Femmeuary TBR | Lauren and the Books

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Here I am showing off the MILLIONS of books I hope to get around to reading during the month of Femmeuary, oops, I mean February.

Books mentioned:
Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World:
A Galaxy of Her Own:
Everyday Sexism:
Girls Will be Girls:
The Gender Games:
Attack of the 50 ft Women:
Does She Dare?:
Under the Udala Trees:
Purple Hibiscus:
The Word for Woman is Wilderness:
Sour Heart:
100 Nasty Women of History:
The Button Box:
A Book for Her:
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings:
Women & Power:
The Beauty Myth:
The Mother of all Questions:
We Should all be Feminists:
Dear Ijeawele:

My Willoughby Bookclub affiliate link which gets you 10% off BARGAIN:

Let's be pals on social media:
Instagram: @laurenandthebooks
Twitter: @laurenthebooks
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And, it looks my TBR list is ever growing, it's cool to see such a variety of books.and some great BookTubers along the way


My Femmeuary TBR is already packed full but this has given me even more to add to my list! Loving all of the empowerment 💪💪


I really enjoyed Purple Hibiscus, I hope you do too! I love this idea of femmeuary, I'm going to try and read books just by women to get in the spirit!


Love all your books on your TBR! I love the idea of Femmeuary and I will definitely be joining in :)


I thought it might be difficult to balance Femmeuary alongside my other reading challenges for the month but it turns out all of the books for my challenges are by women! This is such an amazing idea and I hope you enjoy everything you read this month 😁


Hi, Lauren! I love your idea of Femmeuary and it inspired me to finally start making youtube videos! The first one I posted was my Femmeuary TBR and I have so many more planned! Thank you for this amazing idea!! Also, so many of these books you have mentioned have made it onto my already miles long list of books to read, lol.


Nice list! I'm all for the women authors.


Definitely thinking about taking part in this, especially considering one of my goals this year is to read more female writers! And I also only just got the illustrated Women in Sports book the other day as well, so that’s quite fitting!


Absolutely love the cover for Attack of the 50 Foot Woman!! I really enjoyed I know Why the Caged Bird Sings as well... it's not exactly enjoyable but it's a very interesting read.


As I can't only read stuff I'd like to for Femmeuary because of uni, I've decided to base my extended research project around the representation of women in Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (subject to approval from my supervisory lecturer) 🙂 Lots of fantastic books here that I'm going to add to my holidays reading list x


Eee, I can't wait for this! This is such a great (and massive!) list - and they all sound so wonderful, A Galaxy of Her Own's illustrations are beautiful, I love all the children's and illustrated books you suggest, they always have great art styles. I love books about female friendships (and just friendships in general) so Under the Udala Trees should be one I'll keep my eye for. And I realllyyyy need to get around to reading The Purple Hibiscus, been wanting to for a long time now, haha! Anyways, yet another great video, Lauren - I hope you're having fun in Liverpool. I'm gonna upload my femmeuary TBR on Tuesday, can't wait! :D


You. Are. My. Favorite! 🖤📚💃🏻 I will absolutely be joining you for Femmeuary!! 🙌🏼


Quick shout out to my two favorite bookish podcasts ran by women: What Page Are You On? and The Reading Women :)


I'm pretty sure that's an extract from The Beauty Myth so if you like it there's more! I've read several of her books and they're great. Looking forward to your videos throughout the month!


Amazing list! I'm hoping to get to the Gender Games, Women & Power, and Why the Caged Bird Sings - although this one is also one I've been prioritizing for Black History Month in the States as well, so two birds one stone! I might need to pick up 100 Nasty Women and The Beauty Myth though, as both sound really good!


So many great suggestions here, I'm definitely planning on reading some of these next month!


I love the sound of The Button Box! I find beauty ideals, and fashion as identity, really interesting so I'm sure that'd be an interesting one. Looking forward to more of your femmuary videos! :)


Such a great TBR! I am definitely joining in! I am at the 6th memoir in Maya Angelou's series and they are so amazing! I think you would really like them. They're surprisingly easy reads


Such a great TBR! Im so excited about this!! :) Just filmed my TBR for this and it will be up on my channel shortly. Thanks so much for doing this Lauren! #GIRLPOWER xoxox


I loved women and power so much! I wish I saved it for femmeuary now though!
I just realised that you film your videos all in one take, i just started my channel and i think there is a cut every few minutes haha, teach me how to speak please!
