I Have To Make A HARD Choice - Truck Camper Life On Northern Vancouver Island

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In this episode I battle with my decision on weather rto travel further into the north of Vancouver island or start making my way back south and explore places I missed along the way....

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Hello, my names Kevin and I live full time in my truck camper! I enjoy recording my adventures of me traveling through beautiful scenery and snowboarding and mountain biking! Come along on my journey in this world as I chase my interests and try to live my happiest life I can!

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I have 1/4 acre property in Comox where you might be able to camp over winter. An outdoor inground water supply available, possibly electric.


You're doing fine fellah, everyone needs time out. You purchased your rig modestly and your wanderings are affordable, money is comfortable but shouldn't be the goal. Things seem to carry on OK for this time - enjoy. There are still lots of good people in the world especially your world. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, find a compaion. Share the journey.


Hey, you can do what we did before vacuums—shake the rug outside, and/or sweep it toward/out the door. Worked for our grandmothers! And I periodically hose mine off on a nice day and dry it in the sun. No electricity needed!


Kevin, all your videos are great. I get to see a lot of beautiful areas without leaving my home 😊. I appreciate you “taking” us with you. I fully enjoy listening to all you have to say. Once again, thanks for the great vids!!


That lake you camped beside used to have a small group of mew gulls nesting on those islets. They're kind of unique to the area. I've camped at that site and it's beautiful there. We're seniors living in Port McNeill, and have returned to camping with a truck camper. It makes it so accessible to those back road areas.


Im happy you are enjoying your time here on the Island . My happy place, my home .


Yes I think there is sooo much more for you to see and do on the island, do come back next year and take us along on our beautiful island!


Ahhh man this is so awesome seeing you enjoy this! I know exactly where all of your video was shot. Gotta say myself and all the rest of the north island residents really appreciate not name dropping where you are staying. Cheers mate.


The north end of the island is even better past Port Hardy .... Cape Scott, San Josef, Grant Bay etc are some of the msot beautiful beaches and sureounding areas you will ever see ....you should eventually go past Hardy ...its worth it


Glad to hear you feel alive - amazing how you feel once you find your passion. Videos are informative and entertaining. You are doing a great job. Take care bud and keep going.


The Island is beautiful. I have lived here most of my life and now raise my family (3 boys )here with my husband. The rain and clouds can sometimes be overwhelming, but wait til the snow falls and it will transform the Island into a majestic place. There are lots of jobs here if youre looking to stay over winter. Stay safe and have fun 😊


Leaving the coast is always emotional for me. I've used a yoga mat for a camper runner. They are warm and don't slip...with the bonus of being washable, so no vacuum needed. Good luck on your winter hopes, dreams, and plans. 👍😎🇨🇦✨️ P.S. Alive is good!!


Hey dude, Love the scenery, wow! absolutely beautiful. I'm not too familiar with any area of Canada, but I'm learning. Every time you go somewhere, I look it up on the map. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Keep up the positive attitude and safe travels! Be careful with the axe!


Love watching your videos so peaceful. Have you ever thought about getting a dog? That would be one lucky dog to tag along on your adventures


I really like your channel Kevin! So interesting to see how you problem solve issues and areas and I enjoy watching you make your decisions and have your experiences! The world is a better place because of you!


Hi Kevin! I wanted to write and let you know how much I enjoy watching your videos! You seem so happy and content and I think that is awesome! Canada is very beautiful. If you ever come to Wyoming, we have a lot of beautiful scenery here also, as well as hiking, mountain biking and of course snowboarding in the winter!


Next time at CTC, pickup 2 cans of white Rust paint for your camper jack stands. The rusty look detracts from the "Great White Northern Lite".
Sand them well before painting... Just a suggestion.
Love the truck camper lifestyle. Works for me. Many wish to - few do.


Do your flooring and purchase some warm throw rugs you can shake out, rinse out or spray down at car washes. Don't get the kind you must vacume to remove stuck in debris.


New to your channel very much enjoy your adventures. ❤️


So, let me suggest you get some small area rugs ( like bathroom sized) and that way you can shake them out to help keep things clean and wash them when you need to. And then it’s relatively easy to clean the floor.

Another good video Kevin.