Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

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‎ This is a top 5 list of our centerpiece fish for community tanks in the 10 to 30 gallon range.




At Aquarium Co-Op, we focus on your aquariums. We specialize in freshwater tropical fish, aquatic plants, and the overall betterment of the freshwater fish keeping hobby. Our goal is to help you with your first pet fish and graduate you to an advanced aquarium hobbyist. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to Aquarium Co-Op and check out our weekly videos.

Cory McElroy is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore, all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op.

0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Angelfish
1:06 - Gouramis
1:59 - Apistogrammas
3:06 - Bolivian ram
3:46 - Betta fish
5:44 - Outro

#Aquariumcoop #Aquariumfish #Fishtank
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This guy has a great personality; enthusiastic but not overly.


He is a genuine legend just for putting time stamps and video chapters on his older videos 👈👌❤️


My betta is so tame that he schools with my tetras 🤦🏽‍♂️ they follow him around... he’s like their king


you having your bettas in big tanks, , major major effin respect sir.


I love my Koi Betta. He is in a tank with Rummy Nose Tetras and Cory cats. I have no problem from them. I set up the tank for my mom, who is shut in at 93 years old. I stay with her to take care of her. I set up the tank for her. She loves the Betta. When she goes to the tank he comes to the front of the tank and displays for her. What a beautiful fish . Thanks for all the help I have gotten from your videos


Centerpiece fish for 29 gallon and smaller.

5.  Angelfish. 0:33

4. Gourami. 1:07

3. Apistogramma. 1:57

2. Bolivian Ram. 3:06

1. Betta. 3:45


My Betta has very long, silk-like fins, and he’s been living in a community tank with some neon tetras, white skirt tetras, and a pleco. No problem has ever occurred and the Betta is super chill around the others.


How far bettas have come, in my mind, and it seems for others as well. From just a cheap fish in a tiny cup or bowl, to #1 show piece! I'm almost crying right now thinking about it. Clicking this vid, I never expected it would hit me emotionally. But when Cory unveiled the #1 pick....
Yeah I have a betta in my 75 gallon for about a year now. (Not a 29 or under, but same principle.) A tank with Turquoise & Bosemani rainbows, emperer, serpae & neon tetras, lots of beautiful fish. But my betta man, he is just the best.
Thank you so much Cory & aquarium co-op! Love watching & learning from your channel- He lives in there because of you! Keep up the great work!


I have a sorority of four female Bettas with a school of neon tetras and I think that this is my favourite set up in over 30 years. My females all have long flowing fins almost equaling that of a male. Stunning.


Great list, I'd also say Betta number 1. Its the centrepiece for my planted 10 gallon.
I'm recently starting a 20 gallon coldwater freshwater tank, and I'm thinking paradise fish for centrepiece.


My very first tank was a really nicely aquascaped 10-gallon with a male betta raised from fry with about five white clouds. I think raising the male betta WITH a group of small, schooling fish worked really really well for cutting aggression, and I always recommend it to friends just getting into the hobby. Plus, getting to watch a betta grow up and their fins fill out is one of the most delightful things about these fish!


Other benefits of bettas in community tanks: If you keep livebearers and you need help with population control, bettas are GREAT. Unless you have my boy (in my avatar) who adopts fry.


Out of nowhere I’ve wanted to set up a 5 gallon betta. Winning my heart those guys are


I'm very very late but I love that this guy keeps his bettas in big community tanks! I see far to often bettas in like a cup of water with algae with no heater or filter


I’ve been wanting something unique for my heavily planted community tank, and after this video I made the hour-long drive out to the “good” fish store last weekend. They had around a dozen types of Apistogramma. I picked up a female Nejsseni. Neat looking yellow fish with 3 big black spots on each side. For the first day and a half she was timidly staying down in the grasses, checking things out. Then she got comfortable. Then she killed all my horned nerites. Then she decided the much larger German Ram needed to be chases at least 3 laps around the aquarium whenever eye contact was made. Then the cories all needed to be chased out of any hiding hole. Then she feasted on about a dozen mollie fry before I could scoop them out.

So yeah. Apistogramma - pretty, but maybe not the best peaceful community fish. :)


I have TWO Angelfish in my 29 gallon community tank and everyone seems to get along beautifully and no fighting. It's all about the temperament of the fish like you said Cory. Thanks for the list of fish.🐟🐟🐠🐠👍👍


Glad to see Betta as #1. I have a male paradise delta tail with 4 cory, 1 siamese algae eater, 5 black tetra, 3 narite snais and 2 apple snails. There is very little chasing and no fins nipped. Funny thing is when I went to get my cory cats, I went by Petsmart, the sales people asked what size tank and fish I had, then told me "No, we can't sell you anything if you are going to put it in with a betta". My response was, "Fine, I'll take my business and money elsewhere". Since then Petsmart will never have me as a customer for anything.


5:31 The auto generated subs reads "I can't find pizza grandmas" instead of "I can't find Apistogrammas" - I love it.


Finally someone who pronounces Betta correctly. I hear so many pronounce and people will correct me with the Greek letter pronunciation Beta (Bay-tah). A local fish hobbyist vendor at an outdoor market in Thailand on a TV show years ago said Bet Tah like it was two words. Friends and a local pet store had Bettas in with goldfish and the goldfish ate the Betta fins completely off. I had one female Silver Veil Angel in with guppies and various catfish for years and she laid eggs every year. I've had many different Apistogrammas and they are great fish. I kept species separate in two 50's and two 29's but I eventually gave them and the babies away. I'm getting more because of this vid. Thanks for the inspiration. Where were fish expert owners like you when I was young and starting out? I had to deal with old crabby pet store owners who acted like they needed to quit that day. Thanks for doing a great job.


I have a beautiful Male Betta with long flowing fins with 8 Neons in a 29 gallon they all get along perfect. I have seen the neons chase each other but never the beta. He is always calm.
