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Bhai aap hamesha aise hi video banate rahana bhai
logon Ko pata to chele kaise jivan jina hai


We in this 21st century don't even know the name of our great great would anyone remember in details of someone who lived about 250-300 year's ago and write a book that too in the 6th century????


Kya baat hai ghalib bhai kya baat he he ki islam ke paida hone ke 125 baad kese islam ko follow karte honge is baat ki duniya mai ko bhi mullah zabab nahi de sakta❤❤❤❤


Muslim mo ke akhari Nabi galib sir hai.


I my opinion, muhommad did exist but not in the way moslems depicts him to be in 21st century . He was not a Saint but a decoit. He knew how to compose poems. He always carried a copy of Torah with him. He knew how to read & write hebrew. He knew a little bit of Yoga & Meditation. But he never Attained Enlightenment that is 100% sure .


Ghalib bhai, what is your view on Guru Nanak Dev Ji ?


An arrest has been made after a religious leader in Paterson, New Jersey was stabbed during a prayer session on Sunday morning.


Many fabricated stories about muhd
There are several fabricated stories about muhd totally opposite found in his biography, taught in homes, madrassas (Islamic religious schools), masques from childhood and told to non-muslims to show him in good light, no reference can be found. The stark difference between the rosy image of Muhammed that is portrayed to us in Pakistan (i.e. when he was kind to the woman who use to throw trash at him, a story that has no authentic source in the scriptures to back it up whatsoever) and this tasveer ka doosra rukh was definitely the last nail in the coffin for islam in my case .... it makes one feel a bit betrayed to be honest, someone who you looked up to as the ideal role model was actually nothing more than a barbaric 7th century warlord ....
Apostate prophet and many others highlighted them. They are a fantastic keep up the great work
Da’ef hadiths are better than these stories at least, Da’ef hadiths have references and recorded.
20 Popular Muhammad Quotes That are Actually Fake

7, 473 views19 Mar 20
Apostate Prophet

The amount of nonsense that Muslims will indoctrinate their children with is beyond outrageous.
many more that are attributed to muhammad and that are completely fake fabricated or unreliable, weak

mohammed is an extremely important character within islam he is not just the prophet of allah and the final messenger he is also considered the perfect
humankind for all times and muslims love to mention all the things that Muhammad said and did in order to give advice on how to behave and not to behave on what is allowed and is not allowed such a tradition comes with big problems like the spreading of unreliable or outright fabricated reports on what muhammad said and did

20 hadiths that are very commonly very openly and often shared which are either weak or fabricated . muslims still don't know that this is a completely fabricated hadith it goes
1. Fake “seek knowledge even as far as china or acquire knowledge even if it is in china”
2. Fake “seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”
3. Weak : “seeking knowledge is a duty upon every muslim” sunan ibn Majah 224
4. Fake : “the ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr. scholars are more important than martyrs”
5. Fake : “for an hour is better than to be engaged in worship for a period of 60 years this”
6. Fake: “disagreement among my ummah my community is a source of mercy”
7. Fake -- very popular : “prophet was once returning from a battle with his companions and then he turned to them and said we have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad the fight against your evil desires “
8. Fake : love your country is a part of faith or loving your country is part of iman
9. Fake:“muhammad sees an elderly woman who needs help and he helps her carry her things on the way this woman tells muhammad without knowing who he is that there is this guy going around who curses the gods and he is a very terrible person
and people say all kinds of bad things about him and muhammad doesn't make a sound
10. Fake : “one in which a jewish neighbor of muhammad throws garbage at his doorstep every day and instead of punishing her and reprimanding her muhammad just endures it and one day she gets sick and doesn't throw garbage in front of his door and muhammad then asks where is she then he's told that she's sick and he goes to visit her to wish her well”
11. Fake: the heart of a believer is allah's dwelling place the heart of a believer is allah's dwelling place
12. Fake :Love the Arabs for three reasons: because I am an Arab the holy quran was revealed in Arabic and the language of Jannah of paradise will be Arabic
13. Fake kindness is a mark of faith
14. Fake: whoever mistreats a dhimmi a non-muslim living under Islamic protection allah will be his opponent on the day of judgment
15. Misquoted: muhammad said love for humanity what you love for yourself
16. Fake: the treatment of women according to a certain claim Muhammad said that only a noble man treats women honorably and only an ignorant man treats women dishonorably
17. Fake: gladden the heart of human beings to feed the hungry to help the afflicted to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful and to remove the sufferings of the injured
18. Fake: muhammad's advisor and close friend and second khalif omar in the pre-islamic era buried his daughter alive and when he was there digging her grave dust fell on his beard and then his daughter who was supposed to be buried wiped the dust off his beard upon which he became very emotional and cried
19. Fake: muhammad is claimed to have said when a husband and a wife look at each other allah looks at both of them with mercy
20. allah supposedly said to muhammad if it weren't for you i would not have created the worlds
21. snake and cat story fake too.
22. Once Huzur was ready to have lunch, he was very hungry, at the same time an old Jewish lady beggar came to his house and was asking for lunch. Huzoor gave his entire lunch to the woman and, Huzoor tied stones in his stomach😭😭😭. The old lady was very impressed by this act of Huzur and she immediately accepted Islam.
23. There are many other fabricated stories
24. Pigeons do not do dropping on kaba
25. Mmhd predicted water in the vessel of passing caravan reduced


" How can one say That God is beyond space & time, if his mind is within space & time ? When He havent himself see How it looks beyond space & time ? "
OR have he seen worlds beyond space & time and find the poor God
there and confirm he exist there in realms beyond Space & Time ?😂


🙋 ھور فیر غالب بھائی کی حال اۓ تواڈا ❤
میں کیا چلو فیر اج غالب تے حارث بھائی نوں کمنٹ ائ کر دَییّئے 🏵 ھُن خُش او🤣
🌼 لو فیر اج اک لطیفہ سُنو جے چنگا لَگےّ تے فیر پَاویں سَاریاں نوں سُنا دینا 📀
🌼🏵 ایک دن ریلوے اسٹیشن پر دو ٹرینیں کراس کی وجہ سے ساتھ ساتھ کھڑی تھیں " مولوی " لیٹ ھونے کی وجہ سے دوڑتا ھوا آیا اور یہ دیکھے بغیر ھی کہ اس نے کونسی ٹرین پر چڑھنا ھے وہ اپنے سامنے والی ٹرین میں داخل ھو گیا اور اپنی سیٹ اور برتھ تلاش کر کے اپنا سامان رکھا اور برتھ پہ چڑھ کے سو گیا کچھ دیر کے بعد جب اسکی آنکھ کھلی تو نیچے سیٹوں پر بیٹھے لوگوں میں سے ایک بول رھا تھا
⏳" یار اے لَہور ھَلّی کِینا رہ گیا اۓ "⏳
تو دوسرا کہنے لگا
⏳" اَیہی کوئی وِی ۔ پنجی کلومیٹر "⏳
تو انکی یہ باتیں سُن کے ( مولوی ) اوپر ھی سے بولا
" یار اج میں وی من گیا واں کہ واقعی 🕵سَینس نے بڑی ترقی کر لَئی اۓ باواجی "
نیچے سے ایک بولا " او کِینج "
تو مولوی بولا
" او اینج کہ "
⏳ویکھو ناں تَھلویں لَہور جارے نئیں ۔۔۔
" تے " ۔۔۔۔ اُتلے پنڈی جا رے نئیں 🤣🤣
🕵" رزلٹ " مولوی کدی اپنی غلطی نئیں من دے 🙆
🙋 اوکےچنگا فیر خیر ھووے گڈ لک 👍
Jett from PK 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


Wasool Allah ka hai 🤣 dakaiti aur loot
