F-14B Tomcat: By How Much Can Manouveur Flaps Increase Turn Rate? | DCS WORLD

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3:58 For the old Il-2 series up to 1946 there was a program called il2compare which did just that, with data extracted directly from the sim files and some calculations made to them. Was pretty much spot on and it frequently got updated after patches. Something like that for DCS would be pure gold.


Knowing this is partially why i got the Tomcat, however in the FFH tournament and in real life, the flaps were not used in combat, because of the tube system used to control them breaking very easily under undue stress (like turning in a dogfight). According to anecdote by an old F14 pilot, one part of the flap system breaking would require the entire system on both wings to be disassembled and reinstalled with precision, and ot was very labor intensive. Therefore, F14 pilots wouldn't use the flaps in combat, because of the risk of them breaking and causing the wing-sweep to not function as well. I don't know if real data exists to show the turn performance of the F14 with flaps down, but to my knowledge, ot was never done, so any boost to turn performance like we see in DCS is probably not realistic, and i choose not to use it. I'm not telling any of you how to play the game you paid real money for, but if you want to fly the F14 well, and realism matters to you, do it without the flaps. It's still very capable, but you don't instantly reel everyone into your HUD like you do with the flaps.


Consider that lower speed means smaller turn radius, combined with higher degrees per second, means ridicolous better turns in dogfight !


Cap Tacview third option on the top bar add Telemetry data where you can show the turn rate over time


Disclaimer, flaps down and maneuver flaps down are two different key bindings and two different actions in DCS. Maneuver flaps are (by default) the thumb wheel on the stick and are commanded by thumb wheel down. Also, their functions is automatic by default (like in the F-5), so all you need to do is pull certain AoA, and they will self deploy 10 degrees down. Unless CDAC and FCS are damaged somehow. Thus all your previous tests, were probably done WITH maneuvering flaps, without you even noticing.
The flaps key however, deploys full flaps AND AUX flaps down to 30 degrees. These are NOT maneuvering flaps and flying in such conditions above 275 knots indicated and above 4-5g is likely to damage the flaps and jam them in the down position, which in return will completely mess up and disable the wing sweep mechanism.


You have heading, you have time. Just look at the time and divide 360 (or 720 ) by the amount of seconds it took to complete the turn.


Flaps add lift when turning & don't slow you down as much as air break but I fly the SU-25T that comes with the download. Love your channel. I found out about this game from watching your videos.


Full flaps really isn't maneuvering flaps. In fc3 terms that would be "landing flaps". Dlc flaps would be maneuvering flaps.


@Grim Reapers Well Cap this raises another question, how does the other aircraft in the list behave with flaps down? or the maneuver flaps are just specific to the tomcat? What i mean is maybe try the same thing in a hornet to see how much does its sustained turn rate vary with flaps down. And maybe then it can become a valid tactic for dogfights in dcs to increase turnrate!


I haven't watched this video yet but going by the title I'm like NO! You're giving away my dog fight secrets now!


In real life, wing extensions decrease radius but also decreases rate because the aircraft can’t fly as fast due to higher drag. BUT! If given enough lift to massively decrease radius, eventually the radius becomes small enough that the aircraft’s angle of attack turn rate becomes faster.


Thumb nail showed "flaps down" not "Maneuver flaps". Did you do the test with full flaps down or "maneuver flaps". Look at the key binding to see how to use maneuver flaps


"F-15s liked to drag the Tomcat high and use their superior thrust to gain an advantage. An off-the-books tactic we used to counter this was to manually extend the wings to the fullest, then incrementally lower the flaps beyond the normal maneuver setting. It was hugely successful, but the danger was that the flap torque tubes were not designed for this and could become stuck.

Life is all about tradeoffs, and not losing to an F-15 is certainly worth the ire of the maintenance Master Chief."
Haven't been flying DCS for a while. Is the A model out / release date in sight?
And when will the mystery module 2020 revealed? I mean end of year is rapidly closing...


Hi I just bought F / 14 TOMCAT, could you please help me understand, in f / a18 when there is a tight formation of planes there is an option on the EXP / RAID radar which gives you a chance to see them all. Is there anything like this on the f / 14's TID radar? Thank you


Cmon guys do Sukhois with stick deflection limiter off(should be most useful at about 800 kph I think) And Sp. A/B for 33 @ 3 tons of fuel.. I imagine the results will be different..


Good morning GR.
Keep the content coming. Love you guys!


Using full flaps in a 300-350 knot turn will almost certainly damage the flaps, locking them in the down position, so I don't think those are legitimate numbers to post on that spreadsheet.


Hi there is any chance that we going to fly the F-14D super tomcat in the future


Would having flaps out delay sweeping the wings back?


What is the formal maximum speed with the flaps down (Vfe) of the Tomcat?
Im no Tomcat pilot in real life but what I remember is that it was somewhere over 200kts. Thus having them extented is a big no-go at speeds you were flying here. You are simply breaking your aircraft.
