Best Credit Card Hacks That Banks Don't Want You to Know About

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Here are the Best Credit Cards Hacks that Banks don't want you to know.

Advertiser Disclaimer: Some of the card links and other products that appear on this website are from companies for which John Liang will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. This means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a commission. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

tags: credit card secrets, credit card hacks, credit hacks, credit cards, bank secrets, credit card tips, best credit cards, american express hacks, chase hacks, best credit tips
Рекомендации по теме

1. Pay in time/pay in full
2. Late fee waivers
3. Retention offers
4. Reconsideration offers
5. Product change
6. Move credit (same company)
7. Pay before close date
8. Freeze your credit
9. Multiple signup bonus


Awesome tips here John. Paying your cards off before the statement date rather than just before the due date is a MASSIVELY underutilized tip that I try to preach on my channel as well. I try to keep my utilization at 1-2% and achieve that by paying off 98-99% of my balances right before my STATEMENT CLOSE date rather than my due date. Great stuff man!


Thank you John. I’m 20 and have 9 credit cards, just learned how to freeze my credit.


Thanks to you I now have 3 credit cards and building my credit fast, at 20 years old!


Good job getting away from the nonsense disinformation that 30% utilisation is ok. That's very high and can harm an otherwise strong credit score. Too many influencers spreading nonsense. Best to aim for 5% or even 2%


John you’re probably the most engaging and easy to understand person I follow on credit cards on YT, but I still don’t understand how to actually use the points and miles we accumulate correctly? Transferring, using, booking and taking trips, is there any way you could make some videos explaining this further? 🙏🏻


Just got my cash back boosted from 1%-3% on all purchases and from 5%-7% on my rotating categories with a “retention” offer.

This was on my discover it student card with no annual fee too


Hi John, thanks for the tips, I do have a question for the last tip
If you reapply for the same card again to get their bonus again
What happens to the card your already have?
Do you have two Chase sapphire cards then?
What would you do with it? Keep both? Does it combined to one card ?
Do you cancel the one you already have?

If you can answer these questions, it would be much appreciate, thank you!


HI John. Thanks again for such great content and simple explanations. Quick question around the last tip. Are you cancelling the existing card and then reapplying for a new card to get the bonus points? or are you holding it and applying for another card of the same?


Never thought about keeping my credit frozen. Great idea!


Yeah, I have similar experience obtaining my currently highest card. When I applied and things begun to seem in limbo, I called my personal bank representative (my primary bank gives everyone one person and it's absolutely fabulous!) and he, knowing my accounts, recommended me dropping the application and requesting a loan on the count of lower interest rate. All I needed to do, was to explain, that I need card with high enough limit for blockations, when renting a car on business trips and my card's in my wallet.


They should remove ding from credit pulls. It does not make sense. It’s not even guaranteed that you will pursue it or they will give you that.


The second advice was very useful for me, thanks John!


I'm DCAing in MYSTICFLIP as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!


Great content as always, can you do a video about which bank accounts do the wealthy use?


If you need flexibility with your cash, it’s ok to keep your credit utilization at or below 25-30%. 15% or 5% is extreme unless you have the financial flexibility to pay that much.


I've payed in full but this last couple months been tough with electric. So I can only pay the minimum next payment.


I just called Chase for a retention offer of my Sapphire Preferred card. Looks like there is no retention offer for me or this card from Chase.


Great video! Very informative with a lot of great actionable items


Can a husband and wife apply for the same card separately and both claim the welcome bonus effectively doubling the household's welcome bonus? Or do credit cards have measures to prevent these things? Along those same lines, can a husband refer his wife to a credit card and gain the referral bonus? Or is it something where the person referred has to live at another address?
