6 Turn Pattern System of Salsa

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➡️ Did you know that...
* 82% of all male dancers forget most of their turnpatterns while social dancing?
* 98% women care more for fun and connection on the dancefloor than turnpatterns?
➡️ Guys, are you getting frustrated at times when you are doing the same move over and over just because you keep forgetting all the other moves?
➡️Ladies, do you sometimes have the feeling that your dancepartner hardly makes any connection? That he is just not there in the moment?

Well, Those times can be over!!!

First of all guys: There is no way on earth you can remember all the moves that you have learned taking classes. Do you want to know why?

Well, let me ask you a simple question:

When you are taking Salsa dance classes what part of the brain do you think is more activated? The cognitive part or the emotional part of the brain?

Correct! When you are taking Salsa dance classes the COGNITIVE part of your brain is more activated. This is because each and every move is explained and demonstrated, the music is not very loud and the lights are turned on.

Let me ask you a second simple question:

When you are going to a party for some social dancing, what part of the brain is now more activated you think? The cognitive part or the emotional part of the brain?

Correct again! The EMOTIONAL part of the brain! At a party the music is loud, the light are dimmed and all women look even more spectaculair than they normally do!

You can see it as 2 different rooms. In one room there is the DATABASE with all te great, cool & sexy moves. The other room is where the FEELING and the MUSIC is.

In what room do you think the ladies are?

That is right! In the second room! Waiting for the guys to join them, enjoying the wonderful music, the fun and the connection!

So ladies, if until now you where wondering why men are smiling less than women on the dancefloor, why they seem a bit absent while dancing, not really in the moment enjoying the music and the dance... This has nothing to do with you.

Most men are locked into the Salsa Matrix, looking for their database with all the moves. And men, as you now know... you never had a chance. UNTIL NOW!

A long time ago I started searching for answers and I found something shocking!!!

Fist of all I found that 80% of everything the best dancers are doing on the dancefloor consists out of only 6 turns!!!

🔥SIX TURNS! That is it! 🔥

The other 20% percent is the stuff that only 10% of the best dancers in the world are doing.

Now I don't know about you but being able to do 80% of everything the best dancers are doing sounds great to me!

Second thing I found is that 98% women care more for fun and connection on the dancefloor than for turnpatterns. This was another shock to me. I was always afraid I would bore my dance partner if I was not able to make her do a lot of moves.

Then one night I decided not to go out for a dance (in that part of my life I literaly went out dancing 7 nights a week). Why did I stay home that night? I think I came to a point of frustration. Going out every night doing the same moves over and over again got me to a point wondering if this was all there was.

I decided to sit down and take a piece of paper and I asked myself a simple question:


On the top of that piece of empty paper I wrote a F (female). On the bottom I wrote down the letter M (male).

And then something beautiful happened!

My wish for you is that you will learn this simple step by step 6 Turn Pattern System as I show you in the video. It has totally tranformed not only my dancing but also the way I connect with my dance partner and the music on the dancefloor. And so it can do for you.

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas please write them down below in the commentbox. I will try to reply within 24 hours.

And for more Salsa dancing tips and for questions about are new Franchise system please check out the following links:
Рекомендации по теме

As a lead, this is the exact information I’ve been asking salsa/dance instructors to give me for years (to no avail). Fantastic video. Gives me six starting points (steps) to master before learning their variations. Bravo.


First useful salsa instruction video I have seen in the Internet.


6 turn patterns:
In front of the lead:
5:48 Single right turn (Exhíbela)
5:54 Single left turn
To the left of the lead
6:28 Cross budy turn inside (left)
6:58 Cross body turn outside (right)
To the right of the lead
7:35 Enchufa (left)
8:16 Reverse cross body turn (right)


almost a year in salsa clases and finally someone who explain with flawless simplicity WHY and HOW we do certain steps


Just started taking private lessons and I'm learning salsa. This video literally turned what I was seeing as graduate level calculus into basic math in terms of understanding the majority of salsa dancing. It looks so complex but it's so easy once you simplify it like you did in this video! Thank you so much! I can't wait to practice and become comfortable w/ social salsa dancing.


Slow start, but worth the wait. It is a really great video showing the basic building blocks of turn patterns in a way than makes it much easier to remember. Great learning format! More dance teachers should use this approach to teaching salsa. Thank You Salsaventura!


Ground breaking. I gave up on salsa because I couldn't progress efficiently, all I could feel was frustration. If I ever return, this man will be my guide.


One of the few incredible dancing instructors on earth.


Spitting wisdom so profound I come back to watch this video weekly


Fantastic. You are so spot on. I am starting from scratch for the third time, as everything I have learned is "forgotten". But watching your short, no-nonsens, straight to the point videos makes everything come back to me. Thank you so, so much for these videos. They bring more value than the most expensive Salsa classes.


Ok. This is genius. Combine this with the ways of holding hands and you get not only fillers for socials, but it makes it even easier to learn new sequences (this turn with that hand position). Lighbulb moment video.


Rarely I have seen such a great instructional video! Respect !


This is the most important Salsa vídeo I have ever seen! Thanks, You are great.


By far, this is the very Best video l have seen about Salsa dancing, and I've seen a lot
Thanks for the excellent explanation 👍


You guys are just awesome. You have kept it so simple ans easy to understand. Thank you so much for making it so easy for us to learn. Great respect guys.


You described exactly my experience! Very useful and wise instruction. Altho i am dancing on 2, this is really useful to me. I especially appreciate the info about why it is that my mind becomes totally blank at the dance!! And this is how my brain works also...realizing that we are only doing a few essential moves, rather than getting caught up in so many details that of course go out the window when the girl is in front of me! I'll check out your other offerings.


Guy learns 258 moves, but lucky to remember 30 of them once he hits the dance floor.
Any technique to help memory is great; I like this logical approach, thank you


i don;t dance salsa, i never took any classes, but i dance a lot of other styles. i learn so much from this video that no one belives me i don't dance salsa. thank you


the video starts at @4:10 You're welcome.


Genius way of explaining things.... It's so helpful to see the "menu" of all pattern options (or at least their basic structure)! It makes it so much more manageable to learn and not get overwhelmed. Thanks for this great series of videos
