DIY MIDI Footswitch Demo

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Designed around a Teensy 4.1, this 18 button pedal let's me control the functions of my #roland #RC505. It's midi though so can control anything with a DIN connector.

The Teensy 4.1 had a USB host on board too though, I'm planning on connecting a USB hub so I can plug all my USB Midi devices through it such as my #gr55, #hdp20, and #zoomb1four.

Should be interesting to see what I can do with it all connected!

Рекомендации по теме

This is awesome!
I'm looking to build something like this, to control two Raspberry Pis (one with a pisound interface with a MIDI in, and one with USB audio interface). One has a 5 DIN connector so hoping to use a software serial port to send commands to that, leaving the USB serial for MIDI to the other :-)
