The Most POWERFUL Law Of Attraction Technique to MANIFEST What You Want FAST! (Neville Goddard)

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Use this technique when nothing else is working for you to revise anything unwanted in your life and create it by design. Neville’s brilliant guidance regarding imagination is truly the secret to manifesting and attracting what you want! #lawofattraction

The Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

My websites and social media links:

More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Your Mind Can Create Anything! Sadhguru Speech

Neville Goddard How To Feel Your Way into The Wish Fulfilled!

Law Of Attraction | the secret | mind | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal development | inspiration | motivation | new | 2018 | attract | create | manifest | how to manifest what you want | how to attract what you want | learn this | Your Youniverse | The Most POWERFUL Law Of Attraction Technique to MANIFEST What You Want FAST! | Neville Goddard | Use This When Nothing Else is Working | Manifest Fast | Manifestation | Law of Attraction Coaching | Powerful Technique | #lawofattraction
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Every One Reading This, Something Good Is Coming In Your way


Moving to my dream house living my dream job, life gets better everyday . Anyone reading this your dreams are coming true


This worked for me more than once and now my biggest dream comes trough : moving to Spain !


Hi every one... love you... May u all get what u desire....


Expect miracles every second, everyday...


If you’re reading this, I love you and you’re awesome!


if you’re reading this you are one of the chosen ones and i love you ❤️ we are a family


Law of attraction really works . i have manefisted my love and i am living a happy life with my love .


This really works, three days ago I visualized about going to Paris and it seemed so real so i started crying, and today my mom came to me and said that she is taking me there next month!


This is what makes people wildly successful. Most of society think that successful people are superheroes or aliens. No. They just understand the universe that we live it.


I clicked on this by mistake, best mistake ever☺☺


The law of attraction works, it worked for me. But you must have lots of gratitude! Usually what you ask for comes when you least expect it.


THIS IS WHAT JIM CARREY DID. When he was young he would always say “I am gonna make 10, 000, 000 dollars” and he even wrote a check out to himself. When he finally made ten million dollars he signed the check. The mind is so freaking powerful, people just uave yet to realize this. I am so glad i looked this up! I am gonna use my mind to my advantage from now on.


I love the positivity in the comment section.🥰


Proverbs 23:7
For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is....


anyone else truly awakening now? I’ve had so many epiphanies recently, mainly after i realized i can control my own reality with consciously thinking of good things happening. I feel like i have so much love now and i can’t contain it. i think this is the true meaning of life and i am getting closer to finding the truth i can feel it


My mind just got blown. I just found out about the law of attraction and i realised that ive been doing it pretty much my whole life. I was convinced i was psychic but i have just been doing this law of attraction all along!


Listened to this 1 day last week. I became very excited about this technique immediately recognizing its value. The next day my daughter, 23 yrs old, was explaining how tired and worn down she felt applying for a professional job, it’s been about 9 months now. I used the Revision technique that evening imagining her telling me she just got a dream job and how excited she was. 2 days later she called and said that she received a random call for her to interview for a position she did not even apply And she got the job and starts Monday!!!! My heart is full of joy! This stuff works!!!! Thank you for the precision in which you shared this information!!!


I just prayed to the universe to guide me as nothing was working for me and this video popped in my recommendations. Thank you so much for this video❤❤


After I woke up today I asked the Universe to give me a sign that I will be able to understand.
Shortly after this video popped up in my recommendation list 😁.
Thank you 💞 💞 .
