The Biblical God Among Other Gods

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The Biblical God Among Other Gods | Francesca Stavrakopoulou PhD

Thank you for editing this short @atheologica

The scholarship of theology and religion teaches us that the God of the Bible was without a body, only revealing himself in the Old Testament in words mysteriously uttered through his prophets, and in the New Testament in the body of Christ. The portrayal of God as corporeal and masculine is seen as merely metaphorical, figurative, or poetic. But, in this revelatory study, Francesca Stavrakopoulou presents a vividly corporeal image of God: a human-shaped deity who walks and talks and weeps and laughs, who eats, sleeps, feels, and breathes, and who is undeniably male.

Francesca Stavrakopoulou ( born 3 October 1975) is a British biblical scholar and broadcaster. She is currently Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion at the University of Exeter. The main focus of her research is on the Hebrew Bible, and on Israelite and Judahite history and religion.



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She's referring to the Canaanite Deity El for anyone wondering


She is probably right about God in the old testament.why would God be a jealous God if he doesn't have to compete with other gods.


Dr. Francesca Stavrakopoulou is brilliant. Period.


I look at the comments and I can't help but despair for the species.


I tell people constantly that the jews were once polytheistic. No Christian believes it when I tell them that yahweh was more like the concept the Greeks and Roman's had where there were many gods with different ranks


What I so love about shows like this is the intelligent calm demeanor which she/they exhibit. No screaming or yelling as your only support with zero facts. No lying like William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Dennis Prager or Ken Hovind.


Mike Heiser did tremendous work in this area. He believed (and I) that the verse is referring not to the Trinity, but to God’s divine council. Yes, made up of gods.


Gilgamesh wants his deluge story back.


Evidence for this is scattered throughout the OT, like the passage in Gen 31:19 where Jacobs wife stole her father's idols before leaving to to go to Canaan. These gods were household gods and had been the object of active worship by everybody in the household. Remember, Yahweh only revealed himself as the "only" god of Israel AFTER the exodus.

Let that sink

Before the Hebrews reaching Egypt they had a polytheistic religion influenced and developed from the shared mythology of the Eastern Semitic people's (Arameans, Assyrians Babylonians) and thát is how one should read references to god before the Sinai revelation.

The god who created the world is, is not the same god at mount Sinai, the myth and figure of the deity had evolved with the new revelation, and is comparable to the evolution from Judaism to Christianity in order to make "god" conform to the new Hellenic ideas of morality that seemed superior to the old version of "god".

It is a mindfuck to think that god, just like any cultural artifact, evolved.... and once you realize this, the scaffolding holding up the myth, collapses in spectacular fashion.


I was always taught that Elohim meant God and his angels. And I think the book of Enoch lists the names of the angels who made each body part if I'm not mistaken. I'm not defending any of this as I'm no longer in the Christian religion but I'm pointing out what I was taught.


Got to love Dr Francesca Stavrakaopoulou.


I disagree. When they found the dead sea scrolls...they were amazed at the exactness of the translation to modern scriptures. The story was the same.


Francesca Stavrakopolous is a Full Proffesor. Proffesor of Divinity, Theology, and a World expert on The Hebrew Bible.

She is a non-believer.

But she knows more about The Bible And about Christianity than a thousand priests and parsons.


I refer the viewers of this video to Genesis 6. The plural form of Elohim in Genesis 1 refers to created divine beings or the “sons of God” (bene elohim). It was not a pantheon of gods as is suggested, but rather one supreme creator God and his “divine counsel” or heavenly host. The Sons of God sometimes referred to as the “Watchers” in Genesis 6 are the fallen Sons of God who came down and had children with earthly women. Their offspring were the Nephilim or Giants in English translations. (sound a lot like ancient aliens, hmm) when the first generation of Nephilim killed each other off and many others died in the flood their spirits became what we know as demons. Other Elohim were Angels who were good and then the principalities of the air or the sons of God who were given the tasks of looking over the different non Jewish nations at the division of nations (table of nations) at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, Deuteronomy 32 and their subsequent judgement in Psalm 82. Israel is not included in the Table of Nations because God had not selected Abram and Sarai to be his chosen people. So no, YHWH who is different from the cannanite desert god Yahweh, is the Most High creator God. These sons of God or little g gods had free will and like the Nachash in the Garden of Eden, and the Watchers were jealous of the special status of human beings and rebelled against the Most High and wanted to create their own offspring and have humans worship them instead of YHWH. See Dr. Michael Heiser’s book, “The Unseen Realm” or watch his podcast and YouTube videos. And to her point on the Trinity: The Trinity stems from the ancient and 2nd Temple, Jewish belief of the 2 Powers in Heaven. In nearly every reference to God coming down to earth, there are 2 or 3 beings that represent God. They were one essence or one God, but was manifested in different form. This was the prevailing belief until it was deemed a heresy not long after the death and resurrection of Christ because of the similarities to the Christian concept of the Trinity. See the Jewish scholar, Alan Siegel’s book, “The Two Powers in Heaven”. Unfortunately, both Dr Siegel and Dr Heiser have passed, but their writings explain a lot about creation and the nature of God and the history of other religions, myths and gods. After discovering these sources the pieces of the puzzling questions and doubts that I had started to fall into place and make sense. Many scholars have agendas and try to prove their preconceived beliefs without fully studying Hebrew grammar, cultural context of the Biblical writers and the literature of their era that they read and what the populous read or understood. They wrote to their audience in ways that they could understand. As Dr Heiser says: The Bible was written FOR us, but not TO us.


I am so glad to learn that i worshipping multiple gods. So Proud ! Thanks Francesca for your profounds and high quality sources researchs that all scholars agree with.


Where is the rest of this video... I would like to hear more of it


Trinity is ancient paganism.

Egyptian Trinity
Father Osiris, mother Isis and son Horus

Hindu Trinity
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

Christian Trinity
Father, son Jesus and Holy Spirit

"If Paganism was conquered by Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was corrupted by Paganism. The pure Deism of the first Christians . . . was changed, by the Church of Rome, into the incomprehensible dogma of the trinity. Many of the pagan tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as being worthy of belief."

Edward Gibbon's History of Christianity,



Towards the end of the clip what's statues have got their hands crossed? Please advise.


I would like to see a debate between her and inspiring philosophy.


Does this mean, no one is coming down from the sky??
