Why I Don't Follow Dave Ramsey | An Honest Review | ZeroDebtCoach

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This video is about the 4 major reasons I no longer follow Dave Ramsey and is an honest review from my perspective both as a consumer AND as a zero debt coach.




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*None of this information is meant to be taken as investment advice. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.
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Dave is like military school. If you are terrible with finances you go to Dave. You have to eventually find your own path.


There was a time when $600 would definitely change my life.


My wife and I were following Dave very closely and working the baby steps when the pandemic happened. Dave raved against applying for the PPP loan. Thankfully, my father in law redirected us, we applied, and we had $11K forgiven when we were unable to work. I would have completely missed out on that, and suffered much worse being shut down had I followed Dave's advice. For a capitalist, he isn't much for being flexible to meet the times. Much good can be gleaned, but that experience really taught me a lesson.


I agree with you 100%. His basic teachings are good, but his ego has taken over. A real professional would never insult, name- call and demean people, let alone a professed Christian. As my parents would say He's gotten too big for his britches. Also, it's very impressive that you eliminated that much debt in such a short period of time. That's amazing!👏👏👏👏👏👏


Listen, I'm an adult, so I clearly had cookies for breakfast.


My advice would be listen to everyone and make your own decisions. No one is all right or all wrong. You take control and watch your spending.


Dave's debt payoff advice is solid (especially the debt snowball). My issue with Dave is his one size fits all approach to financial matters.


The most horrific experiences I've had in business are people who are self proclaimed christians.


Yes same, loved Dave while we were getting out of debt but now listening to him is like the old neighbor guy yelling " Get off my lawn".


Dave has a great aggression toward debt elimination, but he makes some fatal errors: 1) lack of regard for opposing views 2) blind faith in real estate appreciation 3) too many affiliate exploitations


So, my buddy has less than $50 per week budgeted for food. He's a school teacher and he doesn't spend money on things he cant afford. The first $600 check kept him eating for 3 months! Did it change his life? No, but it helped him feel more food secure while he paid down some of his debt!


Plenty of youtubers that you can learn from for free. Like the Minority Mindset.


You're so right, Brad! I have never liked Dave Ramsey's tone. It borderline gives me the impression that he only wants ''weak'' people to listen to him and never question anything he says. And if you disagree with him, he makes you feel you are just plain wrong and stupid. I didn't even keep his book 'Total Money Makeover', because half the book is filled with testimonials of people who say: ''I did EXACTLY what Dave said, and look how awesome my life is right now!!!''. There is way more of that than actual advice in the book. I prefer someone who can show me empathy and actually give me some substance! Great video.


I agree with you on credit cards and credit score. I work in the defense industry and am required to maintain a security clearance. One of the items that is reviewed during reinvestigions is my credit. It's better to have a very high credit score by paying all my bills on time than trying to explain to an investigator why I don't have a credit score.

Also, I make about $300 to $400 a year in credit card rewards. Not a whole lot, but it comes in handy at Christmas time.


I totally agree. As I moved on to BS 4, 5, 6 I found that the struggle to stick to the rules would keep me working multiple jobs and not taking my foot off the gas. I need to catch up on retirement. Paying off a house is going to keep me from doing that. The final straw was hearing how he fired a pregnant single mother for having pre-marital sex. I was appalled. Having a code of conduct or ethics at work should apply to how your conduct business, not trying to govern the private lives of employees. He can claim that it's Christian. I can assure you as a Christian that it is not. I'm grateful for the education and principles that got me debt free. Now I'm ready to move on to more.


The two biggest challenges I have had listening to Dave is
1) He doesn't listen to other's perspectives. He doesn't listen to arguments for different ways of doing things. He has essentially learned a way handle his finances and closed himself off to further education. I like an openness to new information and data as well as a perspective that can be corrected.
2) The whole premise of a "Christian money guru" seems oxymoronic to me. He calls millionaires heroes, but Christ literally said "blessed are the poor", told people to give everything they had to the poor, said it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, etc. I understand being responsible with finances but being axiomatically bent on creating wealth is not being axiomatically bent on being a Christian.


Dave's financial advice had a profound impact on my finances and literally gave me Financial Peace. One of the things I like best about him is he doesn't hide his advice behind a pay wall, and during my financial journey I didn't have to spend a penny to make it from BS 1 to BS 7. Currently I'm going through his financial coach training (and gladly paid for that). But... I have never liked any of Dave's rants, especially the pigeonholing, they are such a turn-off and really detract from the many good parts of his message.


OMG yes! I used to be a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan, however after hearing about him firing a single mom for getting pregnant, I had to stop listening. He has a no premarital sex work policy, which is fine I guess, but this mom is suing him because the policy was applied unequally. One of his personalities Chris Hogan committed adultery, but wasn't fired because of a huge book deal coming out. The mom then sued, saying the workplace policy wasn't follows for men, and Dave didn't want to lose the case, so he let Chris Hogan go with a generous severance. It's not 1960, we can't fire young women for getting pregnant. 🙄


I have been feeling for awhile now that Dave's success has made him an idol in his own mind.

He is very closed minded.


Dave Ramsey is acting like a king with absolute power. He must never NEVER be contradicted or he will punish you.
