Spring v/s Spring boot framework differences Interview Questions and Answers | Code Decode

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In this video we have explained about spring vs spring boot which is very important Interview Questions for fresher and experienced
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What is the difference between Spring and Boot?
Spring Boot
Where it’s used?
Spring is an open-source lightweight framework widely used to develop enterprise applications.
Spring Boot is built on top of the conventional spring framework, widely used to develop Enterprise level applications with Rest APIS and CRUD
Why it came in picture at all?
It helps to create a loosely coupled application. Before Spring came in picture we struggled with tightly coupled object. removed with Dependency injection concept
It helps to create a stand-alone application created with RAD model. It came in picture to reduce Time to market (TOM time) .
Server configuration needed?
To run the Spring application, we need to set the server explicitly.
Spring Boot provides embedded servers such as Tomcat and Jetty etc.
Spring Boot
Boilerplate Code
To create a Spring application, the developers write lots of boilerplate code
It Reduces Boilerplate Code.
In Memory-Database
It doesn’t provide support for the in-memory database.
It provides support for the in-memory database such as H2. In-memory database relies on system memory as oppose to disk space for storage of data.
Because memory access is faster than disk access. We use the in-memory database when we do not need to persist the data. The in-memory database is an embedded database. The in-memory databases are volatile, by default, and all stored data loss when we restart the application.
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Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers:
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#springVsSpringBoot #springboot #codedecode
Udemy Course of Code Decode on Microservice k8s AWS CICD link:
Course Description Video :
What is the difference between Spring and Boot?
Spring Boot
Where it’s used?
Spring is an open-source lightweight framework widely used to develop enterprise applications.
Spring Boot is built on top of the conventional spring framework, widely used to develop Enterprise level applications with Rest APIS and CRUD
Why it came in picture at all?
It helps to create a loosely coupled application. Before Spring came in picture we struggled with tightly coupled object. removed with Dependency injection concept
It helps to create a stand-alone application created with RAD model. It came in picture to reduce Time to market (TOM time) .
Server configuration needed?
To run the Spring application, we need to set the server explicitly.
Spring Boot provides embedded servers such as Tomcat and Jetty etc.
Spring Boot
Boilerplate Code
To create a Spring application, the developers write lots of boilerplate code
It Reduces Boilerplate Code.
In Memory-Database
It doesn’t provide support for the in-memory database.
It provides support for the in-memory database such as H2. In-memory database relies on system memory as oppose to disk space for storage of data.
Because memory access is faster than disk access. We use the in-memory database when we do not need to persist the data. The in-memory database is an embedded database. The in-memory databases are volatile, by default, and all stored data loss when we restart the application.
Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers:
Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers:
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#springVsSpringBoot #springboot #codedecode