The Truth About My Life... Over Pho - CloudyApples

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Let's eat and talk about real stuff. Thoughts on fasting, suicide and cynicism.

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I dare say... You are my absolute favorite person on YouTube. 💕


I seriously love you an ungodly amount. You've been one consistent for me here on YouTube and I thank you for always being genuine! This is my favorite kind of video from you. Love it so much.


"When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable." - Madeleine L'Engle

Thank you for your vulnerability and willingness to connect. We are so moved by this video.


im a muslim and im proud of u .. what u learned from fasting is exactly what all the month of Ramadhan is about .. dont b ashamed of not making it all the month im sure next year u will b able to fast all the way with no problem.. love ur videos ^_^


I loved meeting you at the ICON summit, you're the very same in real life, and I LOVED this video, great concept :) It would be a really cool series idea! Hearing you open up about how you felt after your sister passed really touched me x


I get really REALLY worried about you when you talk about your sister, depression & such... I know what it is like and I sure know how lethal a peak of depression can be, but knowing that you have Terry in your life is very reassuring to me. I know you're gonna be safe and I'm glad to see you getting stronger. You're such a power couple, God bless you both and may you always be each other's rock.


REAL TALK. I love how open you are in this video ♡


Ahh Kassie, I always connect to you on such a deep level. It's nice though, because although I find so many similarities between us, you are so different from me and I always appreciate the outlook you have on life. You have a beautiful mind and people can learn so much from you. It was really hard for me to watch you talk about your sister; I genuinely felt pain when I watched you feel it too, but the way you handle things makes it feel a bit more okay. It was also saddening and comforting at the same time to hear you talk about negativity and some things people say on the internet. I'm a fairly small YouTuber, but when I get horrible comments from people it hurts a lot and makes me wonder what I've done to make them say that. I've realized, though, that it doesn't matter who you are or how fantastic of a person you are, everybody will get these comments. The fact that *you* get them goes to show that this is true. Anyway, thank you for the talk and for always changing people's lives. <3


Probably one of your best videos to date on a personal level. You're great Kassie.


If we had a little more of you in this world, it would be a better place..


Here is something really personal that happened to me. My older brother who would've been 39 today took his life four years ago. We got the news late at night and since then I've never been able to get a solid night of sleep. I always subconsciously think something terrible is going to happen. I think I will read that book.


Please do more videos like this! Watched every single second. You're the light


I'm so glad that you took such positive lessons and views with you from experimenting with fasting during the month of Ramadan! 

Thank you for sharing that is very big of you to do :)


I just want you to know that you are someone that inspires me to be the best I possibly can. Your channel has truly changed my life. I'm a teenager living with clinical depression and is also very heavily bullied for just being myself. Your channel has made me stronger. Thank you so much for being honest, good, and strong. It's really helped me find my way, and if it wasn't for this channel I honestly don't know if I'd be here today.


Every video I watch of yours, brings me to the conclusion that you are an amazing person and I love what you have to say!


I have no idea how you are able to talk about such deep things and past events in your life without choking up or shedding a tear. I am trying to work on expressing and sharing my experiences without letting my emotions override. It's so apparent you have done such an amazing amount of introspection and soul work-- it is the most inspiring thing ever. Each one of your videos is jam packed of moving words that leave me no choice but to feel grounded and optimistic. You inspire me to keep reading, learning, and working on life. Thank you Kassie.


I got teary-eyed by the end of the video because of how genuine you are and how some of the things you said struck a chord with me.

I'm muslim and am so proud of any non-muslims who voluntarily takes their time to understand and experience ramadan because it's tough especially for some countries who fast 20+ hours a day. At its core, ramadan is a detoxing month for the soul. It's a month where we evaluate our life and take a step towards correcting our bad habits to become a better person. It's amazing how much time we have for soul-searching when we can't eat. I'm at my most productive every ramadan haha.

I know you said that you didn't feel like you were fasting in its purest form but in my opinion, because you had thoughts like, "I can do better", you nailed the concept of the ramadan experience. I know muslims who go through the motions coming out of it the same as they were before. Although you couldn't go through the one month, you did a lot better than some of the muslims I know. I'm just so proud of you and am glad that you had some closure during this experience. I just wanna hug you tight and if you ever come to Singapore let me know so I can do just that! <3


I watch this video twice a year, never left dry eyed. It's so raw and beautiful and empowering. I know you are not active here anymore Kassie, but just know that you help a lot❤️


Kassie, I am honored to get to know you and your life better! The world can give you the best but it sometimes gives the worst. Worse than you would ever think it could come, I know so. Thank you for sharing the positivity that I am in need for, THANK YOU Kassie! <333


Thank you for being such a real person hun, I've been a silent subscriber/viewer for years now and your bright and beautiful personality has always just taken me back every time. Thank you for being you! <3
