The Most HORRIFIC Execution In Scottish History

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In History, there have been some barbaric and brutal execution methods which saw a condemned prisoner killed in terrifying ways. Henry VIII even boiled alive a man who was accused of poisoning, and the Romans would throw condemned victims to animals and lions. But there was one execution in Scotland which was worse, and it was carried out upon a royal Prince, and a man who had successfully plotted to kill the Scottish King. Walter Stewart was the uncle of the King James I, and he then plotted to kill him and along with dozens of conspirators they broke into the King's residence. James I was then slaughtered in a monastery, but for his actions as the mastermind of the murder, Walter Steward the Earl of Atholl was sentenced to death.

But his execution was a 3 day ordeal which saw him being hoisted up on a crane and then dropped many times to begin with. He was then dragged through Edinburgh and maimed with hot pincers on the second day before on the third day he was drawn, quartered and beheaded. His ordeal was prolonged and his suffering would have been immense.

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I don’t know about the killing but the narration on this is truly horrific.


Something very similar happened to my friend when he didn’t pay a parking ticket in Edinburgh


I think you’ll find that EVERYONE being executed is ‘still alive right until the very end’. 😂😂😂


Never ceases to amaze the many forms of torture and the willingness of people to run the risk of carrying out deeds that would lead to it!


There had to be a group of guys sitting around the castle saying, "OH, I got something that will top that..."


5:32 That's actually a Dutch 1606 engraving of the execution of the 1605 gunpowder plotters. Hung until almost dead, castrated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered. Guy Fawkes cheated the executioners by leaping from the ladder to break his neck either to instantly kill him or at least render him unconscious for what was to come.


Certainly an unpopular response.. but…. I can think of many creeps we live with in todays parasite ruling class, who deserve public and filmed demise. Unfortunately these deaths are perpetrated by the very individuals who deserve historical documented, end of life. By similar tactics. We the innocent of society. Enough.


I can't imagine getting in trouble in those days and having to die so horrifically. Another thing I have thought about. What kind of human (the executioner) could do that to another human being. Obviously, they had plenty of people willing to do it. It is just hard to understand in the 21st century.


Moral of the story …. Don’t ever get on the bad side of the Scottish 😳


Politics was always blood sport in the Kingdom of Scotland. The loving relationship between the Stewarts and Douglases was the inspiration for the Red Wedding in G.O.T. The Scottish national hero stabbed his main rival in a church with one of his henchmen finishing him off ("I mak secur" - it's in their family crest), not that it wasn't deserved. But this episode is gruesome even by Scots standards.


The mention of the witches made me wonder if this was Shakespeare's inspiration for Macbeth.


Harry should consider himself very lucky he lives in a different age. Just imagine..😅


Are we so civilised that this can't happen again. People crave watching other people and animals suffer. Boxing, cage fighting, hard contact sports, bull fighting, rodeo, violent movies, riots, family violence,'s all just below the human veneer


That, is horrific.
What sick minds to think these horrors up


Also a man involved in the mysterious death of James older brother David, the man that should've been David III of Scots, Starved to death by Walter in Falkland palace.


These people were at each others throats constantly. Bickering for the throne back and forth!
He was still alive on the third day??😮
Was the throne that important that those who tried to gain it, knew if they failed, they’d be killed in the most horrendous ways. They were willing to risk all of it for the crown?


In 1704 a local landowner in Taunton was put to death. They made him eat himself. He got as far as his 2nd leg before succumbing.


The things people did before tv came along.


Er, what about James Mitchell, the Assassin?Even "The Fanatic, " which is essentially an oblique biography, avoided the day and events of his execution.


Most historians of Scottish history agree this account of Walter Steward the Earl of Atholl's "prolonged" execution has been grossly exaggerated over the centuries as to be almost ludicrous, even you yourself have been guilty of theatrical embellishment. For instance, you reported that his entrails had been burned in front of him, yet earlier you claimed he had been blinded before this. How can he witness his entrails being burned in front of him if he was blind? I'll also refrain from mentioning the torture of your mispronunciation of Atholl, might I suggest a little more historic accuracy and less regurgitation of long-debunked Victorian accounts and sensationalism.
