Mormon Missionaries Caught Lying

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Do not hesitate to watch and share this video, Mormon Missionaries Caught Lying!

The truth has been out about the Mormon church for years, they are not a biblical Church, nor do they practice the biblical model for evangelism. The heartbreaking reality is that these two young men were taught this tactic somewhere, it did not come out of a vacuum.

Please pray for them, pray that the Lord leads them out of this cult and into the loving arms of Christ.

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Is it just me or are most of these missionaries looking for exit door as soon as you finish your questions? Wow.


I met two young Mormon missionaries last year, one of the boy's was in his mid 20s the other was younger and on his first assignment as a mormon missionary. We spoke for maybe an hour and i was surprised at the level of Biblical knowledge that especially the older brother expressed. I advised them that i was a born again Believer in Christ, when I asked for an explanation of their doctrines, they failed to give account and made sure not to contradict the Gospel. They must rely upon the general ignorance of most people, so they can indoctrinate the vulnerable people who have not the discernment. ❤❤ Bless ❤❤


Missionaries narrate a script they have no idea what they are selling.


Keep it up Brother I was a devout Mormon, very few evangelical Christian's, bother to witness to those in the cults. Praise God, Jesus saved me 26 years ago.


Has anyone noticed when you confront them about their beliefs specifically they are always on a schedule? but they have enough time to teach the gospel of Joseph smith .


The church's goal for sending members on a mission isn't to convert others, it's to keep the missionaries


Talking in circles without actually answering a question. It’s the MO.


What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.


Yall made those boys shake like leaves on a tree with the true words of god, 🙏


As a returned missionary this is arguably THE WORST WAY TO TEACH A NEW MISSIONARY OUT OF THE MTC. Wow I would be pissed if my companion did that to me... how that elder is a trainer is absurd.


Wow, my ex husband who was an abuser and said I didn't obey him would often say we need to progress all the time. I started going to school to progress our family but he was sleeping around behind my back then lied and said he divorced me but 7 months later after catching him having sex with a stranger in our room, I then divorced him myself. He grew up mormon and ultimately abandoned his 2 girls for women to abuse and control. Reincarnation of Joseph so happy to be away from my ex. I moved 2.5k miles away from him to hawaii. Praise Jesus!


Speaking the truth in love and standing on the authority of scripture. Good work, boys. Keep it up 👊🏼


That guy made it like he didn’t know English well yet he has a typical well spoken second language


I think that the way to witness to Mormons is to be kind and gentle and ask questions and from there bring up scripture. I work with Mormons and my co worker she’s 17 was impressed how many verses I could recite and hope that way I can reach her w no hostility at work :)


I almost became Mormon recently, it didn’t feel right to me because I grew up Baptist. I can’t believe that I almost fell for a cult. The missionaries won’t exactly tell you anything until and after you get baptized what they really believe. My friend became Mormon and baptized and realized that it’s not what she thought it was.


Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord


He couldn't stop thinking about the opportunity he lost with those girls so he gave in lol 🤣


Oh I pray for these brainwashed kids. If they actually knew the “Book of Mormon” they wouldn’t have to open their book to know what they’re preaching. I’m a Christian from California. I’m currently living in Utah and I’m fed up with these kids in such a religious community. They’re the most judgemental people I’ve ever encountered.


We empathize with the young man from Tonga--Mormons lure him him with promise of better life in America if he joins this cult.--Is told he will later be able to bring his parents. He doesn't even know what he is getting into. So sad--but this is what Mormon church does.


The Tongan dude straight threw his comp under the bus. He left his jr comp to fend for himself and answer to these guys who knew what they were talking about then tried to say it was a “teaching moment” for him. It bothered me more that after he continued to poke fun at the other guy saying “he was folding” but I respect him more for standing in there doing his best while his sr comp stood there and just watched.
