You Don't Have A Constitutional Right To Bear Arms #shorts

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Welcome back to iron Sights After Dark! This is the first of 7 episodes we're dropping from a Vegas suite at SHOT SHOW 2023. I had the honor to sit down with Senior Litegator Cody Wisniewski from The Firearms Policy Coalition. Cody dives deep into his background in this episode. Wisniewski earned his B.A. in Joint Honours Classics and Philosophy from the University of Ottawa and discussed briefly living in Canada during this episode. He then graduated from the University of San Diego School of Law. While at the University of San Diego, Cody served as Federalist Society President, Vice-Chair of National Teams for the Appellate Moot Court Board, and an Executive Board member for the San Diego International Law Journal. He regularly speaks to industry groups, law students, and everyday Americans about the Constitution and his work and it was a first on the show to actually sit down with an attorney.

When it comes to working with the FPC, Wisniewski has already worked on a number of cases, including Sullivan vs. Ferguson, California vs. ATF, Syracuse vs. ATF, and led the FPC's victory against New Mexico’s Aragon v. Grisham.

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Guy 1 "That right is just being..."
Guy 2 "Donuts"
Guy 1 "Infringed!"
Guy 2 "Yeah Yeah"


When liberals try to talk right.
This man is high.


There are people who are great at making points, this guy is not one of them.


ALL MEN DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES whether they want to participate in the
institutions of men or not the United States Supreme Court confirmed this when they said:
“…, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not
bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." -- Cruden v.
Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term 1796.


Those are just a few U.S. Supreme court rulings. People need to learn the law and stop being & believing fools that don't know the law. We have all been lied to by judges & lawyers that know this is the law but you don't so you get screwed!!!


Is why I don't get why people are going out and getting permits....


Every actual Right in existence is logically dependent upon the most basic and essential Right of all: the Right to one's life. If you hold that as true, then you must also, logically, have a Right to preserve your life through self defense. The moment anyone accepts laws that prevent, or even simply hinders, that Right, is the same moment that person is accepting that they are a slave. Because slaves are the only people who have no right to their own lives.

However nice your accomdations are, whatever luxuries you have, if you do not have an inviolable right to your life, you are fundamentally no different than some wretch toiling in a plantation. Your masters might see to it, for now, that you have the illusion of freedom, but do not be shocked when they take measures to put you in your place.


WhT it was before the laws of the land were established is nonsense. We live under the Constitution


And if it’s not protected I’m gonna protect it


Your right exists if you are in a well regulated militia


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie…


If we ever have mandatory anything it should be mandatory gun training in high school


Let me add a little to make it more specific. We don’t have constitutional rights we have “Constitutionally Protected Rights interpreted by the Supreme Court which interprets them in arbitrary ways to take our guns away”


It’s a slippery slope comparing a right to just anything you can do. At some point, you’re just forcing others to do what you want just because you can.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie.


How do you defend yourself against ", the judiciary system ", and forgiveness ", shoot someone ", you will go to jail ", even defending yourself ", you cannot determine " who gets forgiveness ", that is the laws job"?" Is that not correct ?",


Totally wrong. We were English citizens before we became the USA. English citizens did not have the right to keep and bear arms.


Unfortunately rules only exist when they are enforced. Most the time they aren't.


Where does the term "arms" end? Does it extend to RPG and SAM batteries? That's should be the real conversation. Arms capabilities in the 18th century are a far cry from whats available now. What are we defending against? I understand civilian peer protection, but the implication is often protection from tyranny of an oppressive authority. Small arms will not be a very effective deterrent if that oppressor is the US military. They have an incredible monopoly of force. Im tired of people like this trying to pretend this is a simple issue. Its very nuanced and complicated


People confuse the difference between having a right and physically being able to do something, under this logic everyone has the right to murder people it just isn’t constitutionally protected. Dumb take
