting a relative in Springfield and that he lived near KC. How many degrees of separation is that now? Just a moment, and we struck up a conversation that was absolutely unplanned. Connections are all around us, just waiting for us to be open to seeing them. What we do with those new discoveries can be one small step...


Galadriel to Frodo: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.


Breaking: Oath Keepers Leader Convicted of Sedition in Landmark Jan. 6 Case.

Me: Hey Beau, this is the perfect way to change the world once step at a time. 👍🏽😁
