DIY Mosquito Trap That WORKS Everytime | Guaranteed To Kill Thousands

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Summer is the worst time to spend in your garden or on your deck if you have a massive mosquito problem. These traps will work to collapse the population of mosquitos in your yard and keeps working all summer long. No chemical sprays, no electricity, and best of all only cost pennies to make.

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I don’t understand how people can be critical of this man’s presentation, when he is going to a lot of trouble to share his expertise and helpful knowledge….i guess these comments are made by VERY important people whose time is EXTREMELY valuable….or maybe they just don’t know how to SPEED up the video or READ the TRANSCRIPT . I personally appreciate all his efforts ❤


I made your yeast fertilizer in the giant rain catcher--and boy did That Kill Mosquitos!! Awesome! They've hardly come back!


I loved seeing how you made the cap hangable. Thank you for the video.

NEVER hold an item you drill into!


Thank you for your video. I watched your repellent video and took notes. I have a repellent recipe that I will add your method to. I have been putting glycerine in mine. It is said to add to the time it is effective. Your mosquito killer method is similar to one I’ve used for three years. It combines yeast sugar and water. Salt is added which kills the mosquitos. It has worked well. I’m going to incorporate your info to make a better trap. Just subscribed! Looking forward to learning more. Your garden is beautiful. Love the bonsais.


When you drilled the holes in the cap I heard my shop teacher screaming at the top of his lungs... something obscene, lol. Thank you for the video and for all of your hard work.


I think dishsoap might work too since it will make them sink in the water


I found a few drops of T tree oil in any large buckets of water around the garden kills them off. Very interesting about vitamin D deficiency. Thank you


Mosquitos like dark places more so painting the outside black will likely help attract more.


Living in DE where it is soggy all the time makes this trap one I will be making this afternoon! By the way I also love the human repellent; Deet just isn't my go to repellent!


If you have electricity in your greenhouse, try using a woodburning tool for that because it will just go right around it melted you won’t have to fight with it like you were with a knife.


Great video and beautiful backyard. I grew up in Central America doing all the outdoor activities and even caught malaria, but the mosquitos here in Florida are much worse with a bad attitude. I will try your system so when I go outside to have a cerveza or rum I won’t donate as much blood. Thanks.


Hello Mr. Host, thank you for your help and interest in sharing what you know to help others.

I have brewers yeast that i ordered by accident. Is it a yeast that i can use in your mosquito recipe?


to help keep them out of the house I spray around doors as well as grow citronella in planters by doors and around deck edges - high and low planters. Bloodsuckers really like me even though I really like garlic : P


There's a product called Dunks that is used to eliminate mosquitoes in large tanks and ponds it kills larva and is non-toxic for animals. I use half a Dunk in a 5 gallon bucket about 1/2 full moving 2 buckets around the garden as needed, I haven't seen a mosquito all summer when using this method. Mosquitoes tend to stay close to the ground so the buckets seem to work best on the ground.


I made the mistake of not spraying myself before sitting outside for a long phone call this evening & got bit 7 times including 1 on my forehead. So thank you for this


I think your tutorials are lovely. I wouldn't change a thing, accept I love the view of your garden and I would love to see more of it


The mix worked great plus I smell like cinnamon.


My understanding is that mosquito bits work for about 2 weeks in water and then you need to add more. If the weather is hot, then they may only last 1 week.


Thanks for the information. I appreciate you telling us about the science behind how the trap works!


The concern I have with traps is, will it attract insects from acres away, that ordinarily would not be around your house. Years ago I bought fly traps from Home Depot. The traps were so effective that in a matter of days there were thousands of dead flies in the trap. There is no way all those flies were local to my property, and in fact were attracted to the awful scent from quite a distance away. If only we can get neighbors on board to also use the same techniques, it might actually be a long term solution.