Magic Pill Erases Bad Memories

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It's a whole new approach to ridding yourself of bad memories. And it might just be in your medicine cabinet right now! SourceFed's Trisha Hershberger sits down with Anthony to talk about a pill that might enable you to leave the most difficult parts of your past behind.

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Human genome--guided identification of memory-modulating drugs
"In the last decade there has been an exponential increase in knowledge about the genetic basis of complex human traits."

New Drug Reduces Negative Memory
"Through analysis of the human genome, Basle scientists have identified molecules and compounds that are related to human memory."

New Drug reduces negative Memory
"Through analysis of the human genome, Basle scientists have identified molecules and compounds that are related to human memory. In a subsequent pharmacological study with one of the identified compounds, the scientists found a drug-induced reduction of aversive memory."

Watch more of Trish on Sourcefed and SourcefedNerd:

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How Bad Memories Fade:
TestTube Wild Card:
Are Memories Reliable?:

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I have trauma I don't want to remember there was shit from the past that traumatized the crap out of me


I want this pill or whatever this is so badly.  I'd love to just forget all the bad memories I've ever had.


I need that pill to forget the video I just watched


THANK YOU! If someone's gone through/witnessed some sort of horrible, traumatic event, they'd love getting rid of those memories (or at the very least a lot of the sting that comes with them). The people being like "I grow from my memories it makes me a better person" probably don't have PTSD or some other severe anxiety disorder as a result of their bad memories.


I suffer from anxiety and I need this pill.


Personally I think that your memories good and bad make you who you are and help you grow as a person. However when it comes to survivors dealing with PTSD and other similar mental illnesses I think this would be a great help in helping them through their symptoms and helping them recover, even if it didn't remove them completely but just helped to dull their memories and emotions connected to those memories.


It's Benadryl and it also is the best thing for sleep. It's also the best for long term headache treatment. This stuff has saved my life. I'm an insomniac with a hole in my head behind my ear.


As someone who has dealt with major depression for the last 8 years this sounds like a miracle to me. I would take it, yes.


I love how so many people are deciding that other people shouldn't use this drug-- probably because they enjoy the power they get over others by causing bad memories, and they want to keep it.
You have no right to decide for another person what they do with their body and memory, so if you don't want the pill then nobody's forcing you to take it; but you have no right decide for another person by passing laws against it.
Just because you want to live with your memories gives you no right to force others to do the same, who the fuck do you think you are? 


If I can erased the negative from my life than yes I will take this pill. So I can finally be happy again


I want lose my whole life memories that I don't have remember everything what happened


It's amazing how insensitive that these trolls are to people who can't even live their lives because everything sets of terrible memories.
They're the same ones who were against anasthesia because "suffering builds character."


It depends on the bad memories. Bad events that people cause to happen are important. Bad events that are completely random and have haunted people all of their lives are completely different. Some people suffer with severe depression due to bad memories from earlier in life. This could be a safer and more modern alternative to electroconvulsive therapy which is a last resort in treating severe depression.


Suffering depression makes it harder to remember happy experiences so taking the pill would deplete the majority of my memories. So as three days grace so wonderfully put it "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all"


I know what bad memories are. I've had to live with an unloving father who'd verbally abuse my mother and occasionally myself for most of my life. I had to support myself during tough times, fathering myself and achieving manhood alone without the help of friends or family. I didn't have anyone to talk to save my dog and an intangible god who never answered my prayers, back when I still had faith.
Yet despite all that I've gone through, I still wouldn't erase those memories.


I suffer from anxiety disorder and hell yeah i'd use it! I also suffer from depression about memories in the past and if i could get rid of it my god i would!


Bad idea. Like she said, we learn from our mistakes. If we don't remember making a mistake we will just repeat the process in a cycle. We all have to go through this roller-coaster we call life, and if we aren't up to the human experience things can fall out of balance.


It doesn't actually erase them, it removes their emotional weight. It would make memories not hurt anymore. Its the difference between understanding spiders are dangerous and being petrified of them.


where d fuck can I get 1 of those pills


As much as we all hate bad memmories, many of life's lessons have been learned through such occasions They help forge us and without them we'd only be dooming ourselves to repeating them.
