Sisters (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 OST)

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All credit goes to Tyler Bates and all other musicians for creating this wonderful soundtrack.

If you like what you hear, buy the soundtrack here:
tagged: guardians of the galaxy 2 soundtrack, guardians of the galaxy 2 score
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Infinity war spoilers

I can imagine Thor and Nebula bonding in Avengers 4 for a couple of reasons, one being that they remind each other of their lost sibling, another being that they are both out for revenge against Thanos. They are both characters that have tried to contain their pain, Nebula by being cold and refusing to acknowledge it, and Thor by joking and openly admitting how he feels but downplaying it immensely. They both had adopted siblings that they struggled to agree with but both loved dearly. They have both lost everything, are truly alone, and I really hope that Marvel lets them naturally gravitate towards each other in the same way I hope they let Rocket and Tony bond. In addition, just to throw around more parallels, Gamora and Loki were two of the only deaths in Infinity War that were not caused by the snap (the others being off-screen Asgardians and Heimdall, as well as of course Gamora's planet). This makes those two stand out, and provides a link between them, and therefore a link between their siblings.
There are a lot of reunions we need to see at the end of Avengers 4, and there of course will be some we don't see. I hope that if Gamora and/or Loki aren't brought back that Thor and Nebula find comfort in each other due to shared experiences.


Nebula: “You were the one who wanted to win and I JUST WANTED A SISTER”
Nebula: “You were all I had, but you were the one who needed to win! Thanos pulled my eye from I head...and my brain from skull...and my arm from my of you!”
