Heart Attack - Myocardial Infarction - 3D Animation

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Heart Attack - Myocardial Infarction — 3D Animation

Learn about Heart Attack - Myocardial Infarction — occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies, leading to chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

#3D #doctor #fitness #health #hospital #medicine #nurse #surgery

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Hello, I'm a nurse in Thailand. Sawan Pracharak Hospital, I found your animation to be interesting and easy to understand. Therefore, I would like to request your permission to use animation to make a video to educate patients. If you allow me, I will bring the greatest benefit to the patients. Thank you.


Just asking if this Can happen with drugs


Many people die of heart attack after a few days of chest pain. Many doctors in Cambodia not understand what is heart attack 😢


Please don't advise any patient to choose the particular corporate hospitals of South India for major surgeries.
Let's see how the so called great cardio surgeon of South India misguided my innocent father to a disgraceful death .

Infact we encountered with five unknown mysteries there in his corporate hospital in South India.
1. He rejected the most safe advice of his own another cardiologist who recommended the stent grafting of Abdominal Aerotic Aneurysm first then Bypass a month later .
2. He recommended the most fatal double open surgeries of abdominal aortic aneurysm and Bypass together with lots of high promises without discussing any word of risk on 19/10/2019 .
3.He didn't mention the fatal recommendations in his prescription.
4. He called me alone on 11/11/2019 to tell me about only 20 percent risk when payment was already made, signatures given and blood almost arranged just a few hours before Operations leaving a very little options to come out of the hospital at that critical moment .
5. At 8 pm on the day of operation his assistant told me that operation was successful, but just next morning he told that yet another operation Cholestomy will have to be done as my father had gangrene in the intestine. But in their own multiple test reports there was no trace of gangrene . In fact my father had no pain or discomfort in his abdomen.
During 22 days in the ventilation two other operations like Treakestomy and Thoracentesis totalling 5 open surgeries were done besides blood infection and septicemia.
On 03/12/2019 my father expired and they handed over the body the next day . But we find no name or signature of the surgeon in any of the medical documents handed over on 04/12/2019.
Yes, we had one fault that my innocent father trusted this award winning cardiologist more than the previous surgeon who was guiding us in correct and safe directions.
My father would not have died if he had mentioned the deadly recommendation of double open surgeries in the prescription because other doctors whom we consulted later would have alerted us about the highest risks.
My ex-serviceman father, who faught the war of 62 and 71, would not have agreed of surgeries at the age of 75 if he had disclosed the risk factors well in advance before taking package amount and before admission to hospital .
I think no surgeon on earth will recommend the double open surgeries of abdominal aortic aneurysm and Bypass without discussing its complications.
Sir, have you ever heard of such evil incidents that blind fold innocent patients to the valley of death ?
Please note that we returned home on 21/10/2019 because my father was afraid of enduring too much pressure of big surgeries at this advanced age, but during a week we got two phone calls from the hospital promising all possible assistance. In this way they had infused pseudo confidence in my 75 yr old father.
However, I don't doubt the expertise of the very surgeon who won accolades from both home and abroad. Almost all the times of the day I think why he didn't mention about the highest risk factors in the first sitting. Is it called the Corporate Ethics, Sir ?
I shall have to repent throughout my life why I went all the way to the South ignoring the hospitals of Kolkata where my father would've availed much better, sensible and well discussed treatments.
It is true that no doctor wants to kill a patient deliberately, but during the last three years I have been thinking why he discloed the fact at the last moment that the patient would die.
I wept and prayed in the four different prayer halls for 22 long days. But the inconsecrated idols didn't bother to grant my prayers.
Are not the series of incidents full of uncanny mysteries in a corporate hospital where the blatant cheating continued from the popular cardiovascular surgeon and ended with the driver of the ambulance carrying coffin :-
a) I had to pay more than five lakh to the hospital where the careless surgeon knew that the patient would die after the multiple fatal surgeries, but he didn't disclose the fact before taking package amounts.
b) A staff of Social Work section of the hospital took Rs.500/- on 04/12/2019 in the Police station premises citing the inter state clearance for the transportation of dead body .
c) The person who was preparing the body for coffin suddenly came out with blood - smeared hand to demand tips .
d) The ambulance driver who carried the coffin to Bangalore Airport didn't spare me to realize a lumpsum amount of tips even when I was running short of money and weeping how I would take the lifeless body of my father from Bangalore to Bengal .
Yet, I witnessed two positive aspects of the hospital. First a Bengali lady doctor gave psychological support during my two time daily visit to the ventilation for 22 days when I suffered stroke like conditions three times there when my father's conditions were being deteriorated. She frequently, alerted me to stay strong, otherwise, my relatives will have to come to bring home two dead bodies.
Secondly, the hospital didn't take the ventilation charges of 22 days from me, otherwise, I would have to sell my kidneys there to get my father's body released from the morgue.
In fact, I don't harbour any hatred or enmity against the particular surgeon and the hospital, but I have happened to express my unforgettable tragic and painful experience with them whom my departed father had regarded as God and lifesaver.
