Neil deGrasse Tyson | THE MEANING OF LIFE

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Neil deGrasse Tyson on the MEANING OF LIFE.

Embark on an enlightening journey with the renowned astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, as he delves into one of humanity's most profound questions: What is the meaning of life?

In this video, Tyson brings his unique perspective, combining science with philosophy, to explore this timeless inquiry.

The narration provided in this video was sourced from various videos then pieced together,
special credits to @StarTalk

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I am a physicist and I will explain why our scientific knowledge refutes the idea that consciousness is generated by the brain and that the origin of our mental experiences is physical/biological .
My argument proves that the fragmentary structure of brain processes implies that brain processes are not a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness, which existence implies the existence in us of an indivisible unphysical element, which is usually called soul or spirit (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). I also argue that all emergent properties are subjective cognitive contructs used to approximately describe underlying physical processes, and that these descriptions refer only to mind-dependent entities. Consciousness, being implied by these cognitive contructs, cannot itself be an emergent property.

Preliminary considerations: the concept of set refers to something that has an intrinsically conceptual and subjective nature and implies the arbitrary choice of determining which elements are to be included in the set; what exists objectively are only the single elements. In fact, when we define a set, it is like drawing an imaginary line that separates some elements from all the other elements; obviously this imaginary line does not exist physically, independently of our mind, and therefore any set is just an abstract idea, a cognitive construct and not a physical entity and so are all its properties. Similar considerations can be made for a sequence of elementary processes; sequence is a subjective and abstract concept.

Mental experience is a precondition for the existence of subjectivity/arbitrariness and cognitive constructs, therefore mental experience cannot itself be a cognitive construct; obviously we can conceive the concept of consciousness, but the concept of consciousness is not actual consciousness.
(With the word consciousness I do not refer to self-awareness, but to the property of being conscious= having a mental experiences such as sensations, emotions, thoughts, memories and even dreams).

From the above considerations it follows that only indivisible elements may exist objectively and independently of consciousness, and consequently the only logically coherent and significant statement is that consciousness exists as a property of an indivisible element. Furthermore, this indivisible entity must interact globally with brain processes because we know that there is a correlation between brain processes and consciousness. This indivisible entity is not physical, since according to the laws of physics, there is no physical entity with such properties; therefore this indivisible entity can be identified with what is traditionally called soul or spirit. The soul is the missing element that interprets globally the distinct elementary physical processes occurring at separate points in the brain as a unified mental experience.

Some clarifications.

The brain doesn't objectively and physically exist as a mind-independent entity since we create the concept of the brain by separating an arbitrarily chosen group of quantum particles from everything else. This separation is not done on the basis of the laws of physics, but using addictional subjective criteria, independent of the laws of physics; actually there is a continuous exchange of molecules with the blood and when and how such molecules start and stop being part of the brain is decided arbitrarily. Brain processes consist of many parallel sequences of ordinary elementary physical processes occurring at separate points. There is no direct connection between the separate points in the brain and such connections are just a subjective abstractions used to approximately describe sequences of many distinct physical processes. Indeed, considering consciousness as a property of an entire sequence of elementary processes implies the arbitrary definition of the entire sequence; the entire sequence as a whole (and therefore every function/property/capacity attributed to the brain) is a subjective abstraction that does not refer to any mind-independendent reality.

Physicalism/naturalism is based on the belief that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. However, an emergent property is defined as a property that is possessed by a set of elements that its individual components do not possess; my arguments prove that this definition implies that emergent properties are only subjective cognitive constructs and therefore, consciousness cannot be an emergent property.
Actually, all the alleged emergent properties are just simplified and approximate descriptions or subjective/arbitrary classifications of underlying physical processes or properties, which are described directly by the fundamental laws of physics alone, without involving any emergent properties (arbitrariness/subjectivity is involved when more than one option is possible; in this case, more than one possible description). An approximate description is only an abstract idea, and no actual entity exists per se corresponding to that approximate description, simply because an actual entity is exactly what it is and not an approximation of itself. What physically exists are the underlying physical processes. Emergence is nothing more than a cognitive construct that is applied to physical phenomena, and cognition itself can only come from a mind; thus emergence can never explain mental experience as, by itself, it implies mental experience.

My approach is scientific and is based on our scientific knowledge of the physical processes that occur in the brain; my arguments prove that such scientific knowledge excludes the possibility that the physical processes that occur in the brain could be a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness.

Marco Biagini


As a youth I pondered this question... as it turns out, it's already in the dictionary: the meaning of "life" is adaptability. [The value of life is progressability.]


Thank You Neal. This has made a big impact on me. 64 year old life long learner.


Neil has lessoned my suffering a bit, and brought meaning to my life in this video and many others like it. I’m truly grateful for his presence on YouTube.


This man is awesome, wish there were more like him.


Even if it means learning simple things has meaning.
Great words Mr. Tyson.


Lessening suffering and empowering education gives me meaning to others...😊


Fabulous.meaning of life is learning every day, lessening the sufferings of others, and spreading love...very close to Socrates understanding


I don't fear death, I fear living sick and unable to care for myself


Thank you Neil. On a bit of a down day, your thoughts are a positive inspiration to re-focus in gratitude..


Meaning of life is leading a life of meaning !


Fulfilling my purpose from the couch. 😌


Very well said. This is why our fathers tell us, “I don’t care what you do for a living because you’re a man by then. However, what is impossible is how well you represent yourself by doing your best. It matters not if you shovel s**t, you be the best s**t shoveler you can.” I have gotten daily meaning from this statement since I heard it 45 years ago.

Again, well put. Thank you 😊


I want to keep living because I love being alive; it has nothing to do with fearing death.


The meaning of life to me is being a part of the universe meaning everything within the universe including the most common thing we call space. Everything is made of space including us and our inclusion in space is everything we are. All our thinking is spacial and that is what we are . Science says that space and time is an empty vacuum but this could not be further from the truth.


The meaning of life is simple

Be Fruitful
Replenish th earth

And return HOME


The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves. Alan Watts


I like to think life is a property of the universe. Not chance, not accident or divine. But, a part of something bigger than any definition we can imagine. In endless space, even a god had a beginning and was part of something bigger than itself.


Thank you Dr. Tyson. Your message was both soothing and inspiring. One of Michael Jackson’s songs had a lyric that applies to the position you’ve expressed “If you wanna make the world a better place then take a look at yourself and then make a change”.
