Teenage Engineering OP-Z Review: Is the OPZ worth it?

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This is a review of the Teenage Engineering OP-Z Pocket Synthesizer. This review looks to answer the question, is the OPZ worth it? We take a comprehensive look at one of the smallest and coolest portable synthesizers that features16 tracks of step sequencing. The review looks at the unit in five categories: design, features, longevity, value and a conclusion.

There is also an example song made completely on the OP-Z. So, what are you waiting for? Sit back and enjoy this review of the OPZ.

Ollie Loops has had no affiliation with Teenage Engineering with regards to the OP-Z. This unit was purchased for full retail. So, we wanted to see if the OPZ was worth it.


And check out the OP-Z unboxing animation:

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Dear Viewers: As you know, sampling was added to the OP-Z. Check out our tutorial on how to sample on the OP-Z:


Sampling has been confirmed and is on the way- module free as well. 😎


I've been playing this synth almost everyday since i bought it. to me, it's awesome for its portability, multi synth engine, drums and effects. It's definitly not a remote controller.


Fantastic, great job! I agree with your, you exacted my feelings and analysis of the op-z


I’ve watched a few reviews of the OP-Z now, and with this one I think I’m falling in love with it.


Great review, I'm loving mine. Owned it since October from the first batch. The connectivity and sequencing power is quite amazing. I'm primarily using it to sequence my eurorack rig, its amazing.


Hey thx for thé vidéo, in terms of midi sequencing and Sound treatmant, do you think that the Digitakt is à betteraves choucroute I have 4 Synths an SP404SX and an IPad, looking for a machine to complète or replace The computer, i hésitante beetwin op-z and Digitakt?


Thank you very much for the answer, do the Op-Z have a song mode? I don't really need that but it might be usefull...


This is a really good review about the op-z! I love the aesthetic of your channel, keep up the awesome videos


Good review and very beautiful channel.

...also, I'm jealous of your yellow roll-up bag. I got the slightly cheaper grey one after breaking my wallet on the OP-Z. LOL


I'm not a TE hater. I love my OP-1 and I have a couple of pocket operators but the Op-z was a big disappointment. The buttons trig accidentally, the encoders fall out and the software is buggy as hell.


I've had it for two months now, i really like it more than the Digitakt. The sequencer and the performance features are really good. You can use the Digitakt standalone, but it has no polyphony on the tracks, no synth engine, no song mode, no sample chopping and only two fx engines. It's a good brain in a studio as it has 8 dedicated midi tracks, but as a standalone unit, the OP-Z is more capable. Step components, parameters locks and ability to sequence fx, tape, master tracks is a lot of fun. I used the screen for an hour and then never used it again. Only to rearrange or add synths, fx, samples. My one and only problem with the op-z is that i can't edit notes on a track that's running for more than 16 steps. Only record live. I have to re-record when i mess up. But i guess i'm just used to move things around on my mpc live :)


Great review! I have been having a blast with my new OPZ and have high hopes for its future.


Love the OP-Z.

My biggest gripe with it is the build quality. I got my old one exchenged cus the encoder fell off. And dropping it from like 30 cm took off a corner off it. Im actually kinda scared that my new one will break acidentally when enjoying the portability of the device and bringing it along with me.


Enjoyed this this video. Nice work, thanks


The recent giant price hike for the op1 makes me look at the opz again, I was initially disappointed with the beta models being shown that it had no screen and an APP that only works on IOS devices, here we are in the future with the same problem. Looking at small quirky company like modal, who manage to support all devices on their apps. Love the pocket operators but some days you have to wonder whats going on over at TE, They could outsource a company to port their app to android and have it sorted in a month. Wish they could have at least put a PO LCD screen in this.


7:55 it's actually beneficial how the time division works. We're trapped in same old same old sequencer paradigm.there is the aha moment when I stopped reprogramming/"stretching a track after increased length say from 1 to 2 bars or 2 to 4 bars


I was between getting like 3 po’s or the opz. glad i got the opz


Good review!
I'm considering to buy either a Digitakt or a op-z but I'll wait to see what happens with the z in the next couple of months. Also the missing mic sampling is the only thing that still keeps me from buying it. Good thing it will be implemented!
Could it sample from line-in as well?


Can the OP-Z be used for remixing pre-existing beats or tracks for say ?
