Shooting For The Moment: Why You Should Embrace The Fuji JPEGS

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Here's why I think you should you should embrace the creative liberation and magic of shooting JPEG with your Fuji. I'm not saying you should never shoot RAW, but shooting with a film mentality allows you to preserve those feelings and emotions you had in that moment when you pressed the shutter, and it offers some distinct creative benefits over the traditional RAW workflow.
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Your words really gave me encouragement! As a noob hobbyist photographer, the people on youtube really makes me feel that it's wrong not to shoot raw. That shooting jpeg is only for people with no creativity. But after forcing myself for 2 years to learn photo edit, I never find myself liking the process. It's just doesn't feel genuine. The end result reflects my feeling when editing rather than when I'm shooting. Which oftentimes is a stressful feeling of not being good enough. The process takes away my real joy when I was at the scene capturing the moment.
Also, I love your works.


Well said Dan. We live in ever increasing complexity. Wherever we can simplify we should.


I only shoot my Fuji x cameras in jpeg w Fuji's great film simulations. It has brought me back to why I fell in love w photography in thank you Dan for your many great tips


Your comment about being a trip or two behind in my photo editing really hit home.
I love taking pictures but editing is my least favorite part and it becomes a chore when I have hundreds of photos to edit.

I should have thought about shooting JPEGs directly before ... although I have been shooting with Nikon gear for years, I'm currently researching Fuji and their color science.

I think adopting your approach will bring back pleasure in my photography.


Great advice Dan. I used to be a professional about 10 years ago and always shot raw for weddings and portraits. I’ve recently reignited my love of photography and bought an old XT1 for a daft low price! I’ve been experimenting with shooting raw or jpg. I’ve decided to go down the same route as you. I’m my earlier days I shot slide and had to get the exposure right there and then or becket if I could. The only choice I had was is it velvia or provia and that only came about when I’d finished a roll!! Shooting jpg really frees you up on thinking about the image in front of you and getting it right. Then just do the odd tweak later if needed. The Fuji cameras do shoot great colours. Now all I think about is white balance (I usually just leave it on daylight) and ISO (I’ve still not got my head around auto iso, I’m too old school!)


Very pleased that I discovered your channel, I own an XT20 and XT2 and now getting a lot more fun out of them thanks to your videos


Great video. I really like the idea of assigning a function button to control RAW or not. The speed of getting a finished image from a JPEG instead of the full RAW route was one of my reasons for starting on Fujifilm.


good one Dan! You made me laugh a few times.


Yes, I love JPEGS, keeps it simple, easier to be creative and enjoy the moment, excitement! Photography is about the magical moments to me, not editing. I love the flow state, then I feel I capture the best moment. I actually learn to become a better photography with only JPEGS. I like your film mindset, nailing it in the moment, instead of processing files. Creative liberation appeals to me! I don't like to spend time playing with sliders, trust my eyes, moment, and heart. Too many choices can be paralyzing, you are so correct! Causes me to doubt myself too much!! Thank you very much! You are stimulating me to be more creative and to make more pictures, while inspiring me. I need more inspiration, you help!! THANKS!


I appreciate your comment, "going back to the basics approach". Great content.


Hello Dan, I think that I made this comment previously, but I am going to repeat myself, common sense and logic will win me over every time, you have a great channel, i'm glad i found it. Stay safe.


Hello Dan, I love your “PHILOSOPHY” about shooting in JPEG  where you think more how you want your picture look like. It is more creative way to work than to try to do it on the computer it in next day or week or month or year…with a poor “memory”  !!!


Dan, I always learn from your videos, you always teach creative ways to use Fuji cameras.


I'm often shooting snapshots on my hikes, I'm going to adopt this approach when taking these shots. I will still use raw for my planned landscape shots as often i need that dynamic range and gives greater flexibility when preparing for a print.


Absolutely love the image of the red leaf on the rock - wow!


Some wise words! I really hope tone curve adjustments will come to the X-T3 as well. That would enhance my Fuji JPEGS even more.


Such as nice surprise to find someone putting forward the JPEG case in a way that chimes with my own thinking on the subject. I have friends who obstinately refuse to shoot in anything other than RAW and are slaves to the post processing process. I am happy for them to think me an amateur because I shoot mostly JPEG and spend less time processing.


Dan - thanks. A very helpful tutorial on embracing JPEGs. I agree. With regards to workflow, another compelling reason to stick with JPEGs, for me, is that my ageing iMac isn't keeping pace with the ever larger files arising from RAW. Now that can waste a lot of time! Andrew


I love Fuji cameras it’s not just the good images they creat but also the quality feel they have in my hands. My fav is the XT1 (own the X70 and XT3) it’s great with vintage lenses it works better with vintage glass than my other Full Frame Cameras. Yes the latest XT4 is a marked improvement but not that much over the XT2. Great information on the JPEGs 😊


Thanks Dan! Another good one! Hope to get out and shoot this weekend. Keep ‘em coming! Hope to start your book this weekend as well. So many things to do and so little time.
