The Most Powerful Way To Start Healing Your Past & Building Your Future | Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

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What does it take to change your personality? In this episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Dr. Joe Dispenza says people have more potential than they give themselves credit for. Empowering people to discover their potential and reveal what’s possible has become Joe's life work.

You'll learn how to effectively fight your victim mentality, fully embrace and envision the future. "When you're changing, you just stop talking about it. You're just too busy being it."

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Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better.
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I have been listening to Dr Joe Dispenza for the last 8 months and I have completely changed my life around. I don't even remember the last time I was angry with anything or anyone. It's been a long journey and a lot of work, but my energy and my old self has completely disappeared. I am no longer who I used to be and I am so grateful and so ready to help as many people as I can with this new knowledge. Lets go.. what do you have to loose?


This man taught me more in an hour than I learned in 4 years of college. The limitless mind is an unstoppable mind.


“If you’re not defined by a vision of the future then all you’re left with is the memories of the past” wow


Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace in the soul. It comes from laughter and love ❤️


I've been operating in survival mode for way too long with unpleasant results. After years of research on many emotional health topics, I finally feel this concept is resonating with me. I'm visualizing all the things I want in my future, and I feel I deserve abundance, happiness and peace. And I'm going to create an awesome exciting, fulfilled future, and I will never be a victim again.


Dr. Joe D is one of the people who completely reshaped my thinking.

Thank you Jay for bringing him onto your show for all of us to learn and enjoy :)


Dr. Joe is a genius. And is at the same time so generous with his knowledge and wisdom. He never knew how he affected so many lives. All gratitude for him is more than appropriate. Special thanks to Mr Jay Shetty for a wonderdul interview.


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
― Rumi


I intend that anyone who reads this comment has all their desires come true


First time I heard him, I blew if off as new age baloney. But then I listened again. And again. Now I’m actually listening—and it makes sense to me. I suffer from depression and I’m sick of it. So I’ll try this. Really put my heart, mind and soul into his teachings. I can’t see the downside to it. Hope I can change . Either way, I appreciate these videos. They give us hope


I meditate every morning upon waking. I write in my journal an hour or two while still in that alpha state of mind. I swear it's transforming. It's amazing what I wrote... problems solved, ideas formed, my mind and body are connected to now go exercise aka workout. I love listening/ reading Dr. Joe.


Self love is without a doubt in my opinion, the biggest way to heal your past and build your future. Learn to love yourself by healing your inner child that needs nurturing.


Joe is extraordinary being. I learned a lot from him. My life is changed, I'm in love with my life. I'm in love with myself


Dr Joe Dispenza helped me a lot during my healing journey from an anxiety disorder 🌸 He is right: if you want to create a new reality, you have to create a new identity.


I love this quote:
“I think Health & well-being can be as infectious as disease”


1.Knowledge is for the mind, experience is for the body ,

2. where you place your intention is where you place your energy

3. Meditation can lengthen you life, your change your genes


*"Knowledge is for the mind, and experience is for the body" Love it* 🌻


2:45 when you understand what you are doing and why, then the how gets easier.
4:10 when you say (i am really upset because of this person/situation) then understand that somebody out there is controlling the way i am feeling/thinking, you became a victim to whoever/whatever that is.
32:14 Universe only gives us what we think we are worthy of receiving.
38:14 the day you don't want to is the day you most need to.


For many people it takes hitting rock bottom to finally wake up and realize that what they have been doing their entire life isn't working. It's what shakes them to finally see that something needs to change. If people had this knowledge sooner, hitting rock bottom wouldn't be necessary, people could skip the terrible pain that comes with getting so low. I am that person who had to learn the hard way. I know now that my thoughts, personality, and my suffering isn't fixed and that I have control of what happens in my life simply by taking control of my own mind. It takes discipline and real commitment but it is possible to create a better life for yourself.


So exciting! I am an example of downregulating cancer cells and upregulating my immune system. In remission for 12 years, no meds. I expect the uncertain every day and thrilled it works! Practicing every day to synchronize my heart with my brain. Thanks, Jay, for having Dr. Joe on your show. I can't wait for my next meditation and getting better and better at staying in the future.
