Do We Truly Live The Same Life Over and Over? [Anthony Peake on Cheating The Ferryman] 2023

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Do we truly live the same life over and over again? Anthony Peake, author of Cheating The Ferryman, thinks so. I interviewed Anthony twice before on my channel and he has some very interesting ideas about reincarnation, synchronicity, deja vu and near-death experiences. If you’ve ever seen the movie Ground Hogs Day with Bill Murray or Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise, you’ll know what I mean. In those two movies, the characters didn’t live their entire lives over, just parts of it. But Anthony Peake really believes we live the same life perhaps thousands of times until we get it right, and then we can move on. I appreciate you watching my video and I think you'll like it. Please help support the channel if you can at the below links. Thank you!

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The first person I heard propose this idea is the esteemed author and speaker, Anthony Peake. Anthony is another brilliant mind I previously interviewed on the channel. The thought of living the same life over and over never occurred to me. But I do find the idea to be interesting and well, anything’s possible. In a short while, I am going to play an excerpt from our 2021 interview, where Anthony is explaining his reincarnation theory and how it affects us. Anthony is an engaging speaker and makes a good case that we only ever live one life, this one. For some of you, that’s an awesome thing. And for others of you, it could seem like one long continuous nightmare. Anthony is one of the few guests I interview that really looks into the science of the human brain and mind. His findings are quite unique and is books are excellent. I am currently reading through his latest book called Cheating The Ferryman. It’s essentially Anthony’s model of life after death. His model draws from a multitude of ideas from ancient philosophy to neuroscience and quantum physics to consciousness studies. In the book Anthony explains a number of seemingly mysterious experiences such as precognition, déjà vu, synchronicity, near-death experiences and out-of-body occurences. Cheating the Ferryman is really the long-awaited sequal to his best-selling book
Is There Life After Death? which was first published back in 2006. It’s interesting how Anthony uses the movie Ground Hog’s Day to demonstrate his ideas. That movie will always be one of my favorites and I love the concept of getting to live over-and-over again to get things right. Bill Murray, who plays the cynical Phil Connors character, started off being high entropy with a lower quality of consciousness. But as the movie progresses and he learns more about himself and his situation, he decides to see what would happen if he was a positive force instead of a negative one. I believe doing good deeds and learning new skills teaches Phil that life is better when you’re on the positive path. By doing so, he wins over the whole town and gets to have the romance he wants with his love interest. If only we could actually do the same. But instead, it appears you get one lifetime as you, and when you come into this life, you forget all the lessons you learned in past lives. Howdie Mickoski pointed this out in our interviews and said it’s done by the system to restrict us. However, Tom Campbell has a different view and believes a memory wipe is essential for us to live normal lives. Either way, I’m curious to know your opinion. Do you believe that we live sequentially and reincarnate into different bodies every time? Or do you side with Anthony Peake in that we live the same life over and over, similar to Groundhog’s Day. Let me know in the comment section.

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Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for another great year on youtube. 2023 is going to be even better. I'll be doing nearly 10 interviews in January and I'm looking forward to turbo-charging the channel's growth in the new year. Please support me if possible and wishing you all peace, great health and prosperity in the annus novus (new year)!


God, I hope we live our lives over again, my wife just past and I want to be with her again and again. I miss you baby so much and I love you. I'm willing to go through the pain and sorrow in my life just to be with her again. BUT I want to meet her 25-30 years earlier, because our 29 years wasn't long enough.


I definitely do not think we live the same life over and over again. I base this on my own dreams and regressions where I lived multiple lives. Also the kids who recall their last lives talk of a previous life which is not the same as the one they’re currently living.


I always had a memory of being a baby in church, thinking "oh no I'm back" and that's it, no idea what to change as no idea what was ahead of me. Always stuck with me and is what brought Anthony Peake to my attention.


Cannot have that perfect day with memory wipe. This is indeed a soul trap


We still have free will though, so each time is a little different, this is why we get de ja vu, and its why when we meet people for the 1st time, we feel like we already know them, this is a real phenomenon.


Anthony is a very nice man I have met him and I hate the idea of having to live my life over and over again until I wake up.


Yep! I've been me before (who knows how many times) and I will be me again. Laugh if you like but I KNOW it's so.


I always had this question..i can't believe other people also thought about this..thank you for this video


I had this thought many years ago..
Thank You Chad. I love your channel!!
So glad you didn’t give up.
Timing is everything


I personally believe that we live this life over and over until we get it right, then move on to another life. Unless it comes down to choice. Maybe we choose to live this life over and over until we're ready to choose otherwise. But I know that when I have deja vu's, the feeling is so strong that I know I've done this 3 - 4 times for sure. I know I have. Life is crazy, but beautiful. No matter where we all go next, let's just enjoy it and keep doing our best to love ourselves, others and the journey. <3


How can any improvement be achieved when we are born without any memory of previous existence Therefore, how can we hope to do any better? We may, in fact, make things a lot worse, which sounds like hell to me, which basically is what life is anyway, but to be repeated over again. So, if there is a deity, then that's some sadistic god, I think the Cathars were definitely on to something!


I think we move on to the next life when we get things right in this life. I had a weird thought a month or two ago that I can't wait to live this life again. Then I stopped myself and was like, what? Why would I want to live this life again? If I do live this life again, I hope I could at least have some cues on what I should be doing. I want to be on my own next lifetime when I turned 20 at least and I am going to tell my family I am going low contact from there on. I doubt they will learn if we have to go through this together again. I can't be the only one that is spiritually aware. If I have to live this life again, I am going to help my sister be a better person and stand up to my father. He can beat the hell out of me, I don't care. He can kick me out. I could go to my grandparents if that happens.


Great share to finish off the calendar year 🙌


Everyday is a new life. What happened yesterday is erased. You start all over every day. We do live our lives over and over every day. Its beautiful. I wake up every day like it's a new life.


I wouldn't mind living my life again, but what about people who are born sick or with some sort of terrible condition? They have to relive that forever? It doesn't make much sense to me.


Unless we remember our past life, reincarnation is pointless. That's why I believe this place here and now is a school. We are hear to learn. If we pass the test, we get to remember our past life and we get to move on to a new and better life because we remember what we have learned. If we fail the test then we get the memory wipe.


I feel that a system has tried to erase our memory for their own benefit, however, we are the system. So I believe the parts of us that we don’t know appear to be “our enemy or separate” So we put up our own defenses from our low Consciousness state not realizing that we are only trying to defend ourselves from our own thoughts. We can learn to bring this truth to our heart and start making Love based realities instead of believing someone other than ourselves is out to get us. We have the ability to be linear or infinite. All realities are truth and all of them have a place within us. I believe understanding this is part our growth. To understand even that which seems opposite from us or darker or lighter than us… is just US! Everything is a reflection of what we are creating, what we believe was created and who we believe ourselves to be. These can be temporary states of being if we choose or “permanent” states of being if we choose to experience a certain vibration over and over. But even “permanent “ is just an experience not an actual time or place. Just a scenario : When the word “live” looks in the mirror it sees the word “evil” . Evil may be interpreted as an outside evil by Live. It does not recognize itself because it may not know itself. Because Live is very powerful it can create any reality it focuses on. So with misunderstanding Live may create an army of other Lives to attack and destroy evil. Now evil has gained a life of its own that was birthed from Lives own thoughts. So now it is true that there is evil. Doing exactly what it was born to do. Live feels that it needs to destroy this evil not understanding that it was his own creation created in his “image” or “from his imagined mind” Not understanding that to fight evil, focus on evil or try to get rid of evil is giving the evil more energy. The evil is not working “against” its creator .. it is working for it. This is why we may all be so self destructive and although we learn as young as 2 yrs old… not to fight… most continue to believe by fighting the “bad” side or fighting for “the good” side there will be Peace. We only have peace when we realize that we are both pieces of the puzzle in Duality. So by US remembering we created these things through our under developed, yet very powerful mind. We can learn to love & forgive all parts of ourselves and this will automatically lead to understanding who we are, how powerful our thoughts are, and that it was US who gave life to darkness. Instead of nurturing it we tried to run from it and abandoned ourselves in the process. Once each “human being” understands this.. they will soon understand others and as One big Consiousness of love and knowing we will all assist in giving birth to a new, more desired reality …. These are just my thoughts on what I have put together … what are your thoughts ? Love❤️❤️❤️❤️


Happy New Year Chad. So many people, dog's I know died in 2022
I told my self you got to do the inner work so your soul evolves. Do it like it's an urgency. Peace to all.


That which created everything can probably go anywhere in time and space. And may not follow rules, either.
