Should You Forgive A Narcissist?

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Forgive them..but never speak to them again..


FORGIVE yourself and live. Forgiveness is a personal choice, forgiveness allow you to free yourself!!


Nothing wrong with forgiving but never forget!


To a Narcissist forgiveness is consent. To them it means you aren’t bothered by past abuses anymore and won’t be bothered if they are repeated in the future.


Forgiveness frees us from the grip that the Narcissist once had on our lives. I have forgiven the Narc so i can move forward but will not have them as a part of my life.


Never tell them you forgive them. .they will say..."for what?"..😳


Have forgiven myself for not listening to my intuition, but being so naive for such a worthless person to cause me such pain over a decade, on the other hand i have to forgive that demon in order to heal, I'm doing it for myself, not the demon. A worthless narc doesn't deserve anything good from me. Its a lesson I learnt the hard way. I will never forget neither will i allow that again. Never.


Should you forgive a narcissist? NO!!! CONDEMN AND DISCARD THE GARBAGE!!!!


"where attention goes energy flows" let go and start living


Never forgive a narcissist what they did to you was intentional Never accept a narcissist back into your life, they will only come back to finish the job.


These narcs are never really sorry. They are just looking for a way to start their abuse all over again. Forgive for yourself and move on but never forget.


Unfortunately I found the only way for me to move on was to forgive. To forgive someone who's not sorry and will never say their sorry is a difficult decision, but holding on to past hurt was holding back my healing and moving on. As soon as I forgave him it was closure, with no more holding on to past mistakes I felt lighter and free. I know to forgive a narcissit is just giving them a get out of jail free card and handing back power for them to come back around and lie, cheat and manipulate all over again I just didn't have the strength to hate or feel guilty anymore, I wanted so badly to move forward and forgiveness was the key to me moving on. For some people it may not be so easy to forgive someone who has hurt them so badly, but it is just me showing the empathy and understanding for someone I once cared about. Don't get me wrong I have forgiven, but there will be no forgetting. For me the damage my narcissitic relationship has done to me mentally, physically and emotionally is more than enough to remind me to never be fooled again. I'm stronger and wiser in every way.


Can't forgive people that want to do you in.


Forgive yourself for allowing them into your life only to crush


Should you forgive a Narcissist? .. That is a big fat NO from me.


Those insects are evils I wish they could be deleted in this environment!


The definition of 'forgiveness' has changed over the years. When we were more religious minded, forgiveness meant it was as though the sin never occurred. Slate wiped clean. It was an event that mainly effected the transgressor and happened as a result or remorse and repentance. The newer interpretation of forgiveness has more to do with the victim. It means not holding a grudge or bad feelings towards the transgressor. This really isn't forgiveness in its truest form as it has nothing to do with repentance so the transgressor can generally carry on with the offending behaviour. It is probably healthy to not hold a grudge, but when there is no repentance there cannot be actual forgiveness in its truest form. God requires repentance...why wouldn't we? But let go of the anger. PS...There are cases in the Bible where there is forgiveness granted due to ignorance of the offence (Forgive them Father, for they KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO) Woe betide the ones who DO know.


I have forgiven my ex narc husband!!! So I could free myself!!!


I actually.."THANKED"...the narc that chose me...for the experience...I learned my lesson loud n clear!!!


I forgive myself. It was my responsibility to avoid people like this. Now it is so late in life that I feel cheated but again I take responsibility for that.
