Spring Boot vs. Node | express.js vs Spring Boot

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Should you use Spring / Spring Boot or Node in your next project?
Spring Boot seems to be a great fit for the enterprise because you can fulfill all the security and compliance requirements.

Node is great when you need to get something done as quickly as possible.
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Do you prefer Node or Spring Boot?
When do you use what?


Really good explanation, I'll take time to look at Spring boot.
I've been working with Node for 4 year and I felt all those pain that you've mentioned, Thanks!


I agree with your disquisitions. I have a long time experience with java and SpringBoot and i like it a lot (i respect and hate hibernate though!) but since a few years i'have been developing nodejs based web-applications too. Today i'm working on a project for a customer where i have to choose between NodeJs (expressjs) vs SpringBoot for kind a medium/big web-application that has a lot of functionalities that aren't so much cpu intensive and should be mainly db operations. I decided to use nodejs because it's faster to develop with and working with Sequelize (db orm) is easier and leaner and less prone to edge conditions than with hibernate. In case a very small set of the functionalities may become bottlenecks due to unexpected computation needs, i'll develop specific external web services in SpringBoot that will perform only computational tasks and return results to node. I hope this strategy will pay :)


Thanks. Very good and clear explanation. You do touch on points that are important for startup that are watching their cost but not at the expense of scalability.


Thank you for this video. We will wait for spring boot videos on your channel. good luck ;)


I have done my final year project on spring web and android app. One thing I have noticed is that, if you are stuck on an error, it takes a lot of time to figure out the problem.


Thank you very much, this will be very help full for my interview


How does java compare to node in the front-end part, there are servlets but why do you need them when you can simply use angular with java?


Very useful and accurate comparison 👌Totally agree with you that Java Spring Boot has a very steep learning curve.
"Everybody's grandmother can do Javascript" 😂
I need to buy a new pack of cigarette now 🚶‍♂️


Can i ask some noob question, is it really necessary that we learn spring ecosystem (spring and spring mvc) first before jumping into spring boot ? . I am a c# developer, and now learning JDBC in process, i want to go to spring after JDBC but i kinda confused, should i go for spring or immediately taste spring boot and pickup "some" necessary spring along the way


What would you recommend for a starter? Well, I was looking to build API that I'd consume on a Flutter project for example. In addition that I mainly prefer Java over JavaScript (yeah I know that sounds stupid, but it's just a personal preference idk), and I was looking for getting into Enterprise Applications in the future. So, should I give JS another try or start with Spring?


What will you recommend for college student who finished with javascript and fundamentals of programing...??


Man I just love the way you break things down ! I agree 100% with you ! I have made an online judge using nodeJs and since it needs doing code compilation and execution in the machine, the wait time for a new user get longer . That 's where I used Spring boot : and honestly the thread staff is an overkill for that really get the job done . Finally, as you said all of that are only tools, I always start with what I know and if it gets things done That s what I want, otherwise I move to learn what will get the the job done !


What are your thoughts on the new spring native project? it dramatically changes the way spring apps are packaged, it reduces your app size since it does not pack the jdk with it, a regular app can go from 250mb to just 80mb of disk space, start up times are heavily reduced from 9s up to 300ms, and the memory usage reduces aswell from 140mb to 20mb, this project will address this heaviness issue with spring boot, i've never used node myself, but i'm excited for this new project, it's in beta tho.


I'm a fresher I know something about spring but now I need to learn in between Angular, ReactJs and Spring boot which one is best choice to learn..?


Best video i've seen on the topic, really informed and opinionated. Good job.


Hi productioncoder, I made 1 year now with JavaScript client side. My aim is full stack. I did a little bit of PHP where you download XAMP or MAMP. It already had built in an Apache server and MySQL. I decided to stop with PHP because in NYC most corp jobs are in Java. Anyways, my question is with Java are you able to launch an Apache server and does it come with SQL? Does Java run similarly to PHP? I am really confused with backend technologies, thank you.


The channel name itself speaks a lot ❤️


Things I wish you had talked about:
- what are the fundamental differences between Node and the JVM? You mentioned threads, but didn't really expand on that.
- TypeScript gives you static types in a Node environment, so maybe static vs dynamic is less of a differentiator, but how does it compare to Java's type system?
- how does the testing story compare between TS and Java?
- how does tool support compare between TS and Java, e.g. IDEs, etc?


I'm a second year student . Which framework do you prefer to me for building personal projects
