Femmeuary Wrap Up | Lauren and the Books

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The books I read in the second half of the month.

Videos mentioned:
Femmeuary Part I Wrap Up:
Big Bones Giveaway:

Books mentioned:
Make More Noise:
Women & Power:
Paper Girls 1:
Purple Hibiscus:
Big Bones:
Eat Up!:

My Willoughby Bookclub affiliate link which gets you 10% off BARGAIN:

Let's be pals on social media:
Instagram: @laurenandthebooks
Twitter: @laurenthebooks
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Oh yayyy I've been waiting for you to get to Purple Hibiscus! It's in my top five books of all time. I have pushed it into the hands of so many people and some of them have been a bit upset by the content, but I think it's important to read challenging books!


Very pleased that you enjoyed Make More Noise. I read Women and Power in Femmeuary but completely forgot to pop it good Reads, shame on me. Paper Girls is ace. I’ve not read 2 and it’s on my shelves. I should. Plus I think 3 is out now.


Goodness purple hibiscus sounds challenging😳 big boned sounds ace. I’ve enjoyed doing Femmuary it’s definitely made me think more about gender and identity particularly after reading the Power. That book is amazing and I thought it’s as important as 1984 in looking at structural issues to do with power. This was lots of fun, I hope David made it safe from the weather😆


I need to get my hands on Paper Girls but my library only has the second volume! Great video, I just adore your personality!


Comic recs: DEFO Lumberjanes, Giant Days, Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting, Space Battle Lunchtime and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.


Femmuary was a great idea! Loved hearing what you and others have been reading.


I've also read Paper Girls recently and I really liked it - I definitely will be picking up volume 2. Both Lumerjanes and Bitch Planet are on my TBR but given how big I am on being late to the hype it might take me a while to actually get to them ^^


Glad to hear you enjoyed Women and Power! I can’t wait to read it 😊 funnily enough I think Purple Hibiscus was my least favourite Adichie, but I read it so long ago now that I’d like to give it another go. Congrats on Femmeuary, it’s been SUPER xxx


Wow, I’ve added so many of these to my TBR, thank you! I just read and loved Paper Girls Vol 1 too!


Oh my TBR will never stop growing. You had some fantastic reads! I read The Animators by Kayla Ray Whitaker, The trouble with goats and sheep by Joanna Cannon. The one hundred nights of hero by Isabel Greenberg, still reading from time to time Goodnight stories for rebel girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo and, the only male author, The book of awesome by Neil Pasricha. I loved this femmeuary idea!


I didn't end up participating totally in Femmurary, as I had a bit of a slump and read Children of Time at the start of the month to drag me out! Also read a lot by women though, including a few books of old fantasy series by Mary Hoffman, Pages for Her and Pages for You by Sylvia Brownrigg and of course Eleanor Oliphant! Planning to pick up paper girls very soon, I love Graphic novels. I'd recommend the newer Marvel title Squirrel Girl, it's hilarious.


My Femmuary reading consisted of only two books 'The Ruin' by Dervla McTiernan - I'm really looking forward to her next book due in 2019 and Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi's 'Kintu' which was one of my first African novels and I couldn't put it down so I will definitely put Purple Hibiscus on my tbr. Two short story collections Birds of a Lesser Paradise by Megan Mayhew Bergman and Trick of the Light by Laura Elvery were bought during Femmuary though!  Caitlin Macy's 'Mrs' is also on my radar.


I read Tamora Pierce for the first time this month and I can't believe I haven't read more by her!! Also finished The Girl Who Played With Fire which is by a male author but it's about a wonderful kick ass woman Lisbeth Salander. I loved it too... thanks for shining a light on female empowerment!


I will definitely be taking part next year! Sorry I couldn't this year, been so crazy my side! Really like the sound of Paper Girls. Hahaha DAVID!!


I enjoyed Femuary, I think if I take part next year, I'm going to do some proper research and get a number of books in to read. As I think I struggled to find books by female authors to read initially. I did break my only female authors rule as I did read Paper Girls but I loved it. I tried to borrow the second volume from my library's Overdrive but it was in German! Apparently it was a mistake but they can't get it in English, so I'll have to buy it if I want to read it.

Due to the snow, my BodyCombat class is cancelled so I'm having impromptu cosy reading night tonight!


I cannot wait to read Big Bones, it NEEDS to be read xx


For comics with awesome female characters I would like to recommend Rat Queens. It is sort of commicish though, and with a fantasysetting, but it is absolutely hilarious and I love all the main characters.


Saga is an amazing comic book series! It has strong female characters and is a super fun sci-fi adventure :)


Oops, I've been seeing good things about Paper GIrls everywhere lately and your review pushed me into requesting from the library even though I'm not supposed to be starting new series... and then since you got me thinking about graphic novels, I also requested Monstress, which I've also heard good things about :)


If you're looking for a graphic novel series starring a strong girl targeted at a younger audience, I highly recommend the Hilda series by Luke Pearson. They are super fun and fast reads. Reminds me of a cross of Princess Mononoke and Moomins!
