Mysterious Antigravity and Dark Energy!

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Again and again, researchers are confronted with ominous forces that play supporting roles in the overall picture of the cosmos, but at the same time seem to defy all known laws. So-called dark energy and its mysterious anti-gravity effect are among those aspects of research that push even the most renowned astrophysicists to the limits of their understanding. Together with you, we would like to take a closer look at this mysterious form of energy and its unique effects. We hope you enjoy this exciting topic!

Credit: NASA, ESA, ESO, SpaceX, Wikipedia, Shutterstock, ...

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My primitive understanding of all that was presented has me overwhelmed but enthusiastically wanting to learn more. However, with my limited based knowledge of the cosmos, I still conclude in my own selfish thinking that, it all sums up to the power of not the physical but the mental, when it comes to space, time, dimensions and parallel universes ect. I believe, as humans, we chase trying to understand the universe from a physical standpoint of view hoping to align that intuitively with our own existence. I believe we should consider thinking outside the box. I recognize not one of us has all the answers, yet we are on a quest eternally to make sense of it all through our natural evolutionary progression towards a greater understanding of that thing we can prove and that which we can only theorize. I may have not made much sense but I believe ironically over time my thoughts may very well bare fruit.


The only way to account for the expansion of universe and keep the conservation of energy intact, universe must not be a closed system. Meaning energy is added to the system somehow to account for the expansion.


Red shift would not be caused by expansion of space, but by movement of the light source. Red shift can also be caused by gravity and medium.


I follow the concept that matter and space interact. Matter evokes a contractive force (gravity) and space evokes an expansive force (inflation) and as one they form baryonic matter, gravity, dark matter, and dark energy.
Matter and space together constitute the essential fabric of the Universe and are conterminous everywhere from the quantum level to the Large Scale Galactic level.


There must be a "constant" that must be bound to the dark energy which is unseen just like dark matter. This constant is what I believe that must be the entire driving force behind formation of black holes and anti gravity effects around space.


Dark energy is not antigravity, but rather just negative of a gravitational pull. It is energy that creates gravity, and "dark energy" is the nucleus of the atom without motion or the electrons needed to produce the energy necessary for gravity that pulls us together. A dead atom would best describe dark matter.


What does it take to accelerate a charged particle up to the speed of light in the Large Hadron Collider? Is it possible? No. Because it takes an infinite amount of energy applied or added to the EM fields to accelerate the charged particles up to the speed of light. This is because when energy is added to the EM fields in the accelerator and the charged particles increase in velocity they also increase in mass. So it takes more energy to increase the acceleration. This acceleration to mass/energy curve implies that with an infinite amount of energy would be required to accelerate the charged particle up to the speed of light and it's mass would be infinite as well. Infinite energy is required to produce infinite velocity to infinite mass. This is why some physicists claimed that with enough energy applied to the EM fields it would create a miniature black hole having infinite mass.
Ok, then how much energy would have to be applied to the EM fields between us and the galaxies to accelerate space between us up to the speed of light? Well, it would take an infinite amount of energy added to the fields, just like in experiments here on Earth. The acceleration curve requires an infinite amount of energy to be applied to the fields between in order to accelerate galaxies up to the speed of light.
So what would it take to accelerate space and galaxies away from us faster than the speed of light? Galaxies have been observed to be traveling away from us faster than the speed of light, GN-z11 has the highest redshift I believe thus far, z = 11.09. It would take an infinite amount of energy times an infinite amount of energy applied to the EM fields in space between us and the furthest galaxy for them to be accelerated away from us faster than the speed of light. When energy is applied to the energy fields mass increases too. So, what happens to the countless particles in an entire galaxy? Would they increase in mass?
And is it called dark energy because they don't know what's creating the energy, or because the motion of galaxies accelerating faster than the speed of light away from us in every direction violates the laws of physics and theories?


Waves form can only exist in a 2D surface/plane and not in a 3D space, it can not be the path of the Photons or Electrons. If photons/electrons move in a wave path, their speed will depend on the amplitude and its frequency, therefore it is in conflict with the constant speed of the light/photons theory.

Time is not different from space. Time is not the fourth dimension. Time is the measurement of displacement of an object in space. Years, months and days are the measures of movement within a shared space in relevance to each other ( Sun, Moon and Earth). In the Atomic clock we count the oscillating atoms in a nano space in the crystal.

Electricity, Magnetism, Heat, light / Color, Mass / Weight are different manifestations of Gravity and continually convert to each other. Gravity Force moves by means of CONDUCTIVITY at a SET DIRECTION and SPEED toward the CENTER of the GRAVITY. Gravity Force is Quantitative / Quantum since it is MEASURABLE. Anything we can measure is quantitative/quantum in nature and by definition.
The DISTANCE the Gravity Force travels, determines its Mass/Weight.
The DIRECTION (in a 3D space) determines its Electrical Energies and their Polarities, its temperature and its color.

Everything we [can] see exists within Earth's gravitational field and its Connected Atmosphere.
Gravity is the fundamental force required for matter to exist.
Every formula in physics which includes constantant is FALSE. There is no constant in nature. The most accepted constant, Pi, is not a constant since nobody can determine its exact value.


I would like to hear more on dark energy here on


I am sure there are many things about our universe that we don't understand. There are probably different types of energy and Matter that we have no idea that they exist.


Energy cannot be lost otherwise it would again violate the law of conservation of energy


I think some of the theories of dark energy can reverse the gravitational pull of black holes, thank you ‼️‼️‼️‼️❕❕❕❕❗❗❗❗


It is possible that we may well be a subsystem of a larger gas pod. Possibly the product of a black hole that exploded instead of diffusing within that enclosed pod. If it were the case, we would be emptying into the original pod that would pressure us to do so. That pod of "dark energy" would probably be made of free non-atomic hydrogen, since this is the first element we encounter here. The whole process would then obey the good old PV=RT. It is just an idea.


Please go help the french version because the translation is do bad!!! Please review it. It is a good advise from a fan of yours!!!


If we accept that the universe is expanding, then it is expanding to a seemingly void space and it is this void space the source of the negative pressure exerting to our universe. A negative pressure is still energy and in this case, the dark energy.


Thanks you from Kuwait and Arabic countrys


I'm as early as the big bang itself


Could dark energy be used for space ships to reach distant stars?


Ouch, my brain, it's 4 am. Not condusive to sleep.


How about this. Gravity pushes out and mass draws Where do we go then????
