Honestly, the OP-Z is INSANE

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Honestly, the OP-Z is INSANE

Today I wanted to just take a step back from everything and appreciate how insane of a device the OP-Z actually is. Given it's absolutely tiny form factor, the fact that it's a synth, drum machine, drum sampler, synth sampler, sequencer, song arranger, microphone, DMX controller, and Unity controller (among other things) is just absolutely wild. I think sometimes we tend to focus on the questionable build quality, but let's not forget what an entirely beastly device the OP-Z is! Enjoy the video :)


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I cut down a cheap mouse pad and taped it to the bottom of my op-z. It prevents any bending and provides more grip. Really happy with how it performs now


Wow that Demo was super impressive! Seems like the OP Z is easy to use like a Pocket Operator.


Heck, Apple used the OP-Z as an example of a 3rd party peripheral that can connect to the new iPads via usb-c/thunderbolt. It’s an interesting way to add a headphone jack to the iPad Air 4. :)


opz will never leave my arsenal
BTW, very impressive OP-Z chops


2 month later: ”ive given up on the OP-Z”


I know you've retired it, and I know the build quality is terrible, but going through your videos makes me want to get in on the fun. Like nothing else.


i'd buy a new device in a heartbeat if they could reproduce it in op/1 build quality. the workflow & software is amazing. a joy to use.


The op-z is great. I picked one up a while back but haven’t put the time in to get to where I can make a quality jam with it, but the potential to do so is def there for sure. It’s an amazing throw it in your backpack synth to bring everywhere


That's some fancy ass mallwave going in


I wrote an open letter comment to Teenage Engineering, but as I finished the video your said it :D
Pls new version with better build quality, and per track export ^^
The OP-Z is my dream groovebox; however I cannot afford a groovebox I'm worried to swap out every 2 years or so :/


You forgot to mention that the maximum loop length of OPZ is unquantized 16 bars, that’s really insane!


Tobias said in an episode of Midnight Operations that exporting separate audio tracks would be easy, he said it would be a matter of finding a "1" in the code and changing it to an "8". I am not sure if he was joking or if he misunderstood the question though.


I bought one two months ago and despite all said about build quality (cheap weird plastic), double triggers (that happens once in a while), i can say, i will not change it for any Akai, digitakt and even an op-1 field; the reason? it is an unique piece.


people don’t remember the first few months when the op-z came out 😪 it’s a completely different machine now


I'd opt for better buttons -- apparently, there are a number of people ruler-flat cases that are getting double-triggers. And agree that being able to drag sequence track files off would be nice. But, since it's a sequencer-like workflow vs the tape-style workflow of the OP-1, that would probably be asking a bunch from the hardware. That said, you can easily "bounce" each track to the computer. You might have to do a little manual alignment, but it's doable.


Love my 1010 blackbox it’s small and built like a tank it’s like a smaller sp 404 but always wanted one of the opz or op1’s


I like my OP-Z but I do all the playing for it using a Keith McMillan K-Board because the buttons scare me with all sorts of double trig issues and its build quality isn’t amazing.

Did you manage to get all your double trig issues solved? I don’t have any and am considering selling the OP-Z now since its working 100% and I don’t want to get double trigs and make it worthless. I’ve seen people post things online about contact cleaner and whatnot but I’m not interested in repairing it if it breaks.


I love my mc 101. It is not as small but it’s solid.


The device is great for the size and the price point, and loading samples on it can refresh it into almost anything. In terms of limitations though, I can only create a chain of 32 patterns...is that the true limit or am I missing something? Chaining patterns can't take up too much memory, right? If the 2nd and 3rd gen POs can handle 128 pattern chains, how can the OP-Z only string 32 together? You've touched on this as one of the biggest selling points of the Model:Cycles, but after using the OP-Z for a few months, I'd say that is my biggest gripe. Seems like it is something that could be expandable in a firmware update - so here's hoping!

If anyone has a work-around for this I'd love to hear it.


dude that jam you did mid way threw should be sold as a ringtone
