How To Master Music To Get An Exact True Peak and LUFS Reading

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This video will show you how to master your audio to an exact true peak and LUFS measurement. LUFS and True Peak affect each other and therefore should be addressed simultaneously.

There is a relationship between LU (loudness units) and dB (decibels) that gives an easy formula to help you hit your target levels with precision. To put it simply, 1 LU = 1 dB. So if your master has a reading of -12.3 LUFS int (integrated), and your target is -14 LUFS int, then you would need to reduce the gain of the master by the difference, so 1.7dB (-12.3 + -1.7 = -14). I would recommend reducing a plugin on your master chain that increases gain by this amount (1.7 in this case), such as the gain on your limiter. If your master was too quiet with a reading of -20.1 LUFS int, you would need to increase the gain by 6.1dB to hit -14LUFS int.

Note: The LUFS:dB relationship becomes less consistent as the loudness increases. A 1dB gain increase of a track measuring -7 LUFS int might give you an increase of around 0.5 LUFS Int. At this loudness, the limiter reacts less transparently to the audio.

Your true peak target can be achieved with a similar approach. Though rather than adjusting the gain, we’re going to adjust the output on the limiter. If your target is -1.0dBTP (as is the recommendation for streaming services) but your track is peaking at -0.23dBTP, then you would need to reduce your output by 0.77dB. This will give you your -1.0dBTP target but will also reduce your integrated LUFS by 0.77, so you will need to increase the gain to compensate.

I recommend using a metering plugin such as LEVELS to help you get your readings as close as possible to your targets, then run your bounce through EXPOSE to get the technical summary in seconds. From here you can make any adjustments you feel are needed.

It’s not always necessary to hit your targets with this kind of precision, but knowing the formula gives you a greater mastery over your music and may help you be more efficient in the studio.
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I just keep getting back to this video over and over again since I always forgett this, but then this video helps me all the time. Thank you!


He stays giving immeasurable value. This also resolved what I was dealing with if you remember. Keep it coming Tom and thanks for the listen. ~Gee


Really love your videos and the knowledge you share and I love your plugins..I have them all.


Bro, this is what I never knew. Thank you so much


this vid solved my problem. Thank you!


excellent video! thank you for sharing


What gain do you mean at 1:45? Is it the gain plugin in the masters chain right before the limiter?


I have a track I've mastered. It's -14.7 LUFS and -1.2 True Peak. I'm pretty happy with it other than I wish it were about a decibel louder. So I thought I'd try to go for -13.5 LUFS. But it seems whatever I do the true peak is more sensitive to than the LUFS. For instance, the first thing I did was raise the gain on the Multipressor in the master chain from 1.6 to 2.0. The overall LUFS integrated went to 14.4, but the True Peak went to 1.0 which I want to keep under. Should I increase the limiter then? Shorter version of the question: How to increase the LUFS without increasing the True Peak? Thanks! I bought a copy of Levels.


Man this is slightly tough to swallow using gain plug ins to control your peaks. Gain plug ins are not forgiving like soft clippers are which can round off your transients. Why not just add a soft clipper to catch the peaks and control the momentary lufs with a limiter inserted directly after the soft clipper ? This is the way i have been doing it for over 20 years.


I really needed.this Info so badly. Thanks. so Much!!


Hello. What could I do if I have the opposite issue? I mean, on my track I have -12.5 LUFS and -2.9 dB and I can't manage to correct it :-(


thanks this might stop my mixes sounding tinny


OR just stick a Limiter that has True Peak Setting, like the Izotope Maximizer :)


Easier to understand than my girlfriend, thanks Tom!!!


Hi and thanks for this explanation. Before any mixing/balancing, what clip gain volume would you recommend setting all stems to? Example, -1dB, -3dB, -6dB etc, as clip volume will directly influence fader moves. Hopefully will help in better gain staging. Thanks!
