10 Things You Should Know About NUMBERS! (with activities to try)

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#numbers #maths #thingsyoushouldknow

Children's University code: red1209

Maths is often voted as one of, if not the, least liked subjects in school, which was also my own personal experience. However, over time I've gained a new appreciation for maths and some fascinating aspects of how it is used to tell stories and explain our world. From the earliest days of human counting, through to the infinity of numbers, with some activities to pause and try as you go along, hopefully this video will give you a new appreciation for maths, too, as I explore 10 Things You Should Know About NUMBERS!

00:00 Introduction

01:04 Our daily number systems are a bit of a mess!

02:57 Zero is an even number!

04:24 Prime numbers keep us safe online!

06:09 Pi is known to 62.8 trillion digits!

07:45 The angles of a triangle don't always add up to 180 degrees!

09:30 Google works based on an old bridge problem! (activity)

11:30 Mathematicians are obsessed with cake!

13:18 The Monty Hall Problem (activity)

15:09 Covid-19 was an example of exponential growth! (activity)

16:57 The Infinity Hotel is never full!

18:30 Final Thought: Two things to keep in mind!

19:13 Outro

#stem #stemeducation #scienceeducation #scienceforkids #stemforkids #number #math #mathematics #facts #didyouknow

I receive nothing for promoting the books in this video, I just want you to know where to access some top-quality dinosaur information!

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