How to Get Excel Not to Round Numbers | Remove Trailing Zeros After Decimal |

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In this video, I demonstrate how to stop Excel from rounding numbers. In my scenario I have a list of numbers all with a different number of decimal places - some with one, others with seven or eight. If I increase the number of decimal places to stop Excel rounding I end up with trailing zeros on some values, which I don't want. If I decrease decimal places I am back with the rounding. I could apply the correct decimal place format to each value individually but this might be unrealistic with a large number of values.

A solution is to convert your values into text values using the Text to Columns feature. The numbers, once they have been converted to text will show the correct number of decimal places with no rounding and no trailing zeros. What is more, even though those numbers are now stored as text, you can still perform calculations on them as if they were numbers.
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Thank you for the tip. However, my Excel does not perform the calculation.


Hi is there any way where I can round a full sheet automatically?


Can you share some video and side link about to make colour coding matrix in an excel related to quality compliance
